ITT: Ask the opposite gender anything

Before you post a question, check the FAQ to see if it's already been answered.
Keep questions short for more answers.
If you're not going to like honest answers, don't ask your question.
And please no derailing arguments.

>Do girls/guys like ?
>What do girls/guys think about
There is no one answer. Preferences differ, but complexes are always a turn-off.

>I'm shy and afraid of people/rejection. What do I do?
Get over it by practising and exposing yourself to it, little by little, step by step. There is no single magical moment that will instantly change you forever.

>I like someone. What do I do?
>How can I tell if someone likes me?
Ask them out.

>Where do I meet girls/guys?
Anywhere outside. Or online.

>Someone did something insignificant. What does it mean?
Nothing significant. You're overthinking it.

>XYZ happened. Interpret this for me please
We're not in their head, we don't know.

>This person did something that hurt my feelings. Why do guys/girls do this?
Because shit people are shit people. It's not a gendered thing.

>Someone has made it super clear they're no longer interested in me. Do I still have a chance?

>Where do I go on a first (or subsequent) date?
Pick one or more of the following: coffee, lunch, dinner, drinks, ice cream, movies, zoo, aquarium, museum, art gallery, .

>I'm an insecure/suicidal/anxious person who doesn't leave home
Watch these and follow these channels:
[YouTube] The Unspoken “Secret” to EVERY Transformation! (embed)

>Guys insecure with their 4+ inches dick
Fuck off

>Why is there no new thread?
Create one yourself. You can use these macros:

Attached: file.png (640x427, 119K)

Other urls found in this thread:

What could this signify?

A girl touching my elbow when she was breaking of from an event we organized. While she hugged the two other male organizers around the same time. (For what its worth, none of us met prior to this actually.)

>How can I tell if someone likes me?
Ask them out.

>Someone did something insignificant. What does it mean?
Nothing significant. You're overthinking it.

>XYZ happened. Interpret this for me please
We're not in their head, we don't know.

For the men who are miserable and hate women, why don't you move to Saudi Arabia? Or kill yourself? Surely if you truly believed your dangerously misguided world views and weren't in denial and blaming others, these would be the logical solutions.

Girls are you open to your bf having a foot fetish if it means frequent foot massages and occasionally paid for pedicures? What do you think of the fetish in general?

>been chasing girl for 3 months
>finally kiss last saturday
>she says she likes me too and that she'd been wanting that kiss for a while
>we're together again monday
>go for a kiss
>she dodges
>"I'm sorry user, but I still think about my ex and if I'm gonna be with you, I want to be fully dedicated to you, and not be thinking about someone else"
>turns out she broke up with her "not bf" (they were fwb apparently) a little over a month ago

What do I do now? Do I wait for her to come around? I don't wanna give her an ultimatum, and I don't want to lose her friendship because I really like her as a person, but everytime we're together and she wants to hold hands and hug and cuddle and when she lets me kiss her neck and sits on my lap and lets me carry her around I just feel like I need that something extra, I can't be doing these things as just her "friend". One time she said, on the subject of waiting for her, that "I have to be willing to take the chance", and I really feel like telling her something like "I have to take the risk and wait for you, but if you don't hurry you're the one who's risking losing me" but I'm afraid it might be too "agressive".

PS: She's introduced me to her mom. Apparently she had never introduced anyone to her mom before, and I don't know what this means either.

Nuclear annhiliation

Why do some males call me “darling, sweetheart, sugar” casually?

At first I thought it was something to do with the area I live in, customers, coworkers, then my bosses. I’ve been sent different places for work and noticed the same thing too.
I’m a little autistic so I just go along with it, I’m just curious why guys do it

I don't hate women. I hate capitalism and women become whores and gold diggers because of it. Marriage and dating is all about social and financial gains. I don't know if true love exists. I have lied to myself constantly and i stopped couple days ago. Profit is theft.

To be in denial is pretty common among people, the shitty boss who doesn't realize poor performance comes from their poor leadership, a person with a serious medical issue that they won't see a doctor about because then it is "real", or loser who blames the world rather than work on themselves.
I'd bet at least some of them realize they are wrong some times, but to constantly be aware of something uncomfortable can be pretty overwhelming.
Also hope for things to get better seems pretty ingrained into people as well.

I mean, its weird and just somewhat gross to me but if my bf were to have an interest in feet I wouldn't mind it too much. I'd be open to letting him do what he'd like but I would hope he wouldn't be the kind to like dirty smelly feet.

I'd have to clean them whenever he wanted to focus on it.

I was asking about the difference in how they acted with me and the others... Sooo what you said doesn't really apply

She wants to sell your testicles in the black market. Run.

Yipes, that's not reassuring. I like smelly feet as long as they're not dirty. Guess I won't mention that.

It's just them being friendly, it's kinda old fashion but some girls do the same thing to guys

Nah, that woulda been my ex, not this one.

>XYZ happened. Interpret this for me please
We're not in their head, we don't know.

Quick Question.

My butthole is itching.
I tried itching a lot over my trousers on the butthole area and it's not helping.
Went to the washroom and itched the butthole over my underwear.
I even pooped.
Nothing is helping.
I'm meeting a person regarding office work later on and how do I get off my butthole itching?

Please help.

( x )

ask a doctor

It seems like my friends all at one point or another had girls start flirting with them. I have not experienced this but I can't tell if I haven't noticed it or not. What are some ways girls flirt? Yes, I have flirted before but when it's been established their into me.

What do girls do when they flirt with someone

No time!

are you a girl

Try to get some warm water. Like, the warmer the water, the better. Pour directly on your asshole. That should give you a relief and possibly even get the itching away.

she's probably one of the touchy-feely types, no need to delve further. Lot of people that just touch people randomly, especially if they're foreign

Question for the females here.

How weird is it when i try to start a conversation with someone in public transportation that smiled at me?

shaved or hairy dick?

basically rape, don't ever do this.

girls, do you prefer
>guys who dont really give a shit how they dress but has the sense not to look like a bum
>pretty boy twink looking guys
>sporty chad looking guys

How do I ask someone out or just talk someone when they're always with their friends. Btw, I don't know her personally, and we don't have any class in common

why not

Most likely. We'll I know I'll be working with her alot from now on. So we'll see what happens during the meetings and other things we plan.

is this your first time in the big city Cletus, what the fuck do you mean "why not"

why not talk to people

I want to say it's affectionate. You're probably not aggressive and don't look like you're slated for a promotion any time soon, you're harmless and small, they naturally adore you.

Could also be sexual depending on the context. Or more rarely, demeaning, also depending on context. Think Milo Yiannopolous.

why should I care who you are

You shouldn't.


It always feels really uncomfortable, but I've never had a bad reaction from talking to people. I live in Canada though, so maybe we're just actually as polite as people say and it wouldn't fly in the US. I think you should go for it, just to gain some experience.

and yet the trip remains

Because he's insane and it helps to be able to dismiss what he says if you can tell he's the one saying it.

Because then redguard will stop you and say "not cool"

So why keep the trip, tripfag?

I think you guys dislike me because my advice is so good. You can't compete with me even if you tried and it makes you angry.

Recognize, you guys contribute nothing to this board. You're just piranas nipping for whatever tiny piece of flesh you can scavenge.

is there not a single thread on this fucking train wreck of a website that doesn't have at least one mental trip shitting it up for no reason day after day?

at times its good but you need a certain degree of mental health to realize when that is actually happening

I dislike you regurgitate whatever retarded ideas you got off r/theredpill

dislike you *because you

how do i get laid if i hate talking to people and dont know where to draw the line between flirting and harassment

I see you give sound advice. Are you on a mission? I am.

I'm offended you would think I go to reddit.

If you don't like me, filter me. It won't hurt me, but it'll make you feel much better.

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This website was here for me my whole life, so I'm trying to give back.

god no. I take care of massaging myself also professional treatment and I'm ticklish. I genuinely find fetishes creepy. I like romance and passion not weird kinks.

Feet fetishea mean there is literally something wrong with you. You are wired incorrectly..

Not that guy, but what about ballbusting? Would you date a guy into that?

She likes you vut she hasn't had time to move on. She doesn't want to rebound with you..The timing is wrong. I say do what you feel, you can wait but she might go back to him or rebound for a while someone else or she might not. You might meet someone and if you decided to wait miss out and if not feel guilty for moving on. So don't decide anything. Just do what you feel. I'd say don't expect to wait for anyone. Stay friends if you want.


Somebody's gotta be here to clean up the vomited alphabet soup you consider guidance.

>text girl a picture with timestamp showing how the library is empty right after it opens and how that's awesome (showing where I sat)
>she replies an hour or two later when she wakes up
>comes to the library and sits somewhere that's not in direct eyesight with me but I'd pass her while leaving
>went and said hi to her as I was going out to lunch
>she wanted to come with me and we had lunch together
I don't get it. Why didn't she just come and say hi or sit with me? She's not really a shy person.

>I genuinely find fetishes creepy. I like romance and passion not weird kinks.
Marry me.

NO. She's mine!

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Taken brah.
There's plenty more romantic women than kinky out there. Not hard to find.

I thought we've established that you get off to hitting women?

So far they have been. Hopefully I've just had bad luck.

Boyfriend HATES when I touch his balls. Why? He said they are very sensitive but in porn I see guys getting their balls felt up and it doesn't hurt them.

You sound like a boring fuck if you can't appreciate kinks or fetishes.
Not a girl, but just tell her. Foot fetish is really fucking tame in comparison to other things.

Are you death gripping them or pinching the testicles?

Its even if I just lay on hand on them at all. Before I even try to gran them. Like if I just rest my palm on his balls he pushes my hand away and tells me to stop


Would there ever be a reason why you 'couldn't do' a relationship? My boyfriend broke up with me because he said he has too much going on (family drama). I saw him a few days ago and we had a short conversation and he said he still isn't in a place for a relationship but asked if it'd be okay to contact me. How bogus is this?

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That's weird. Maybe he had a bad experience with a girl touching his balls. If my gf grabbed mine, I'd be pleasantly surprised to say the least.

Different guys at different times have vary different sensitivity in their balls. Personally I don't mind my gf gently fondling them, but some guys might absolutely hate it.
In general though, never use porn as a metric for what actually feels good.
I have no science to back it up, but I think guys with big balls are less likely to have trouble with them being touched.

I don't think it is bogus but don't hold your breath. Usually somebody else who fits the situation will fill the void.

Not bogus at all. Sometimes people just can't focus on relationships. Would you rather be dating him and just have him never be able to make time for you or be in a shitty mood whenever he's around you?

I mean, as much as I want a gf, I think I probably shouldn't be in a relationship. I don't know that I'd have the maturity to make that call in the moment though, but it's certainly possible.

>I think guys with big balls are less likely to have trouble with them being touched.
That might make sense so. His balls and his penis are quite small. His penis is exactly 4 inches when its hard and he has a medical condition that made his left testicle not descend properly. Its not an issue for me though.

castration anxiety
we all have it to some degree

No , I would work through the easy times and hard. The result would always be a stronger, better relationship with the woman I love.

The only dealbreakers is when the woman loses, or has no morality. Immorality is a dealbreaker as it dissolved the fabric of the relationship.

>How bogus is this?

>You sound like a boring fuck if you can't appreciate kinks or fetishes.
Agreed. I love the emotional aspect of sex and that certainly takes precedence over sexual fetishes, but I wouldn't be able to enjoy it in its entirety if we never did anything fun or different. Having a fetish doesn't make you weird and willing to bet that poster has her own fetishes.

Been snapchatting this girl that goes to a college near my area, we met on tinder and have been what I presumed to have been flirting. I am returning to college soon and jonesing to persue her, problem is that she has femme4femme on her insta bio, hinting at her being a lesbian. Now, should I still approach her, I wanted to hang out with her more and just fool around but I dont wanna disrespect or make her uncomfomtable

How do you go about kissing a girl? At the end of a date? I feel like asking is a really awful un romantic idea but I also don't want to be creepy about it

Not her, but while I admit I have some fetishes, I don't think indulging fetishes is necessarily a good thing.
If someone fantasizes about torturing animals, I don't think anyone would disagree that that person probably wouldn't benefit from watching videoes of animal vivisections.
But if somebody fantasizes about violently raping someone, we're all supposed to consider that completely fine and totally normal.

My girlfriend is flat chested (AA cup) and rarely takes her bra off around me. It's not a problem for me but she gets upset whenever I try to talk to her about being more confident in her body. How can I help her?

He *really* liked me and we got along really well together. I do miss him but it hurts that he ditched me.

I was hoping I could help him through this hard time by being supportive.

Thank you for your input.

Yes, it hurts that he doesn't want my support during this time. I'm not someone who abandons a friend or boyfriend just because it's a bit rocky.

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Guy here

Just try, go for it. And if she shys away, laugh it off.

Actually happened to me a few nights ago, she shyed away from me at the last moment and I missed the kiss. She was awkward and made a peck on my cheek to save face I guess. But I stood back and giggled "I was going for a kiss".

Just be shameless. If you want it, do it. She'll deny if she doesn't want to.

Also listen to your heart big time. Only kiss if you want to and it feels right. Send a radio beacon to your heart and back and see what it says. Only takes a split second, but you'll get the best answer from your subconscious than your conscious.

That's what a foot fetishist would say.

Listen to her and don't tell her things.

Read men are from mars and women are from venus.

There are so many reasons why a person might not be ready for a relationship, despite what the male stereotype of fucking whenever the opportunity arises might have you believe.
Family drama is a good reason, and so is anything that might either get in the way of your relationship or will be put at risk given the relationship.
It's an entirely responsible thing to be able to say "I just don't think I can handle a relationship well right now"
Sure, it MIGHT just be an excuse to reject you, and in that hypothetical situation he would be far from the first person to use that excuse, but it could also be an entirely valid and honest reason.

Asking is a really awful un romantic idea, but in the era of #metoo I think the kind of girl that would have a problem with asking is probably not a very good partner, especially for the type of guy that posts on Jow Forums. You want someonewho's understanding and supportive when you're uncomfortable, not someone who expects you to be made of stone all the time.

Suck on her nipples like you're a diabetic and her itty-bitty titty committee is filled with apple juice.

Honestly just drop it. I'm flat as a fucking board and the last thing I want my bf doing is acknowledging that. I'm plenty confident in other things about myself, and I'm sure she is too. Rather than tell her to be more confident, try complimenting her on the things you know she's proud of.

So telling my gril I like her flat chest and calling her little girl all the time is bad?

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He asked me if he could contact me and I said yes. Should I allow him back in my life?

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But what if I'm honestly into that feature of her?
Former fwb had nice big boobs but would always keep them strapped in because she didn't like them

When you're both ready, yes.

>would always keep them strapped in because she didn't like them
What a bitch. Girls who don't like their cowtits should be gassed.

Are there any clear cut indicators whether or not a girl is or isn't interested in more than friendship?

mate lad you have allowed two women to hide their breasts away. Why are you allowing this? Take them tiddays.


You can say "I like your tits". That's fine.
If you say "I like your small tits, so don't worry that they're small as fuck", you aren't going to get a nice reply.

Thanks user.

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I don't see why not, it doesn't sound like your breakup had any bad blood, so really it's up to you if you can handle being 'just friends' with your (hopefully temporarily)ex, some people can and some can't.
It COULD be awkward given your history and I understand 'downgrading' a relationship like this kind of sucks, but at the very least I think his intentions are sincere, so it's up to you.
I would keep in touch with him in your place, probably, at least try to and see if it's not too awkward or frustrating.

There are no clear cut indicators, user. A girl could be super flirty but still not be interested in a relationship.

>tfw gf told me she thought i had a big dick
y-you too

What are you even trying to say?