
Hello Jow Forumstards, just finished watching the matrix. Pls explain this

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matrix was way ahead of its time

we literally live in a simulation

all things are information

nature has patterns

everything can be calculated

math was discovered, not invented

Matrix was made by 2 baphomet tranny's.

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it was plagiarised from ghost in the shell

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What sort of hair sorcery do they perform?

Pretty sure it was a french book, from like the 80s


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the faggots them selves said they got their inspiration from ghost in the shell they were watching as teenagers

cia brainwashing, mossad mightve been involved too
>stay safe sandniggerbro

Too many redpills do THIS?

mind blown

>The government can make you a tranny with brainwashing.

How would they do this? Wouldn't you return to normal once the drugs wore off?

Bradley Manning, or whatever is her name now, just one of the cases
>you know things
>they brainwash / torture you
>making you break and adopt an obscene new personna discrediting your opinion / work / life
Way less obvious than just killing those who speak up

they never made a good movie after the matrix

I'm quite aware of how this works. Like I said "wouldn't you go back to normal once the drugs wore off?"

You mean neuromancer?

What part of
>they break you
is hard for you to understand, to break mean go clinically insane, as you hopefully know all trannies are

Te monthly matrix thread. Fuck off

Fucking jews. Nukes one day inshaAllah

Stay safe porn director bro, prague’s a beaut

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Ill knock your teeth out if I ever see you here nigger, fuck yourself

Both of you stay out of Europe, I don't care that you're Aryans, just GTFO.

>We will keep tasering you in the nuts unless you say you're a girl
>OK you win I'm a girl
>Get released
>Fuck you I'm not a girl here's what they did to me.

TL/DR This type of mindfucking can only be achieved with drugs.

The fuck are you doing watching movies, motherfucker, ain't you got to bomb to dodge?

Too late slavshit, already been there twice (and thats all I’ll say ;) :^)

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shut the fuck up nigger
god youre such a retard, you think the most wealthy and connected groups on this planet are ignorant as to how completely fuck a persons mind up? You really think they taze your balls and hit you with a hammer? fucking mutt, ofcourse chemicals are involved, I love how you think you got it all figured out while the height of your perspective are some LSD trials done by the CIA in the 70s

Chose czeck over you poomania, literally a non existent cuck country

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I never visited your goat fucking shithole and I never will, cope harder subhuman

In movie Public Enemy main villan was born on 9/11 and it's from 1999

Coudn't they pick another fucking date?

>sep 11/sep 01
>11 11/11 01
Neo was the one shit for brains. 2011 would have been more consistent but then they had have to create future tech so it was left 2001

> ofcourse chemicals are involved

That's what I have been saying. You can also stop taking chemicals at any time is what I'm getting at. They can't force you to drug yourself outside of imprisonment.

They were punished by the Hollywood site for making the film. Same with Keanu.

Okay it sounded kind of cool until your last line. Nobody claims to have invented math. Anybody that actually thinks that is retarded beyond all saving. You’re despicable.

Um, user..........

No magick, just a couple wigger chix with dix

They break you so hard you will voluntarily go with them and their plan, they literally do with you what they want and you will love it, thats how it works, they dont have to force you when its over

They were hit with the softkill transgenderism after the matrix trilogy was finished, user

9/11 was planned a long time before 9/11

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Pretty unreadable and stolen from another user (text). Tried to stick with the theme though...

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You mean Plato's Allegory of the Cave?

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Well, his passport was issued in 1991, and it'valid fora ten year period, hence 2001.

Universal synchronicity, latent psychic ability of the writers, or mere coincidence.

Let me tell you a true story:
On 9/10/01, a kid pointed to the twin towers in his classroom and told his teacher that “tomorrow those buildings will be knocked down to the ground.”

On 9/11/01 the Twin Tower terrorist attacks happened.

Of course the FBI investigates the kid, the family, every one of the family’s friends seven steps removed, books, journals, computers, internet history, etc... and finds nothing.

They found nothing because there was nothing to be found, it was either universal synchronicity, latent psychic ability of the kid, or just dumb luck.

Chance is a huge thing in this universe, it’s called Entropy in physics, and it’s what makes time literally exist as flowing from the past into the future, because entropy increases, meaning a progression from ordered predictability to disordered probability. That’s why rooms get dirty, people get old, shit burns, shit breaks, etc.

>voluntarily go with them and their plan

but that stops when you're no longer in their custody. If you really wanted to fuck over your captors you take a vial of the mystery drug you're taking to the nearest forensic lab while the media is watching.

>shut the fuck up nigger
My people lived on the islands of Britain, and Northern France for the last 5000 years, where the fuck did you come from, you fucking gypsy? You just arrived here 700 years ago, you're a fucking foreigner, GTFO of Europe.

V for vendetta was good, dope.

Im sorry but I find it really offensive you have the gut to argue againts the process of the most elite of elites and their methods, its just screams juvenile anti intellectual angst to me, the concept of mindfuck is really simple, they mindfuck you so hard you become cooperative, there is no rebellion, there is no winning for you anymore, youre done

so for the love of fucking god stop pretending to be smart with your fucking detective tought act you retard

You mean the Cave Paintings?

You’re full of shit, they were both openly gay until they discovered they felt they were women all their lives internally.

And nothing happened to Keanu, he’s still making millions.

Maybe subliminal messages? They were everywhere

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>so for the love of fucking god stop pretending to be smart with your fucking detective tought act you retard

Well if you know how well this works maybe you could enlighten me instead of trying to use ridicule to silence me.


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There is zero evidence anything like that happened to the Wachoesku brothers. You just can’t sccept that the basis of all your fake political mythology and “redpill” bullshit actually originated with the very social groups you hate the most.



You mean dinosaur shit

>shows random ring dated 1911
>no evidence of ownership
>much jesuits and muh Deep State now niggers did it.

Are you trolling, or just actually that poor a critical thinker?

trannie mental breakdown in progress

Muh 9/11.
>japs massacre 20 million chinks
>nobody cares
>3000 amerimutts in jewyork die
>greatest tragedy ever

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A lengthy process most easily applicable onto blank slates ie. children, when done to adults its more complicated so blackmail and some sort of mutual ground is reaches as to make the subject willing to follow its handlers wishes, drugs can be used, a variety of them, to further promote the effectiveness of many of their advanced processes they have mastered over the centuries, point is you dont get to talk what you want after theyre done with you, either through fear and blackmail, or through hard conditioning.

No. Baudrillard “Simulations and Simulacra”

>japs massacre 20 million chinks
>nobody cares
how many insects have you stepped on the way to the banks schlomo

> Israeli flag
At least cover up the flag kike.

Well,fine, see if I care if your house blows up, paki.

Maybe subliminal messages affected the terrorist attacker’s choice of date, and that gave rise to the illusion of extreme coincidence. It was well-known that osama bin Ladin was a huge fan and consumer of American Hollywood movies. Like thousands of contraband dvds were found in his compound in Abbottabad.


This would be the only mechanism that could possibly explain how "brainwashing" would work (long-term). I'm guessing people who can't (or resistant) to black mail would just be suicided instead.

Totally bro, because that makes a lot of sense

Psychos just love signing themselves

Punishment for the redpilling.

fbi user has returned ahhh

you can be smart, good job

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No one blackmails people into changing their sex.

Lordy you people are psychotic.

If you finished watching the matrix you should enjoy this pic.

Attached: Matrix_Redpill_Explained.jpg (1004x2958, 1.44M)

They got MKultra'd and turned into a trannies as a punishment for making the movies.

read naive sheep

Actually it makes perfect sense.

And your second sentence is not translatable into any meaningful human concept.

Fake and gay.

great book

Its amusing im better with your own language than you are apparently, dios mio Juan

I believe this.

He wasn't there. He was dead ten years before the fake raid. See the interview with Bhutto by Frost just before she was killed.

Watch "The Minds of Men" for an in depth look into how fucked and varied the depths of mind control can go, and that only covers up until the science stopped being mainstream documented in the late 70s.
>If I only knew how bad it is now

You really are psychotic. I recommend Seroquel. Or you are a closeted trannie, which is why you’re so scared of them and seek to vilify them, even though you probably don’t know one in real life. Your suppressed unconscious desires scare and disgust you.

nice share, thank you. i love a good film review.
the smurfs is another example of israel's control over america. the jew ruining the smurfs times name is 'ishmael' or something like that. tucker maxx of all people wrote an essay bout it

You actually made zero sense in your previous post, and this post is a huge indicator of your fundamentally fragile ego and insecurity. I’d suggest therapy.

The Matrix was a rip-off of Simulacra and Simulation from 1981 which was ripped off by the pedofag who wrote The Invisibles comic in the late 90s. The comic was full on satanic/mind-control/hollywood kid-fucking trash so it's no surprise the trannies picked up on it and made it such a hit. Had nothing to do with Ghost in the Shell, the faggots just used that as an excuse so they wouldn't have to admit they ripped off a pedo comic.

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Youre in the wrong place, discord tranny

You have a link or pic of said essay on the smurfs?

He's dead. His Tesla took off at maximum speed and slammed into a tree. No telemetry was sent. Fire brigade unable to approach due to extreme heat. See Vault 7 leaks for CIA ability to take over cars.

no, i read about his review in one of his books. maybe i hope the serve beer in hell, or assholes finish first

>t. Dunning-Kruger mathlet
There's plenty of arguments to be made against mathematical constructivism. But not even being aware of the debate doesn't make you any more right, it just makes you an idiot.

Keanu dated a tranny.

No he wasn’t. Osama was killed in the raid on Abotabad. You are promoting a terrorist cover story designed to shift blame from the people who did it, al queda, to the victim, America.

How does it feel to be working for the very dark skinned Islamic terrorists you claim to hate? (Assuming if course you’re not a Muslim terrorist sympathizer using s vpn.)

CAN we get out ? ?

How much dick do you exactly suck on a daily basis?

LOL, 10/10 bait

not really suprised but being a "NPC" what am i or YOU gonna do about it... thats why i just ignore this shyt and just go play my video games or watch porn

Now I dare you to watch this red pill on Matrix.
They lied to you user.

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So you know it's a Jesuit ring? It says 911, not 1911.

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She said she just had a abnormally large clitoris!

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Neo means new
Anderson means son of ander (from greek andros = man)
so Neo Anderson = new son of man
and Thomas Anderson = twin son of man

"son of man" is the title Jesus uses when he speaks of himself

Man you are fucking stupid. I pray you are trolling.