16yo overdosed on weed

16-yr-old cannabis addict stabbed his mother, and sliced off his dick in UK

>it's not possible to overdose on weed
>therefore, weed can never impact your life negatively in any way, never ever!


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Other urls found in this thread:


>bleeds the fuck out
>ODed on weed
>the sun


fake news

Is it legal to not cut your weiner off in the UK?

i can immediately tell you this was spice, not weed
spice is "synthetic cannabis", but it's a totally different drug. can make you very paranoid and psychotic

Fun fact: the CB1 receptor that is responsible for the feeling of being high also occurs during brain damage. So when you smoke marijuana you simulate brain injuries.

>Paranoid Schizophrenia is Characterized by Increased CB1 Receptor Binding in the Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex

>In humans, mounting evidence shows that CB1 receptor densities are altered in schizophrenia

>someone else died
Thats not how these things work.

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For me, Those feet I would sniff

Escaped criminally insane mental hospital patient did something.
>Blame weed

why does OP post this multiple times a day every day

>A NIDA-funded brain imaging study has shown that regular users of marijuana have less gray matter than nonusers of the drug in the orbitofrontal cortex (OFC), a brain region that contributes to impulse control, decision-making, and learning. Such a deficit could make it more difficult to change counterproductive behaviors, including drug use.

>The strongest evidence that cannabis use is a contributory cause of schizophrenia comes from longitudinal studies of large representative samples of the population who have been followed over time to see if cannabis users are at higher risk of developing schizophrenia. The earliest such study was a 15-year prospective investigation of cannabis use and schizophrenia in 50,465 Swedish conscripts. The study found that those who had tried cannabis by age 18 were 2.4 times more likely to be diagnosed with schizophrenia than those who had not 16 and the risk of this diagnosis increased with the frequency of cannabis use.
>Zammit et al 17 reported a 27-year follow-up of the Swedish cohort that also found a dose-response relationship between frequency of cannabis use at baseline and risk of schizophrenia during the follow-up. The relationship between cannabis use and schizophrenia persisted when the authors statistically controlled for the effects of other drug use and other potential confounding factors, including a history of psychiatric symptoms at baseline.
>Zammit et al’s findings have been supported in a three-year longitudinal study of the relationship between self-reported cannabis use and psychosis in a community sample of 4,848 people in the Netherlands
>These findings have been replicated in one German and two New Zealand cohort studies

>Harvard-led researchers recruited 40 young adults – 20 marijuana users and 20 non-users – to see if what is true in the brains of rats is also true in the brains of college students. Sure enough, human marijuana users had changes in volume, density and topography in both of the amygdala and nucleus accumbens.
>marijuana use creates physical changes in the brain associated with addiction. And, the researchers point out, these results were seen in non-dependent, young adult users.

>What are the effects of even heavier pot use on the brain?

>That’s the question of the second study, published in the Nature journal, Neuropsychopharmacology. Again, the study used MRI imaging to ask if the effects of cannabis-based chemicals seen in rat brains are also seen in human brains. This time the study compared heavy marijuana smokers to occasional smokers to see if overall brain changes are more extreme, the more you smoke. And it looked outside just the structures of addiction to explore changes in overall brain structures: how does marijuana use affect the brain?

>The study found reduced grey matter volume in nearly all brain regions that are rich in the “receptors” that can trap and respond to cannabis-based chemicals. These regions include a long list of structures, almost all of which are part of a network that controls motivation, emotion, and emotional learning. Here’s an important part: the degree to which these brain areas changed was due to one of two things – either heavy use or starting use during adolescence. Long-term heavy users had the same reductions in grey matter volume as lighter users who started in their teens.

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Ever notice these stories only ever come out of the Orwellian UK? Never Canada or the states where it is legal, always the UK. Really makes ya do a hmmm.

People break down and go into psychosis fine without cannabis but it can contribute. That does not mean there is something chemical that contributes. Could easily be the family problems caused by cannabis that pushed this dude over the edge.

She just did it for attention. Weed doesn’t whisper voices in your head and tell people to kill.

Sounds like someone wanked off to sissy porn too much. Or just got involved with Mermaids.

Weed is degenerate shit but please stop being a retard and understand what overdosing means. Triggering a psychotic episode isn't overdosiing.

He was just a brave transgendered lad. Weed has nothing to do with it.

alcohol more likely to cause psychosis also only one of the two that can cause it after stopping use, also, kill you

Don't forget the 16 year old who raped and killed a 6 year old recently, the dad of the girl sold weed to the rapist. So think about that before you DUDE WEED LMAO faggots start spouting that crap.

It’s probably spice not weed..

I'll take what is causation not correlation for $100 John. Posting studies doesn't make you smart nor correct.

Bet that was a nigger, they do it sober as well

>mentally ill person self medicated with marijuana

Found the degenerate
What the fuck is spice??

Oh no no no now he is gonna live his life as a tranny that retard

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Drugs are just bad and cost too much anyways in the long run and keep you from achieving better things like developing skills that you could've build instead of wasting time being high.

This is disinfo. My uncle has paranoid schizophrenia so my dad hated weed and sent me to rehab or grounded me for months when I got caught smoking. It was hell. The real studies will show that random people cannot get schizohrenia from smoking. It requires a predisposition or strong genetic likelihood. Even then, its likely it just activates a dormant disease faster and triggers it. The likelihood for my uncle having it was still 1/200 chance I get it and no immediate family so I turned out fine being a stoner fag for some time. If you’re going to make this claim though, OP, atleast know what you’re talking about and research thouroughly instead of posting pharma and alcohol funded studies

it's not talking about regular weed
>"His son said that after trying skunk regular cannabis had no impact whatsoever and following the incident spent time in prison and a psychiatric unit.

sounds to me like he overdosed on life

>the usual weed shill
Please fuck off and die, you double nigger. Everything you post is disinformation you gay ass faggot.

It is all regular weed. Calling it super strength weed is fucking stupid.

Oh look it's another "man who has psychotic break has also smoked marijuana before" article. Yawn.

What does your pic have to do with your shit topic?

Don't know about weeds effect on health but what I so know is that everyone who smokes weed is a special case of scumbag.
I grew up around weed smokers and can stop one from a mile off.
I don't know if it's the weed or their upbringing or what, if it was up to me I'd put to death every single one.

>'d put to death every single one.
> calls somebody a scumbag
They disrespect you because you're nothing to respect and they're too woke to compromise your bs.

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if it was regular weed it wouldn't be legal in the UK you retarded boomer
spice is a totally different drug.
it's like saying caffeine and meth are the same thing


was it GMO weed?

Fuck off, achmed

I do my due diligence bruh. Spice is this shitty synthetic marijuana that sometimes fucks you up. YouTube that shit..

>overdosing on weed

this has got to be the most retarded fucking headline I ever read so basically just hail meth smoke satan

How much is did you get paid to post this reefer madness tier propaganda?

Just the other day some white guy was the in park smoking weed, he had two mixed race mutts.
My wife was there with my kid, the little niggers pushed my kid over and weed wigger did jack shit.
I stormed right over there to kick that cunts head in but he already left.
Fucking cunts deserve hanging, if you defend these waste of spacers you're probably a weed scumbag yourself.

>The sun
>Weed overdose
Hello big pharma shill

Fuck off mutt

How did he cut his woman whacker off if knives are banned in the UK?

Protip: dont OD on THC while also having schizophrenia.
In other words, if you have/ever had any anxiety depression or psychosis, or family history of same, stay away from weed.
Your dick will thank you!

>if you smoke plant matter you deserve death
t. Neo Nazi incel

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The absolute madman, He actually did it!

stupid kike shill faggot nigger already posted this and the THC levels in UK are below 15%
faggot tranny mods and jannies can die in a fire today please

Ur really goona blame weed instead of hot hot internet porn for the ed epidemic?

You think incels against drugs would Atleast be educated on the thing they oppose. It wasn’t weed autist. I was spice which is just dried plant shit sprayed with *lab made drug #136373*
>hur HURRRRR b-buh but what about other cherry picked anecdotes?!?!?

People who “freak out” because of pot already have underlying conditions. Pot brought it out but didn’t cause it, faggot.
Stop opposing a drug because you got bullied by some pot smoker in high school

>ignoring everything I said with no counter arguments

Stop smoking weed you dumb nigger

>your pic unrelated
also, how many times are you going to start this same thread ?

Get laid
For everyone else’s sake

>not reading my post where I mention my wife and kid

You people are just proving my point that weed smokers are complete scum

Nobody gives a fuck about your wife's children, get over it.

You're fucking retarded. Go do some k2 or some spice

Alcohol hospital admissions 1,170,000 in England:


Cannabis hospital admissions 27,000 in England


So Alcohol causes 43 times as many hospital admissions as Cannabis.

Alcohol causing 7,327 deaths per year (more deaths than all of the other drugs combined)



>implying she’d fuck some insufferable faggot bitching and moaning about pot
Like I said. Get laid. It’ll calm you down

Of course you don't care because you're a scumbag. Keep proving me right retard.


Why don't you care of that racemixers' kids?


Pot is much better a person then you

He’s only posting cause his bull is busy with his wife. That means he can sneak in a little computer time before it’s back to the cuck cage

He need some milk

I have a white Christian wife and white kids, What are you doing with your life weed nigger?
Married? Have kids?
You're a degenerate scumbag with no hope and no future but keep smoking that weed mate.
Take my advice and kys, I really mean it the world won't miss you.


To anyone reading who still smokes weed quit immediately. I smoked daily for ten years and quitting seemed impossible but when I managed it then my life improved dramatically. Two years on and this are much better and I have no desire to smoke weed again. It's a dirty and degenerate habit/addiction and denial will get you nowhere. I now firmly think weed should be a class A and possession an imprisonable offence. Dealers should be publicly humiliated, imprisoned, and for repeat offenders execution. The only exception is for those terminally ill and even then restrictions should apply.

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only people with no friends dislike weed wtf

Smoke a little pot and chill out. Loser lmao

Jesus Christ am I on pol or redit? Can't tell these days.
Oh well at least you cunts won't reproduce enjoy your weed losers.

Fuck off Colorado pussies. You are too cowardly to accept the responsibility of life without a crutch.

What is it with the british and being such whiny pussies? Christ
Wah wah wah. Like a broken record

This is from years ago.

I think only if you are in a police no-go zone in little Iraq

There is literally nothing wrong with cannabis.

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Sorry you can't accept reality, weed causes mental illness which is apparent in your posts.

Pol was always pro-weed.

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Anything to help you cope with living on that shithole of an island eh?

You're on Jow Forums.........cuck chan Jow Forums, that is.
You need to go to cripple chan for the proper Jow Forums.

This post again? fuck off

If I met you I'd cut your eye balls out crush them up and make you smoke them like the degenerate cunt you are.
You have on idea how much I despise you people.
Seriously kys you fucking spastic.

>guys i was a lazy kid but then I grew up
Holy shit it's almost like you're everybody

Let it go, cutfags. It's never coming back.
That shit is brewed in some chink laboratory. Stay the fuck away bois and grils.

>I smoked daily for ten years
>I now firmly think weed should be a class A and possession an imprisonable offence

Hey brave man, why don't you go to prison with them, since you smoked for a decade? It only seems fair, if you're now advocating other people should go to prison for simply doing what you did?

skunk is still weed man. You cant od or get shizo on weed unless its friggin mixed with sone other shit. Had a friend eho bough sone crap street grade weed and ended up in the psycho ward. Always buy from a trusted source as with all drugs. Friggin idiots.

Enjoy breaking your back to feed, house and clothe your faggot kids who will be smoking weed at 12 years old to spite their unreasonable retard of a father.

I dont need drugs to cope. Great Britain is the greatest place in the planet and yanks are jealous.

I'd be fine in prison but would have been far less likely to ever smoke if it has serious consequences.

LOL sure thing Nigel
Seething. You wouldn’t do shit loser. You’d look at the ground and mumble something

Hey, look, bash pot and stoners all you want, but now you are just being ridiculous.

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I get it. You needed the government to protect you from your own decisions and personal habbits

>i need a strong daddy state to tell me what to do with my life
the absolute state of you. holy shit.


smoking weed watching porn and drinking alcohol is for degenerates

SEETHING Amerifat you are nothing more than an inferior Brit no surprise you are jealous and have to abuse brain damaging drugs to cope.

Memes aside the fact is that Great Britain is the peak of human achievement and there are no amounts of drugs or guns that could allow shart in mart land to compete.

Nope i've already dealt with the consequences of my actions. The rest of humanity needs protecting from their bad decisions because they are weaker than I.

Take off your memeflag or im bombing Dresden again.

ITT: Jow Forums unironically taking a position for weed. i thought we were above this.