It's a mistake to compare Jewish overrepresentation to their percentage of the population as a whole. It should be instead compared to the percentages they constitute of given IQ ranges.
Because of the way bell curves work at the furthest ends, there are more Ashkenazi Jews in the US with IQs of 160 or higher than there are gentile whites in the same range despite their extremely small population size. This is going to create wild disparities in society's elite professions.
the only people who will burn in the deepest of deeps are nazis. Jesus was a jew, think about that...the most loving human created was jewish which is why jews love all races
ay i know this is off topic but i need some help with goebbels, im trying to find a quote he said about the end of humanity, something that goes a little like "when humanity goes extinct the cosmos will shake violently" i swear i saw a quote where he said something similar to that.
Jaxon Perez
Lol bullshit. It’s mainly nepotism and the fact that they own all the money
I don't hate them. I just want them to explain why they always seem to be involved in the revolutions of every single country and why they profiteer of the goy with the most sinister tool known to man, usury.
Parker Wilson
This is how Jews achieved their superior intelligence. The same thing could be emulated by any other group through eugenics.
People with exceptionally high iqs are seldom leaders and are often antisocial incels. They are sad lonely people unable to relate to the culture at large or are autistic idiot savants.
They saw what happened to their country. They saw what the Jews were capable of economically and culturally. I think they wouldnt have predicted it any differently.
Even if that were true, IQ being a predictor for success in places of power and influence nose dives after around 130. At 140 it's near impossible for someone with such an IQ to reach such positions. So even if the numbers gained from very limited studies of very small groups of ashkenazis were accurate and representative of all ashkenazis, it does not account for the disparity in representation.
Talk about the differences between Christ and the Jews. Jesus literally came to serve as an opposite to Judaism.
There is a prayer in the Talmud "Thank you God for not making me like the gentiles" which he explicitly called worthless. He said a Samaritan who helped someone on the road was closer to God than a Rabbi observing ritual purity. This would be like telling an Israeli today that Palestinians are closer to God than Jews for doing this as Samaritans were hated peoples. Jews explicitly rejected Christ and what he stood for and have worked against him ever since.
Jews are the ones who made the changes to our society that christians find abhorrent: divorce, abortion, transgender, gay marriage.