In 2011 Dickinson reported a 99.2% employment rate of graduates who were either employed, in the military...

>In 2011 Dickinson reported a 99.2% employment rate of graduates who were either employed, in the military, or continuing their education, and has maintained this rate for many consecutive years
>in 2013, 99% of Babson College graduates were employed 6 months after graduation. Top employers of Babson students include PricewaterhouseCoopers, Bank of America, EY, Staples, and EMC
>Career Services at Bentley University in Waltham, Massachusetts, is a straightforward, simple, and massively successful department. This university boasted a 98% "knowledge rate" in 2013, a statistic that was calculated according to those alumni that were either gainfully employed, or enrolled in a graduate program. Of that 98%, 82% reported employment, and 16% reported enrollment at another educational institution
>Companies that hire DU graduates include Apple, the Denver Nuggets, Teach for America, and the National Renewable Energy Laboratory. In 2013, 96.4% of Denver graduates had received employment or enrollment in graduate school 6 months after graduation
is the don't go to college meme a meme? is the true ultimate esoteric redpill to pick colleges with top employment rate / retention statistics?

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I'm sure glad I don't live in America, ending up a shit ton in debt just to fight for a job in a shit market

here I'm finishing up college with some money saved up and most of my peers are already working in the field before having even graduated

you have to go through Frat ritual and blow a dude to get recognition then you get the job without studying since you will be at parties all day.

>had received employment or enrollment in graduate school
>enrollment in graduate school

I'd like to see the 4-year degree employment stats. Better yet, what are the number of 4-year degree holders who have employment in their field of study.

Sure, its comfy but then again we make like the US minimum wage if you do a direct conversion.

doesn't matter when food/rent is so much cheaper
if you compare purchasing power of an average american and pole the difference isn't that big

>I love the uneducated!
-Donald Trump
Take a guess

You recruiting for the military?

those are fake statistics college people are unemployed all over the places...90% unemployment those are based on BLS fabricated discredited propaganda "studies" with zero capability of identifying or follow up...

btw the amount of homelessness was under counted and still is deliberately starting in the goy economic warfare of Jew at least a factor of 5 hence all these colorado bitch cities run by jews having to jail and bulldoze homeless tent cities everywhere

Isn't pay in Poland an average of 600 euro per month? Maybe 2000 in a city where rent will eat up most of it? The Polish fella I work with rants about it all the time.

"But I graduated" am poor got part time gig for a few months back unemployed I can flip burgers

the aclu loves fraudsters is running a racket but no shit pot smoking overdosing colorado started having a severe homeless problem circa 2010 its increased in every county by 200-300% at least and keeps growing

Average wage right now is about 1100 euro, more in cities, income tax eats a bit of that though
Food can be bought easily for 20-30 euro a month, rent depends heavily on where you live, 250-500 in large cities and as low as 100 in smaller ones

Cherrypicking an outlier
Current students /=/ graduates

they claim its 8% uptick lmao more like 800% and over factories, no farms, no ranches, no businesses, no jobs, just drug dealing an ebt THANKS SOROS

>Food can be bought easily for 20-30 euro a month

That must be a typo? you mean 200-300?

FALSE there is no cherry picking liar...get the fuck out the house your fake BLS stats are absurd...

fact those faked stats are discredited college grads don't get jobs they move back home eat up mommy and daddy and die overdosing, wrecking, or globohomo aids....homelessness has increased in every state by a factor of 10 thats why food banks and shelters have been doing overdrive since Soetoro and last time I look before 1913 there was real underemployment no "jew gdp" propaganda and everyone was married who was an adult had 10 kids and the country had the highest wage rates in the world very little modern are a fool

Yeah I probably exagerated a bit, 20-30 won't let you eat meat more than once a week lol, 50 is probably realistic

I know 20 college grads from big universities still alive who didn't o'd half are unemployed a few part time giggers and some well to do off and on living with their parents occasionally employed cucks who work for daddy....and they didn't grad with paint mixing degrees...I'm the only full time employed person in my circle besides the ebt cuck who just got a job stacking fruit

Nah, college just shows employers that you have good intelligence, work ethic and conformity. It doesn't give you much in the way of job skills outside of medicine, law, and most STEM degrees.

If you have a good IQ and are hard working you'll be rich with or without college.

So you mean 20-30 per week. Now I understand.

Per month, kilogram of rice/noodles costs less than 1 euro, good quality meat is about 3.50/kg

Yep, had chicken breast and ground beef in mind too.
My flatmate always hunts for deals and he buys his meat in bulk whenever there is a good deal and freezes it, can usually get it 33-50% cheaper that way

How old are you?

Your question is too simplistic for an extremely complicated problem. Think of it this way:

Before entering college/university, you have to:
>decide what field you are passionate about
>decide what field is monetarily lucrative
>decide if the field has longevity, or if it is in growth or decline.
>determine if a job will be waiting for you when you exit. Sometimes this is obvious, and sometimes it's completely up in the air.
>determine how to pay for education, and thus how to deal with debt when you're finished.

To make matters worse, all these predictions are looking 4 years in the future, assuming a Bachelors. 6 years if you go for a Masters, and 9-12 if you go for a Doctorate/Ph.D. Can you predict the economic situation affecting your particular career 8 years down the road?

Then, consider this. When in the middle of studying:
>what if you hate what you're doing, but you're already 3 years into it?
>what if the market you were going to go into disappears, or is in heavy decline (we saw this with family law about 2-4 years ago)?
>what if the job that was promised you by a company when you graduate is no longer there?
>what if you lose funding or have a problem paying for the degree in the middle of it?


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Then, there are of course the intangibles:
>What if the field you are passionate about will not allow you to make a living. Do you still pursue and risk? Are you talented enough to succeed in the long run, or is it a true pipe dream?
>What if you choose a career that is guaranteed to be lucrative but you hate every day of it after week 3? Can you handle being in a job that makes you money but makes you angry/depressed every day?
>What if you meet a qt3.14 in year 2, and you have a child by year 3? Can you figure out that shit?
>What if the only jobs available for your career take you away from your home town/city, so that there is no family or friend support group? Are you okay with that, or is it tough?

There are lots of factors here, but given the current economic situation in the west, I'd say this.

>Choose between making money, and being happy in your job. Currently the two do not coincide in the vast majority of cases.

>Make sure your family will support you post-graduation, no matter what. You'll need it.

>If you can, go into a field where a potential employer pays for your education. Certain airlines did this for a while (Lufthansa, Air Canada,etc.) but things have changed.

>Assuming you're male, consider jobs that are dominated by men. Before I got my current job in the field I am an expert in, I was unemployed after graduation and I almost decided to start doing elevator/escalator repair. 99% men, and the job is in extremely high demand. Consider things like this. The last thing you need is to be in a job where whamen ruin your chances at moving up, or where you end up doing the majority of the work.

College or not college...what matters is if you are employable. If you need qualifications, then find a way to guarantee that the company will hire you after. If there is no guarantee, look elsewhere.

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