Democrats are still the KKK Party

Virginia, now Maryland.

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Its worse in Maryland. Their arrogance is old and the corruption deep.

It's not like she's wrong


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And she'll be replaced by a nigger.

Dems bought it on themselves for being such cucks to their pet niggers

Don't feed the animals, or they'll eventually eat you

I can see why they want to get rid of her. A politician telling the truth has no place in our government.

I'm just curious, how fucking stupid do you have to be to be a Democratic politician in fucking Maryland and say "nigger" in public? You see everything that is happening in the media with people getting crucified for shit they MAY have said or done years ago, and your dumb ass is going to fucking say nigger in public, and you're a Democrat, the supposed champions of these one of the top three blue-pilled states in the union.

While she's not wrong, she's a fucking idiot topkek

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Dems still think they have control over their pet niggers and the SJWhores

They don't, which is why you're getting Somalians, AOC and whatnot getting elected.

The party of blackface strikes again

but how retarded do you have to be to say it?

it's not like she's a rapist or enjoys moon walking in black face, all she did was use a slur used everyday on broadcast TV.

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>Democrats are the real racists!!!

They are and that's why you hate people saying that so much. KEK!!! The Dems have the entire state of Israel protecting them with their army of online shills and narrative control and they cna't because it's just too obvious at this point.

Wtf I love democrats now

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Boomer faggots

Find me a KKK member that voted for Hillary.
Get real

Not to mention she said it just last week. Not like it was uncovered from her past. What a dipshit.

She’s got my vote

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Look at all these Israeli shills trying to do perception managment for the dems

is this why they brought cohen out to call trump racist?

How should I update this?

>Can someone give me a quick rundown as to what is going on?
>A congresswoamn and her friends, a gay black jewish actor, were campaign to pass a law to make lynching "more illegal"
>suddenly that same gay black actor survives an attempted lynching downtown in one of Americas blackest and most progressive cities
>Chicago was experiencing one of the coldest nights the city had suffered from in 50 years when some racist trump supporters carrying bleach and noose happened to find the gay actor
>"this is MAGA country" they shouted, along with other nonsensical utterances dreamed up as a caricature of redneck trump supporters from Alabama.
>almost instantly people called bullshit on the story, and leftist websites started banning people for victim blaming
>main stream media sold this as a modern day lynching and reminded America once again that Trump must be stopped at all cost
>alt-right, dog whistling, and the usual buzz words make their way around to further villify anyone who doubted this story
>police find no evidence of the attack, and no video footage in a city covered in cameras
>turns out the attackers were black men from Africa, and one was an extra on the actors show
>turns out the gay black actor hired these men to attack him to fake the crime
>Fox wrote him off his only show.
And here we are...
>> Democrat VA Governor and AG wore blackface
>> Nigger VA Lt. Governor accused rapist
>> Liam Nelson went nigger hunting
>> Nigger chimps out in Aurora IL after getting fired, shoots 5 cops and kills co-workers
>> Jussie Smollett caught falsifying a hate crime
>> R.Kelly going down for 10 counts of child sex crimes, 30-70 years worth of charges. More on the way!
>This is the best black history month yet

Maryland is 1/3 black and like 20% Hispanic. It's a good representation of the future of every state in 2040.

Yeah that's what I'm saying lol. Everyone is getting busted for shit they said decades ago, and this dumb bitch is going to go out and say "nigger" in public. Now I hate niggers like every other white person, but I can manage to make it through my entire day without accusations of racism.

You're not only a Democrat, but you're in fucking Maryland, and you go out and say nigger in public around other politicians. You should be removed from office just for being this stupid.

Should meme her into being 'a brave woman' lol

She kinda cute...and it would seem based