This is koko

this is koko
koko has 75 IQ

average black has 85 IQ

what do you think of koko?

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koko blacked that white woman researcher who used to study him all the time. She would close the door on many of her sessions and you know what was happening behind that door.

Koko is dead. been that way a coupla years.

last year


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Koko was female.

Koko didn't steal my bicycle.
Koko: 1
Sambo: 0

I want to see porn of a gorilla fucking a white girl

koko is a she and gorillas don't have those kind of instinct
it's based on african child
not really a source
average black is 85
white 100
jewish 115

This. She was smarter and more well behaved than most brazilians.

cocoa the gorilla tested at 95 you stupid faggot.
the average in nigeria is 65, below the level of retardation.
check your sources you ignorant litter spreader.
your thread starts with false information.

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That's in America, African Americans have 20% white genes (and a little goes a long way).


why gorillas have tiny penis and reproduce like 1 time on 4 years
only the silverback the other just watch

He is hairy small and non white like you

koko did not have an IQ of 75. iirc when she was around 2 old she scored equivalent to a 75 on an IQ test designed for 2 year old humans. as you can imagine gorilla brain development is not identical to human brain development. she spoke her form of ASL about as well as a fairly retarded child.

also RIP koko

Just like human mating where the big black humans do the impregnation whilst the skinny white ones just watch

i mean you could have right
of course IQ is just a faster learning not a measure of all intelligence

>koko blacked
>is actually female
I fucking love pol.

Ok, she was smarter than the average Black. You win.

koko is an honorary nigger

but gorilla are collectivist and don't attack themselves

>koko has 75 IQ
>Wicherts, Dolan, and van der Maas (2009) contend that the average IQ of sub-Saharan Africans is about 80. A critical evaluation of the studies presented by WDM shows that many of these are based on unrepresentative elite samples. We show that studies of 29 acceptably representative samples on tests other than the Progressive Matrices give a sub-Saharan Africa IQ of 69; studies of the most satisfactory representative samples on the Standard Progressive Matrices give an IQ of 66; studies of 23 acceptably representative samples on the Colored Progressive Matrices give an IQ of 71. The international studies of mathematics, science, and reading give a sub Saharan African IQ of 66. The four data sets can be averaged to give an IQ of 68 as the best reading of the IQ in sub-Saharan Africa.
TFW Koko is smarter than the average sub-Saharan African

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>and don't attack themselves
somebody hasn't been paying attention to the literature

I lol'd

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