Would it be a bad idea to teach at an all-girls school as a male? I got a really good job opportunity recently to teach at this school but there's only female students. I'm a little intimidated, I only have experience at public schools.
Would it be a bad idea to teach at an all-girls school as a male...
What subject do you teach OP? Also are you tall and good looking?
Physics, my man. I am 6'3" and above average I would say. Why do you ask?
This is a very bad idea, run away.
Depends on if you can resist all the teenage girls trying to have sex with you.
Very very very bad idea. Bad. Don’t do it OP.
Lol youre gonna have girls throwing themselves at you and either through them lying or you acting on it you will end up in jail
Do it and find yourself a little teen wife to reproduce with.
As a teacher I would say go for it as long you don't fuck them or anything.
The fact that you posted fucking anime tells me that you clearly aren’t mature for a situation like that.
I sincerely hope you aren’t allowed to work around children.
Imagine being this butthurt over a drawing on Jow Forums.
You can be an irl protagonist of a doujin or a nukige.
I can't even imagine it. How do newfags do it, user?
Was about to ask the same myself. I went to an all-girls school, and no one paid any additional attention to the male teachers.
......unless they were attractive.
Oh those little girls are going to slobber over your dick.
Do it faggot, that's like the male fantasy
Your digits really make me want to give you sauce.
But I'm really anal about giving sauce, unless reverse image search gives nothing.
Reverse image search works for this one, sorry user.
Why do girls schools hire male teachers to begin with? Seems like a recipe for trouble.
>That OP pic
Don't do it OP.
How old are you?
If they're teenagers, yes. If they're kids and you're not a pedophile, no.
Do it, be the hero we need
A few reasons.
1. Discrimination is illegal.
2. They aren't enough female teachers in the STEM oriented subjects. Women dominate the humanities, but when it comes to Math, Science, Engineering, Technology, you're kind of forced to have some dong in the room if you want to fill those positions. That's just how it is.
Obviously, if those schools could get away with only female staff then they would. No school wants to invite the drama, but its just not possible because women just don't do STEM.
I'm 27. They are teenagers.
I've been a teacher for 5 years already just for the record.
Hurry up and go fuck them
Why do you want to teach there, OP?
Please dont do it if you are a pedo
They will hit on you and be very sexual with you, because they don't have any guy their age to and probably you'll be the youngest, best looking guy they see.
Even assuming that you're not a pedophile, it's not a fine condition to be in and I'd pick another job.
We recently had a guy here complaining about this exact issue and asking for advice.
This. But the reality is OP is just roleplaying. Saged.
Well, its not like I'm attached to teaching there or anything but what they offered me was really compelling. I've taught at the same public school since I started and they treat us like garbage. Classroom sizes are ridiculous, my students are kind of insane, I have to pay for my own school supplies out of pocket, they work us to the bone with no overtime or anything. Its just not fun. I didn't imagine being a teacher was being in a cramped classroom with 40 kids trying to get them to pass a standardized test.
I'm just tired of it, so I want to teach somewhere else. I teach physics so its not like I'd have trouble finding a job, plus not to toot my own horn I've gotten good results out of my kids, but most of the job openings around here are just other public schools so it'd be the same situation. This school is pretty much giving me everything I want. I take a small pay cut but the environment would be so much better.
Being around teenage girls only though makes me a little uncomfortable though. Even in public schools the paranoia is pretty big among us dude teachers.
I went to an all girls school and they picked 50 year old male teachers exactly for this reason: because every single young male teacher fucked some teenage girl at some point, because they hit on him.
It's really not a great situation to be in.
Being a teacher sounds shitty as fuck. Why would anyone want to do this?
Not him, but teaching is one of the most rewarding jobs I've ever had.
I teach kids with special needs and it's awesome. I dropped out of med school to do this.
Teaching has some of the lowest lows but some of the highest highs. Its really shitty when you're up at 2AM, grading tests and homework, sorting out your lesson plan, dealing with your school's unreasonable last minute commands of you, looking at the clock and thinking "I have to be up in 4 hours". But its really nice when a student comes up to and says they want to major in this subject in college because of you, or when a student that was struggling finally does well on a test, or just watching your students learn and get better over time.
Its a love-hate relationship.
Do it. What if your future wife goes to that school? You might never meet her if you say no.
Why the fuck do you think he's asking dumbass
I wonder what percentage of male teachers marry former students.
Not him, but neither the Googs nor iqdb is coughing up the sauce for me.
Probably higher than most people think but lower than you're probably expecting.
OP have you ever had a student with a crush on you?
First result in yandex.
Don't bully us dense autistic boys, our hearts are sensitive.
Yes, several. Even a male student once.
>Even a male student once
Gross. What was that like?
It was a little weird but he wasn't overtly sexual or anything so it wasn't too bad. I hope he's doing well, he was a nice kid.
I sucked my math teachers dick in high school. He had a massive cock, it was so hot.
>measure the angle of my dick while its in your mouth
link me up, bro