Just saw this guy on Joe Rogan. A lot of his conspiracies are out there but they are grounded in some pretty wild truths. What do you guys think?
Alex Jones
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Poor water filter salesman did nothing wrong. Leave him alone
My thoughts exactly. The planned parenthood abortion stuff is wild
It's pretty common for people who say crazy shit to sprinkle in things that are true so that people question it less.
He is a loud retard,
I think pol is filled with mentally ill teenage virgin incels
Do you think that’s his strategy? Or do you think he just reaches farther and farther off from grounded truths and actually believes it? Is he trolling everyone or srs lol
I really enjoyed his comments on God being a collective consciousness, and that we are all Gods in the making.
>The average loss in IQ was reported as a standardized weighted mean difference of 0.45, which would be approximately equivalent to seven IQ points for commonly used IQ scores with a standard deviation of 15.* Some studies suggested that even slightly increased fluoride exposure could be toxic to the brain. Thus, children in high-fluoride areas had significantly lower IQ scores than those who lived in low-fluoride areas. The children studied were up to 14 years of age, but the investigators speculate that any toxic effect on brain development may have happened earlier, and that the brain may not be fully capable of compensating for the toxicity.
See here
>A lot of people say you're a Zionist shill.
Yes! Surprisingly a lot of Christian theologians think the same. Augustine has said similar things, Marguerite Pourette, etc. I think the basis of religion is watered down so it’s easily understood for the masses but there’s much more to it
DMT elves = Archons
Crazy! Have you heard of fluoride calcifying the pineal gland? Interesting stuff. Is there any reasoning for actually having fluoride in our water??
>Pesticide atrazine can turn male frogs into females
I’m conservative but fucking with the aeons here lol
Lower IQ people are easier to control. Easily manipulated (operation mackingbird) and Follows orders without question etc.
This is actually a fundamental belief of mormonism. Their spin is that we are organized intelligences that have been around forever, that receive bodies to learn and prove ourselves in order to become Gods.
jones says we cant plug in because it will only lead to evil.
he mentioned a bit about it taking a long time, to connect with the good
how do we connect with the good?
He needs to simmer down. He's going to have a heart attack. It's exauhsting listening to him because he's such a spazz.
t. Rick Wilson
Sure but I mean what’s the public reasoning
We gotta run from the 5g
ok we just ruin the towers
>He needs to simmer down
Politicians passing laws to allow POST birth abortion, and NWO that wants to end humanity as we know it. I’m triggered too
>the public reasoning
Mah teeth
boomer as well
That bit they did where Joe talked about how he had the same dream every night for 6 months and then it happened in real life exactly how it went down in the dreams? And it wasn't dejavu, because the dreams were vivid and you could remember them perfectly, and you could remember it being the same every time? I have experienced the same thing.
When I was a child, I used to have night terrors. It was always the same dream, and it always unfolded the same way. I would wake up in my bed, and there would be a shadowy figure in purple standing in the corner of my room. It wasn't human, but I could never clearly make out its features, no matter how many times I had this dream, I could never make that one detail out. I would spook immediately, fleeing the bedroom and running for the stairs. I would run downstairs, and the first room was the kitchen; I always thought about running into the kitchen to grab a knife, but I never would because I already just knew that a knife would not work on it. So instead I would run down the hallway, into the living room. There I would be greeted by my grandparents, would were watching something on the TV, but it hurt to look at the TV. So after a quick glance and then pain, I would duck into an alcove around the corner from the entranceway and listen to the thing walk down the hallway towards us. I would always peak around the corner to see my grandparents, and then I would wake up. A number of times a week, for years.
Now after a few years of this, I stopped having this dream altogether. I still remembered it, I would think about it often enough and was just thankful I never dreamed it anymore. But I never forgot about my night terrors. Until after a few years of this, I wake up but something isn't right. There is nothing in the corner of the room, but I can feel something there, the feeling is indescribable. tbc...
>watching something on the TV, but it hurt to look at the TV.
Google this: Us6506148b2
It’s US patent # mind control TV
Why did he start crying over his LARP dead kids from the middle ages?
People still take this compromised egomaniac seriously?
I don't watch much Jewtube shit but I've liked AJ since his days as an angry voice against Bohemian grove.
I'm fairly ambivalent about Joe, whose morals seem to flap around in the breeze a lot.
Higher the IQ more empathy you have.
Sauce please
For some reason I immediately think of the dream, this feels like the start of the dream but I'm not dreaming. And it's not there, but I feel something is wrong. So I immediately get out of bed, and I am genuinely spooked, so I calmly leave my room and head down the stairs, not running like I did in my dreams, I am taking care not to panic. I ignore the kitchen, head down the hallway to the living room, it's about 1 or 2 in the morning at this point. My mom and grandmother are sitting on the couch, in my dreams it would have been my grandmother and grandfather, and they immediately turn to acknowledge my arrival. They're holding each other and crying, so I ask what's going on. My grandfather had passed away a few hours earlier and they had just gotten in from the hospital not long ago. At his funeral, there was a man I did not recognize, and I asked my mom and dad and a few cousins and aunts and uncles, nobody could tell me who he was. They figured he must have been a friend or colleague of my grandfather's who had come to pay his respects. What still haunts me to this day is that while I never recognized the man, I recognized the coat he was wearing. It was purple and had a flared collar, and it looked exactly like what the shadowy figures in my dreams was wearing. I can picture it clear as day to this day, I had seen that coat hundreds of times before but only in my dreams, and never once since. It's been 18 years since my grandfather passed, I've never had the dream since, but I have never forgotten it. Not for more than a couple days at a time. And watching that segment of the podcast, listening to Alex talk about his dreams, it made me cry. I have been paranoid and even a bit scared since I watched it last night. He turned on a light in my head, kinda, and I dunno if I'm ever gonna be able to turn it off.
>Jewtube shit
Mike Adams (Health Ranger, Natural News) started you tube like site with no censors
I looked up some random things he said that I didn't beleive. They turned out to be true.
>Nazis created the EU.
>Government has compact disc technology is the 60s.
you say that like it's a bad thing
yawn, so he wants to be a Mormon now?
Yup meme here
I love this man to be honest
He's literally a madman. No one can deny this. He's an hilarious extremely entertaining madman, but he's just lost it at this point. lel. He slips in a few extremely interesting mostly unknown facts that get you believing what he is saying, but then quickly goes into another gear of WTF are you talking about? he's the crazy man that we deserve.
>ZOG please dont kill Eddie
He's a Jewish shill. He still perpetuates the round earth lie and for that simple truth, he's easily the biggest shill in the conspiracy community.
The earth is flat. Wake up
>quickly goes into another gear of WTF
Maybe you should do your own research you’d be surprised what you’ll find
That’s wild. Thanks for sharing that story hopefully you can find some peace now though.
But yeah watching that was honestly making me think myself into schizophrenia
he also called himself a zionist shill
If it's as bad as Jones says we might as well an hero. The part about nothing good ever coming out of communicateing with interdimensional elves was fucking disconcerting.
>2 kikes kiking.
I'm good, thanks though.
Gnosticism is nothing new. Its heretical and Christians of all stripes over the past two millennia
have rejected it.
I like alex jones, and have passively followed him for like a decade, but come on. He's lost his fucking mind. lel.
>What do you guys think?
rogan, jones, etc are shills
rogan is simply a fucking retard who's literally there to appeal to other "wow man dmt this is insane i saw aliens while i was tripping must be real" retardsand jones is basically a derailing agent to smear true legit arguments about real conspiracies. literally everything jones touches, he turns into some ridiculous circus with his screaming and overacting.
don't forget they run SHOWS.. they don't actually research shit.. they just do shows and entertain you. both are fucking corny retards appeal to below average intellect user who are the majority.
so their purpose is simply to distract majority.
if you want some real redpill.. well.. at least listen to eric john phelps.. he doesn't name a jew and a christcuck but otherwise he's based as fuck and even if he's some kind of a shill.. well.. he seems to shill for the right side and he's sensored\banned virtually from all official platforms. even on jewtube he used a 24\7 radia platform to broadcasr
another guy who's worth listening to is /thenasachannel on jewtube math powerland, who also says a lot of interesting things but at the same time makes a lot of video full of irrelevant bullshit + sound quality of his vids are shittier then shit
there are a couple of more people who redpill as fuck but i won't mention them since they are way too redpilled for you
It’s terrifying.. what do we do though? Just pretend to go on living normally? Not that it effects my day to day I guess but it’s absolutely insane the stuff that’s going on behind closed doors. I forgot what hospital or medical company it was but they sold HIV contaminated equipment to South American countries cause it was too expensive for them to have them cleaned. If stuff like this is public it makes you wonder what’s being kept completely secret.
Muh Nazi New World Order Red Chinese Run Hollywood
People though he lost his mind when he said GAY FROGS
>Pesticide atrazine can turn male frogs into females
I low key want to take DMT and talk to the elves.. if we get inside and know the secrets maybe we can free the world LOL
>what do we do though
Stop watching TV
Aliens, man. All of them.
I think he is a compulsive liar (though not necessarily his fault) and a snake oil salesman but also has a genuine interest in politics, human rights and conspiracy theories (nothing wrong with that) who clearly has some form of ADHD and likely borderline paranoia which fuels his excited imagination and behaviour.
Even though it's hilarious, his gay frogs thing is one of the more factual claims he's ever made. Still doesn't change what he said in the insane video I posted.
I fuck with your impartial answer.
As far as the DMT goes who is to say it isn’t real? I can definitely see both sides to it, I just retain the firm belief that the wisest man knows nothing.
Also I’d argue and say that rogan and Alex seem to do a lot of research.
he's a zionist shill and youre a paid shill
he's setting himself up to bring flat earth to the masses he knows it cant be stopped now and he wants those flat earth dollars before he is wiped from the internet
Nice copy pasta you did it right unlike this CIA shill. He copied his entire clip board by accident. NCS is a division of CIA fyi
Re: Medical Type Says Sandy Hook is Total Bullshit
[0x1a970000, 0x1ab00000, 0x27570000>
[rdpclip.exe, "iostatZd15.1"]
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Why did he change his mind on Sandy Hook? Did he have to untell the truth so he was allowed to go onto JRE but secretly still belives it was a giant hoax?
Jones' main objective is to convince the goyim that the NWO is gentile.
>youre a paid shill
When do I get my check?
He speaks truth to power. The post birth twilight stage as organ bags is compelling. Gas the machine elves interdimensional psychic warfare war.
he describe a lot of events and social processes as some kind of grand plan of the elites.
those events might do happen but they are not a product of malicious planing, they are the product of human nature (greed, laziness, corruption etc').
overall good guy but he gives humanity too much credit.
>Why did he change his mind on Sandy Hook
He didn’t, sandy hook was going to be used to against him so took one weapon away from (((Them))). In a war you can’t win all the battles, he didn’t want to fight for that hill because it was thier excuse to deplateform him. AJ took that away. Trump is not the only one playing 5Dchess
He literally says in that interview that schizophrenics are dangerous and then a little while later says that schizophrenics are capable of seeing different dimensions because their “filter” is removed. Alluding that people who think their toaster is talking to them has some kind of mental awareness that normal people don’t have. He also mentions that the elite are taking DMT and getting marching orders from elves.
he explains why in the video
Sure is that why he says “Jewish Mafia” who controls the world finances?
lol keep thinking that
>Why did he change his mind on Sandy Hook?
Because he's an intellectually dishonest, cowardly self-serving pos
I think the same thing of religion. It describes human nature in a grand way. I like your answer!
Fuck off with your bullshit.
Humble.... He's a humble fucking water filter salesman. Get it right kike
Yelling at buildings with a bullhorn.
When you make fat daddy rich you're supporting the InfoWhore
Sandy hook was (((their))) trap to deplateform AJ. Not falling into it is not dishonest
I love Jones but he needs to be forced to address the Bolsheviks and the Jews. For some, everything is jews, for Jones everything is Nazis. The fact he never talks about the jews being involved in anything at all is avoidance, it's as if they have no agency or interests. He just brushes it all off.
>did you know 34,000 nazis came to the US after the war?
>never addresses the giant waves of Bolshevik and anarchist jews
He's right about EVERYTHING and always has been. There's a reason he and he alone has been 98% digitally, socially and financially deplatformed.
kys faggot
LMAO...ok JIDF troll, we get it. ;-)
Why didn't you ask the man who he was? That seems like a fair and reasonable question.
Hes been right about everything
>resort to name calling
Listen up
The vatican nazis want a new world order with the UN
that's why the air is polluted, those damn vaticanis jesuits
Also that "grays" are Avator robots for elites or possibly elves, and that he may have retardation
~22 seconds in for fun
>DMT elves = Archons>DMT elves = Archons>DMT elves = Archons>DMT elves = Archons>DMT elves = Archons>DMT elves = Archons>DMT elves = Archons>DMT elves = Archons>DMT elves = Archons>DMT elves = Archons>DMT elves = Archons>DMT elves = Archons>DMT elves = Archons>DMT elves = Archons>DMT elves = Archons>DMT elves = Archons>DMT elves = Archons>DMT elves = Archons>DMT elves = Archons>DMT elves = Archons>DMT elves = Archons>DMT elves = Archons>DMT elves = Archons>DMT elves = Archons>DMT elves = Archons>DMT elves = Archons>DMT elves = Archons>DMT elves = Archons>DMT elves = Archons>DMT elves = Archons>DMT elves = Archons>DMT elves = Archons>DMT elves = Archons>DMT elves = Archons>DMT elves = Archons>DMT elves = Archons>DMT elves = Archons>DMT elves = Archons>DMT elves = Archons>DMT elves = Archons>DMT elves = Archons>DMT elves = Archons>DMT elves = Archons>DMT elves = Archons>DMT elves = Archons>DMT elves = Archons>DMT elves = Archons>DMT elves = Archons>DMT elves = Archons
NASA = (((...)))
CIA = (((...)))
After you suck that spics microdick
>he gives humanity too much credit.
Says a Jew
>eric john phelps
why is shilling automatically a bad thing?