My boyfriend is homophobic

Im a bisexual woman and I'm currently dating a heterosexual male. He is homophobic and it disgusts me.

I have a group of queer friends (mostly bisexual and lesbian women) I love going to LGBT friendly bars with just to hang out, and he never wants to come because he said he'd feel "out of place being surrounded by lesbians at a gay bar".

His weird ass won't even go to pride parades in our city because, and I fucking quote: "gay men always hit on me because I'm muscular and I'd rather not go to something like pride"

He's just copping out and I'm thinking of leaving him for it. What should I do?

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I hope he finds out and leave your mentally ill ass.

Leave him alone dumb bitch go play with your faggot friends

Stop posting shitty bait threads on Jow Forums would be a good way to begin.

There's nothing wrong with being homophobic.

I hope this is bait, cause if its not then you have some serious mental problems. It would be a problem if he said something one the lines of "i want to throw gas of the building" or "gays are not humans". That i could understand, but if he said:
>feel "out of place being surrounded by lesbians at a gay bar
>gay men always hit on me because I'm muscular and I'd rather not go to something like pride

In which 2nd was clearly a joke, then you definitely are too woke and brainwashed to even have normie bf.

He knows I'm bisexual and have been with women before, I told him on day one.

>tfw my boyfriend got groped by a gay dude

>Not being homophobic in 2019
>being bisexual degenerate in 2019
Kill yourself

Then hes not homophobic after all

He definitely has some negative feelings towards the LGBT community. He's on two occasions doubted my bisexuality, and he thinks all my lesbian friends hate men.

If you want to bait properly, you should include these things in the OP. Not after 4-5 posts.

Everyone who falls for this is fucking retarded.

Lesbians relationships are the most aggressive ones so he wouldn't be wrong if some of your lesbian friends hated you for choosing to date guy instead of woman.

OP needs some helium

That's an anti-lesbian lie. None of my friends would hurt a fly.

>dating a muscular man
100% chance you would've dumped him already if he weren't so dump him dummy

>He's just copping out and I'm thinking of leaving him for it. What should I do?

If he’s not down with your friends (and is even actively prejudiced and intolerant against them) fuck him.

> T. A straight dude who is dating a bi girl and spent many, many, many a night at gay bars, ladies nights and even a couple of pride events because his best friend was a lesbian.

I’ve been hit on, I’ve been gropped, even once had a dude try to intimidate me out of a gay bar because I said I was straight and his date was still more in to me than him. No fucks given. If anything, I just felt it was kinda interesting experiencing a bit of what the other side of the coin (the female perspective) was like at bars and whatnot.

But then again, if he’s being reasonable, do try to understand his side of the coin too. It’s always a two way street.

Lol you just sound bisexual yourself

>I’ve been hit on, I’ve been gropped, even once had a dude try to intimidate me out of a gay bar because I said I was straight and his date was still more in to me than him.
And yet you think that it's unreasonable that OP's boyfriend doesn't want to hang out at gay bars or prides? Like, all men should enjoy being physically intimidated or groped because you find it "interesting"?

Nah. I’m saying, it’s actually not a bad idea to understand what women go through when they talk about “harassment”. That shit isn’t The normal occurrence—especially if he’s going with his girlfriend, I have never been bothered while I was with mine—but it’s not like it’s the end of the fucking world when the other half of the fucking population has to deal with it 24/7.

But I’m sure you knew that and I’m wasting my energy. Way to cherry pick and completely twist my words.

I'm a woman, and we don't deal with that 24/7.
I have friends, I go out, I go to school, I have a full life and I was never in a circumstance where someone threatened me physically because their boyfriend wanted to do me, or had a man casually grope me.
If you think that harassment is a super common occurrence for women, then maybe hang out with less trashy people.

You don't need to get harassed to understand that harassment is wrong.

Jesus you're a male feminist parroting what your single mommy told you

Go away

>it’s actually not a bad idea to understand what women go through when they talk about “harassment”

You're literally saying OP should get his dick touched so he can "see how it feels you shitlord"

It is no surprise you frequent gay bars with bisexual woman you fucking loser.

well yeah, if you're taking him to places with gays around and he's muscular obviously he'll get hit on since the only reason anyone should know you're gay is so you can date or not date them. If being hit on is the only reason he gave for feeling uncomfortable he probably doesn't wanna be hit on by lesbians. I know that sounds weird, but there's gay men who like pussy but hate that it's attached to a woman. Why wouldn't there be lesbian women who like dick but hate that it's attached to a man, let the dude be homophobic so you can protect your kids and community from pedos

You aren't mentally ill or neurotic, OP. Bisexuals belong with bisexuals. I'd say go for lesbian too, but they'll probably think along the same lines i.e., "pick a side/you're lesbian now/i don't see why you don't ditch men and solely date girls". Bisexual men experience this too. The heteros will never come to an understanding of the community. Ever. Bisexuals are the black sheep of the community. If for any reason you feel the relationship is inauthentic, leave. Make no compromises. If they aren't willing to meet you half-way or whatever. It's not worth your time.

BISEXUAL ARE MASTER RACE. Y'all keep falling for the propaganda that you're only attracted to the opposite sex. When, in fact, everyone is gorgeous.

>the gays: "hi---"
Your boyfriend is likely homophobic, I bet it goes beyond "the gays hit on me because I'm muscular" there's a difference between showing friendly comaradiere and experessing flirtuous bravado. Not everyone you meet the first time is trying to flirt or get in your pants. Like, people can be genuinely friendly. You need to knock your boyfriend's ego down a few steps more.

>You need to knock your boyfriend's ego down a few steps more.
>Cure toxic behavior with more toxic behavior

Gotta love liberals

>Make no compromises.
>If they aren't willing to meet you half-way or whatever. It's not worth your time.

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I listen to Ben Shapiro, I know what I am talking about! Don't call me liberal again.

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It's just that you're blatantly throwing away OP's bf's past experiences cause they go against you whatever bullshit the media led you to believe.

There is nothing cute and cuddly about gays or lesbians. They're people just like straights. This means ulterior motivations, sinister bullshit and manipulation are ABOUND. Sorry but if you actually knew any gay people you'd know the ultimate fantasy is to seduce a bisexual man who believes he's straight. That and bug chasing.

Male sex drives ain't nothing to fuck with.

In a gay bar with alcohol flowing? What straight man would want to willingly put himself in that situation? What the fuck is wrong with you? Pull your head out of your ass.

Also, gay men HATE pretty much all women, biseuxal straight and especially lesbian. The image of the "LGBT" community as a whole is for superficial political reaosns only. In reality they all fucking hate each other. So get the fuck out with the "community" nonsense. Nobody here is falling for it.

OP's bf's is more than likely wise to this plus the fact that there are no such thing as lesbians, only sexually abused women who hate men yet strap on wooden penises and cut their hair to look like men. OP is confused cause she was probably bullied in highschool, her lesbian friends resent her for dating the muscular straightboi she's craved for years

Gtfo disgusting filth

You tell OP to make 0 comprimises but expect the partner to "meet them half way" aka comrpimise. That's childish selfishness at it's finest.

at least put some effort into it

Uhm, nothing in the world is perfect. Everything is fucked and flawed. The boyfriend is a hot dumpster fire of a mess and should prove his worth in the relationship. Stay mad.

>lawdy all the single ladies

>In a gay bar with alcohol flowing?
OP said gay bar where there were LESBIANS. I doubt they'll hit on him. Fact check yourself.
>The image of the "LGBT" community as a whole is for superficial political reaosns only
You don't need to tell me that, Babydoll. I already know.
>Gtfo disgusting filth
You're getting way too triggered in a bait thread, user-kun. It's cute. You bisexual master race, too? Let's met up sometime and have a irl discourse on this matter. You seem so so so interesting.

>OP said gay bar where there were LESBIANS

It's like gays and lesbians both go to gay bars

She'll find someone as soon as she dump the bastard boyfriend. Some cute lesbian friend of hers probably wanted that pussy forever.

Lmao buttmad as fuck

Together??? Lemme dial Kevin Spacey real quick and get the true facts.


Go back to whatever social media shithole you crawled out of.

Thanks. I try, but sometimes it's hard.

Who hurt you?

You fucking very well know who he's running the country, America, the States, everything. [spoiler]moot[/spoiler]

You do realize the word butthurt was invented here right

It's a triggered lesbian. She probably lost her oneitis to a man and this thread hit a nerve

stick with your own kind and leave mr straight alone, you'll never be happy with anything he does.

>I love going to LGBT friendly bars with just to hang out, and he never wants to come because he said he'd feel "out of place being surrounded by lesbians at a gay bar".

Honestly this shit happens in straight relationships too. Women need to fucking learn not to bring their boyfriends around their guuuurlfriends. It's fucking weird and annoting.

This has nothing to do with anyone being gay and everything to do with trying to make your boyfriend into one of "the girls" because you're too fat and independent to embrace gender polarity

We need a hard nuke and a restart button in society

>he actually fell for the opression meme
Kill yourself


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Dump him and be with your filthy degen friends

He just feels like he doesn't fit in, he doesn't hate gay people. You sound like a bitch.

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Are you still here OP?
This are my thougths:

You enjoy LGBT activities and participate on them often with your friends. You are probably very open about sexuality and you think he could enjoy that too but thats not necesarly true, people usually like when a partner have the same tastes (lets say abaout culture or comunity) but sometimes is OK if our partner enjoy different things/activities and dont like some of the things we like.

Lets say for example that your boyfriend likes something that you dont enjoy but you are not against: it could be basquetball, soccer, boardgames, watever that you dont dislikes but also not enjoy participate in. Let him participate in that and thats it.

People could have different points of view or personalities and also be a couple. The problem could be if you are so in the LGBT comunity that you cant afford having him without that affecting your social status. If that is the case, or if their line of thinking is so far away from yours, in that case priorize whats more importat to you, your comunity/line of thikning or your boyfriend.

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Everything your boyfriend has in common with these “people” is a serious mark against him.

>His weird ass won't even go to pride parades
What's so weird about that?
Anyway, I don't see what the issue is. It's not like he's Mike Pence or something, he's just a bit of an insensitivite dummy. Studies have shown that people's opinions of gay people and gay marriage change rapidly if they spend time around them. Try to work on it.

0/10 bait