Turn the phrase "conspiracy theorist" against the left

Old thread
I don't know if you've noticed, but this is their latest play :
1) label everything they don't like as "conspiracy theory"
2) "crack down" on "conspiracy theory" content (censorship)

They had to change gear because calling everybody a "racist bigoted Nazi" wasn't working any more.
The term "fake news" was originally supposed to fill this role, but it was turned against the MSM beautifully.
Now we have to do the same with "conspiracy theory" : every leftist must be labelled as a "conspiracy theorist".

- "White privilege" - conspiracy theory
- "Cops kill more blacks" - conspiracy theory
- "Muh patriarchy" - conspiracy theory
- "Russian colusion / bots" - conspiracy theory
- "Gender inequality / pay gap" - conspiracy theory
- If they say "Populism / right wing / fascism is on the rise" - conspiracy theorist
- If they say "hate crimes are rising" - conspiracy theorist
- "There are 67 genders" - conspiracy theory
- "Systemic racism" - conspiracy theorist
- "Race / gender is a social construct" - conspiracy theory
- Calling everything a conspiracy theory is a far right tactic - conspiracy theory

From now on, EVERYTHING the left says is a conspiracy theory. Make it so

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not bad i support this

Hmm sounds good in theory. Bump.

Already implemented. The russiagate conspiracy theory was an embarrassment to the institution of Journalism.

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Yup - this is good.

Go with it.

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You can track the decline of profitability year on year as digital media companies plunge deeper and deeper into the conspiracy theory clickhole. Eventually these "jounralists" get trapped in their echo chambers and filter bubbles such that they cannot help but concoct ludicrous and easily debunk-able conspiracy theories like Trump paying women to pee on anything. It's laughable what these paranoid liberals come up with!

get ready for the european elections, its gonna be fun, full of angry and frustrated lefties

>Blocks your path
People usually don't read this far.

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this is genius
bump this thread

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actualy, we dont need the article 19 yet, before that we can use the conspiracy theorist, after that we should use the argument that they will support article 13 to fuck us all

Bump. I dig it

LMAO only the cucknets are subject to article 13, freenets will be JUST FINE
europoors caught SERFing their single internet.

>finding joy in tyranny
seek help

This is brilliant.

"Oh jeez, you believe that white privilege conspiracy theory?"

"It's not a conspiracy theory, it's--"

But it's too late, they've already lost face (and the argument) at this point.

It's perfect because they literally are conspiracy theories. Have a bump.

So basic the UN is saying
>you have these rights unless they get in our way
So rights in the french "declaration of the rights of man and citizen" Rather than the American sense?

dat vein

>The term "fake news" was originally supposed to fill this role, but it was turned against the MSM
This was made single handedly by Trump and it was beautiful

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Kiwi is the first to fucking notice.


Measured and rational response user. Please don't take my bantz the wrong way.