Overall will he go down as one of the worst presidents? Maybe not one of the worst but definitely in the 19th century literally who teir presidents.
Overall will he go down as one of the worst presidents...
He's already considered worse than any previous President. Trump is TOTALLY corrupt and incompetent and his legal woes are closing in on him with incredible swiftness. Not just unpopular around the world, but absolutely despised by the vast majority of Americans. He is a rotten, vile, selfish, conniving, stupid human being and its easy to hate him.
He will be viewed as a powerless cuck who sold America to Israelis and Shitskins.
What if I told you I disagree with everything you just said?
king nigger's legacy is destroyed lol, and you're going to kill yourself one day
>Not posting the uncensored version
He is the worst, most criminal, least capable member of our Democratic government since Nixon, and probably beyond. The man thinks he’s a dictator, even though he is a burger eating FOX news watching lowlife.
why did you censor this, and if you didn't censor it, why did you save it?
>its easy to hate him.
only true statement there
He will go down as the most disappointing Presidents (unless if he really turns it around, which seems unlikely).
His immigration deal he signed was horrendous, the wall is years away, and the Koch Bro. and Jared are working on an amnesty plan.
Trump drained the swamp alright. Right into his cabinet.
He's not only an asshole, a fraud, a tax cheat, draft dodger and liar. Primarily he's a traitor.
That's funny because Nixon was the best president of the 20th century and he was brought down by a conspiracy between the communist media and the Democratic Party and the only reason you think Trump is bad is because the conspiracy still exists and you're a sheep.
But in all seriousness, Trump will go down in history as the best President this country has ever seen. Not only did he become President despite the entrenched uniparty committing the largest spying scandal this country has ever seen.
Additionally this time will be looked at as the dark ages of media, where the organizations responsible for informing the public sided with the same entrenched uniparty dedicated to taking out Trump.
God bless Trump for doing what he has done, and that is why I will follow him in to hell supporting him.
Where do you people come from?
He's going to go down as an average president in every way safe for the exceptional level of salt from the media.
Plus he is racist although he does like to rape women of all genders and ages. Just grab’em and kiss them......old pruney shrimp dick’d trust fund bastard! The Apprentice stucked too!
the zionist hot potato, dr donald j trump
Are you gay?
niggers niggers
niggers niggers niggers
niggers niggers
go home shitskin
Lmfao at your delusion
He's literally objectively more popular than Obama and one of the most revolutionary presidents we've ever had.
Until this kike doubles the debt like the two crackhead presidents before him and then engages in new wars and then further kikes are industries he's not the worse. RIght now he's simply a lame duck. Pray that's how he remains.
It’s the 20th century
Nah man. Sorry no one is buying that bullshit. Not even close asshole. The salt’s gonna be in your wounds. That stupid bitch is criminal as fuck, and Nixon prolonged Vietnam, killed American boys, just to win an election.
Nixon can burn in hell!
>in the 19th century literally who teir presidents
Every faggot in the western world has been tearing thier hair out over him for 4 years straight, and he was already well known before he entered politics.
I don't know how history will remember him, but being "literally who?" is not something he has to worry about.
This is how I know Trump is an imbecile. POTUS is by FAR the hottest spotlight you can stand under publicly, and even though his past was CHOCK FULL of crimes and fraud, he went forward out of sheer vanity and thought that he could bamboozle the FBI DOJ, CIA, IRS and the worldwide news outlets. Pretty fucking stupid move. Now every last one of his henchmen are going to prison along with Trump.
Such a stupid man.
I'm American.
Baa for me again, it's such a musical noise.
He'll go down as the spiritual successor to Teddy
You're absolutely right.
We need to vote communism.
> The Kremlin
I know most right-wingers can't read, but here's a nice sentiment from a very wise American.
>/ptg/ bootlicker
>supports censorship
Checks out.
Trump purified the White House of niggerdom
It was just in case the tranny janny was around.
Hopefully they've killed themselves too.
As a person, he's easily the more morally reprehensible individual ever to hold the office.
He's among the stupidest Presidents.
He's one of the worst political operators, incapable of governing efficiently.
The level of corruption and nepotism is much higher than the 20th/21st century average.
HOWEVER, from an actual administration point of view, the executive office is doing fine and he hasn't made any catastrophic fuckups the way Bush, Hoover, etc. have. (yet)
Ah another racist right-wing knuckle dragger appears. All you do is reinforce our opinion that Republicans are the modern KKK.
>wealth is a zero sum game
>you need an ssn to be a drain on the welfare system
niggers tongue my anus
Trump sucks.
Capitalism has failed bigtime. We need to vote for Marxism. We need a progressive transexual POC to lead us into the 21st century!
Christ, you shillfags are so boring and transparent, who do you think you're fooling with this shit? It's sad af.
There is so much economically incorrect with this statement I don't even know where to begin. First of all, illegal immigrants who cross the border put a disproportionate economic net burden on lower class unskilled workers by deflating wages. She speaks against income inequality, but in the same paragraph supports one of the causes behind it.
The right have to be absolutely suicidal by this time. They're finding out just how excruciating the Trump Curse really is.
Omg lol.
Trump is the worst of all time, it is not up for discussion. The big question is, what we do with his remaining supporters...
SO who you getting behind for 2020?
It's a good time to be alive. I was hoping the GOP would die in my lifetime. I've said it out loud at least 30 million times. Looks like this is finally the end of it!
So wait, what exactly would he be convicted of in the end? Having Russians hypnotizing people into voting for him by spamming memes?
Not sure yet. Any Democrat of course. I'd like to see Warren take the reigns. Or AOC. Or Bernie.
What a fucking joke.
Your shit is weak, get a new script.
>better yet, 40% yourself
Tax and insurance fraud. Election tampering. And of course, outright treason.
Trump probably had more written about him in the first month than every other president combined, of all the things you might think he will become, forgotten is not one of them.
Yes, same as the black plague, 9/11 or the 2003 tsunami. There's a difference between famous and infamous.
That's why he started bleating "fake news" the second he hit the campaign trail. His closet is overflowing with skeletons.
The KKK is terrible. The racism of today is magnitudes times worse than it was even during the 1800s and during Jim Crow. POC are suffering immensely under the yoke of white oppression and I can't believe these monsters even exist and masquarde as Republicans as mothers and fathers with children as families. So sick.
They must be destroyed. Communism is the only utopia for us. No money, no genders, no rejection.
All necessities provided. All anxieties tranquilized. All boredom amused.
nigger-tier b8 post in a kike derail thread. I can't wait to put you in a camp and listen to you plead for leniency which will never be coming. Now get naked, it's time for a delousing shower.
He'll be remembered as one of the worst. The deals and kickbacks he gives to the wealthiest makes them more willing to take risk and do more business in America which means more jobs, so what he did on that front can be achieved by any republican president. He's incredibly divisive, and not just because the left automatically hates him, but because the rhetoric and bullying he employed during his campaign was unheard of in contemporary times. The way he tweets and the way he acts sets the bar so low, it's going to fuck up the discourse in the country going forward. And of course that's where the edgy accelerationist kids come in and say "lol clown world" but they're really just the "I'm not like the other girls" of millennial nihilism and should be ignored as such.
and yet nothing has stuck to the teflon don.
Well yeah, but America is going Democratic Socialist like 40+ other developed nations. Their blueprints just work better for all people.
Any hard evidence yet?
You've obviously never seen a criminal investigation into organized crime. They start with the small fry and work their way to the top.
LOL. Aw, shucks let's just forget the tax fraud. He is the President. He can do that. LOL.
Can you read?
what fraud
Social Democracy =/= Democratic Socialism
lol ur people will never make anything of themselves
you will always be slaves, the only difference now is that you're in prison chains.
suffer and cry, nigger, and know your place.
Those are just claims, tranny.
Are the suicidal urges returning? You could escape all of this so quickly. Become part of the 40%.
18 posts by this ID
She's not old enough to be elected. This is the kind of intellectual strength we get to see on a daily basis
>Discord trannies think they're accomplishing something by spamming Jow Forums with anti-Trump threads.
>Discord trannies think they'll someday pass for being the opposite gender.
I would tell you you're delusional, but that much should be obvious if you look between your legs. Here's a friendly reminder to dilate your open wound where your penis used to be. Wouldn't want it to close up now, would you?
Pic semi-related, with something that will never be said about you.
You're absolutely right! Communism (DemSoc) has demonstrably been shown to work throughout history and the modern world. Too bad we're lagging behind on this Progress.
If only everyone would understand that families are meaningless we all share a global kinship with diverse people from every spot in the world. Why should a son or daughter or next door neighbor not receive the same empathy and altruism as a stranger from across the globe in China or Somalia or Bangladesh?
We're all the same people with infinite compassion and empathy for all mankind, but the only way we'll see this is by progressing past the primitive notion of kinship is by abolishing the evil family and national unit that limits this global compassion.
There is no reason you should love your own children more than you love another fellow man.
You made me stop shitting out my five thousand pound red white and blue beef steak of manliness that I cut with my tiny fork and knife made special for my tiny hands for this!??
I've met about 5 people in the last 3 years who support Trump. Actually it might not even be that many. The VAST majority (99%) of Americans absolutely LOATHE him and can't wait to get rid of him.
Trump has around a 45% approval rating right now. All presidents see a substantial boost after they leave office. He will end up with around a 60% approval in a decade.
Then I guess we should start electing all presidents with respect to their global and domestic "unpopularity", if Ben was correct.
>you are just so retarded
I only voted for Trump, because I couldn't get Perot in the nineties. The FIRST thing that has to happen is the end of two party coup. That is, if this wants to be ended peacefully.
He'll definitely be remembered, albeit divisively. So far his actual policies haven't been exceptionally good or bad, all things considered. Let's see if he gets reelected, or not (as the shills wish), and then see what happens.
Nixon was highly intelligent and capable, regardless of sanctimonious judgements or later scandal. Even Bill Clinton sought his advice.
Gabbard is better than all of those, which is why the Dem establishment hates her.
She's the best.
Feminism is so important right now.
It was an economic coup, that's all. Unless you are willing to stand against that, you are a "cuck", as it's said, that's all. No matter what side of "justice warrior" you claim.
Wish he was more "evil", like open murder of illegals tier. Then I'd forgive him for the other shit.
fuck Warren, fuck Gabbard, fuck Bernie, and I hope AOC blows her brains out.
Yang better get the nomination or I'll happily vote for Trump to spite leftists
He had one chance to not be a sellout and he fucked it all up in just 2 years completely selling out America. Instead of gaining votes he's done nothing but isolate the Republican base and distance himself from them. He's a one-termer
Oh you poor delusional retard, can't handle reality can you.
Yeah I'm sure any day now we'll see the elevator tape, and the nigger tape, and the russian collusion tape, and everything else you 70 IQ retards have been promising for years.
You fucking morons.
His approval is at a near all time high you complete and total moron.
she did win the popular vote, dumbass
Release his SAT scores already.
Aww poor low IQ retard doesn't even understand the chart.
Guy the chart says popular vote...Also the margin for polls is 5 points and that is 2. Trump was statistical anomaly and Jow Forums treats it like the second coming of Christ. You almost lost to a lady who did not campaign in swing states.
Probably in the lower half. Hasn't done much, and who knows when the wall will actually go up.
He's been pretty fun though. As long as I get to see him crush some Dems on the campaign, I'll be happy enough (though still sad he didnt get more done)
Let's see, 46.2 + 3.3 (how most would have gone), then 48.2 + 1.1 (how most would have gone).... Learn to see how math relates to actual life, no one wanted that bitch as president.
Clearly more people wanted her as president then Trump. Whats fun is if you breakdown the support demographics a large chunk of Trump supporters are +65 and will be dead by the time voting for 2020 happens. Then there is how many Republican senators are up in 2020 where they will need +70% of the vote to hold onto the Senate. It will be interesting if the party invests in the Senate races or Trump.
One of the best*
So, let me see if I have this correct. I go for some math, and your go to is the idea of death and attrition, correct? I guess people who are so concerned by winning through the idea of death, would have no issue of skewing an outcome through padding the vote with questionable immigration policy.
You just showed the kind of sick thinking of your side, you sick serial bastard. Since your whole basis for existence is disruption of locals. Just like the Semites of Neo Assyrian and Neo Babylonian empires. You support nothing but deconstruction.
How about trying to build, instead of trying to reap from destruction?