Wasted half my 20s for no reason

I went to college and graduated with a useless degree in political science. I did it because I was told I had to have a degree in anything just for employment, and I rationalized that it didn’t matter what I studied because I had planned on going into the military—not for any patriotic sentiment but because I wanted a structured environment, exposure to various career fields to get an idea for the long-term, and most importantly to help pay with my remaining student debt
Found out 6 months after graduating I have Celiac disease. I cannot serve in any branch of the military, no exceptions. I’m 26, have $80k in student debt, and have had one job my whole life working at a butcher’s back in high school. College was incredibly difficult for me, not because of the coursework but in finding the motivation to get out of bed and actually go to class. I’ve dealt with depression and social anxiety since puberty, and I isolated myself entirely from classmates and former friends by justifying that I wouldn’t be able to maintain any pre-existing relationships while in the military
Seems that’s turned out to be a major fucking mistake and now I’m indebted, alone, still sick and have missed out on experiences with the expectation it would pay off for experiences that I know now will never come. I’ve spent the past week in bed, only rolling out to reheat some rice I boiled on Monday and check job listings. Do I just work off the debt and then kill myself? Whole life feels wasted

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>there is no life after 29 life is LITERALLY OVER better kill myself now I've missed so much
idk what to tell you, there. You're stupid? Believe in a media-perpetuated romanticization of youth? Contrary to what media companies and the beauty industry want you to believe, life actually gets better past 30 for most people.

Yeah debt sucks but welcome to life. I have a buddy who is an ex-addict who between the ages of 18 and 24 was only out of jail for like 8 months. Fried brain, had to leave all his old friends behind to get clean. He has tens of thousands of dollars in bail bonds and restitutions he has to pay back and doesn't have an education. But he grinds away at it because he wants a life. You don't seem to want a life. Or, I should say you don't seem to want a life that has any sort of difficulty at all. You'd rather be dead than suffer inconvenience. If that's truly how you feel, then by all means lay your head on the railroad track.

And what do you mean 'still sick'? Celiac disease is gluten intolerance, no? Don't eat gluten and you don't get sick, what the fuck.

Celiac disease that went undiagnosed after becoming symptomatic that left my duodenum and small intestine fried. I was 70 lbs. underweight, anemic, and I'm still being tested for Crohn's colitis. So that's more medical bills

Thanks for comparing me trying to focus on a military career and pursuing higher education to your crater-brained drugfiend friend though. It's almost as if effort isn't rewarded and actual retards that break the law get second chances for "trying sooo hard" to stay out of a cell

I was plucked out of the real world at age 4 and dragged through special ed, institutions and foster care, never having any stability or family or trust or love. And then coasted through my 20s, unable to do anything but survive day to day. I'm in my 30s now and nothing has changed and my life is completely empty

fuck off and stop taking what you have for granted

>m-m-m-uh celiac disease

you're right. i'll cherish my mounting bills that i have no idea how to pay off working for $10 an hour
you also don't get it. it literally increases my cost of living that i already can't meet

I’ve been out of my house about 2 dozen times in the last year. I have a wife and a dog. I stay in bed and only get up to go to the bathroom. Break the cycle while you can

The comparison to my druggie friend was your similar circumstances starting out
>no friends
>tons of debt
and highlighting his willingness to work towards a better life no matter what while you're ready to give up because you're not getting everything you want when you want. You're not better than him because you had better goals that you failed at--you're equally failures. Your particular track to end up a loser is of no consequence.

You remind me of that kid in South Park who always talks about his Diabetes

>similar circumstances
you don't repeatedly go to jail for SIX YEARS without being a retard. your friend is probably a nigger and his "willingness" will only last until his next relapse. he's probably sucking dick for his next fix right now
should i have just said medical bills for a condition that renders previous plan unviable to give you context? it's money i don't have. or are you just shitposting?

32, suffer from lots of anxiety and can relate.

Things havent gone as well as you would like. I dont know what you can do to build your life back, but i can say this: It will take a while. So hang in there buddy.

Despite being a brown, he is at the same level as you, except in 10 years he's going to be alive building his life and you'll dead. More white women for him, I guess.

In any event, you can't be 26 fresh out of college with 80k in debt, no work experience, and less hope of a job than a brownskin without being a retard.

yeah, it's almost as if i came to Jow Forums for advice, not the condescension of some faggot that thinks his criminal friend isn't going to end up a statistic just like i am

rethink why you're on this board

I did a similar degree because I wanted to join the Coast Guard as an officer, now I can't because I injured myself being a dumbass and now have a limp.
I guess there's always AmeriCorps if I really want to do something service oriented.

>has a degree in political science
>Hurrr durrr what do I do with this degree?
Man fuck if I know, maybe find a job relating to the field of study you wasted your 20’s working towards? Are you retarded or just lazy?

A poly sci degree is actually more employable than most STEM degrees precisely because it isn't aimed at a specific narrow field.

Google "skill based resumes" and see how the things you did in your studies - research, analysis of data, presentation of findings in coherent written form, etc - translate into business terms

thank you for the actually helpful responses
>man fuck if i know
fantastic! so you knew as much as me when i fucking asked the question. have you yourself tried doing that? surely you didn't see the plethora of self-help websites that literally think it's a springboard for an advanced degree for teaching or a law degree. did you miss the part where i've run out of money and forced to work retail or fast food?

i don't know who's more fucking useless, you or the shithead that wants to suck his criminal friend's dick. do you feel compelled to respond to threads out of habit for your good boy points that don't exist here, redditor?

You’re in such a deep pit that you need to keep digging. A undergraduate degree is useless. Get another loan, as painful as that sounds, and get a advanced degree so that you can get a teaching job. That’s gonna be your best bet

Look for something that will get you a certification. Whether it's programming or something like Workday, a cert will open up a lot of doors for you. Some companies even sponsor new hires for certain ones.

Just do some volunteer organizing type work and concurrently look at city websites for public type jobs. City jobs can be lucrative, have amazing benefits, and good holidays off. You didn’t waste your degree, you just haven’t explored its potential yet.