What do most girls think of men who have fucked escorts?
What do most girls think of men who have fucked escorts?
I'd think so much less of a man who told me he did it, honestly. I also don't think highly of men who slept around a lot.
I'd rather never know.
Might be a dealbreaker, depending on context. It says a lot about how he thinks about sex, women, and most of all, himself.
How many girls are like you?
I don't know, we don't have regular meet ups.
I never met a girl who was proud of having a boyfriend who fucked whores.
That’s really gross. At least I’d you were a normal slut it would mean you had game, but paying for sex is the lowest of the low
I wouldn't mind, I think there are better things to waste your money on
I also don't care if my bf slept around, just shouldn't have any STD's
Escorts aren't whores.
Squares and rectangles. If she accepts money for sex she's a whore.
Yes. In both cases, it means prostitute.
If you paid money to fuck women, I'll think less of you.
I know it happens but never known a guy stupid enough to tell but to answer HOW PATHETIC.
What does it say?
I wouldn't help but have a lower opinion of him desu
If you did so just get tested afterwards and never mention it
I'm 18 and my older brother keeps bringing escorts home to our house. I've had to quit or and masturbating since it's fucked my brain and dick up quite a bit. I'm finally starting to get rock hard erections but I don't know how to smooth talk a girl into sex. Is it really that bad if I see an escort?
>Is it really that bad if I see an escort?
For me, yes, it'd make me think much less of you.
Personally, tho: I'm quite certain my boyfriend slept with escorts given the people he hanged out with in college, but he'd never tell me and I never asked. I wouldn't want to know.
Now it was almost 6 years ago, so probably wouldn't date him if he fucked escorts regularly now.
Quit porn and masturbating*
I guess it's similar to the way how women are sluts, right?
It says he doesn't have either the self-esteem or the social skills to seduce women like a normal man. Or, it says he straight-up just doesn't want to deal with interacting with women normally, which indicates unhealthy, antisocial tendencies. Or, it says he views sex as a transaction, or even worse, that he views women as sexual objects that only exist for his own gratification. All in all, paying for sex says, to me at least, that something in his moral fiber is incompatible with mine.
Exceptions could be doing it only once when he was young and stupid and regrets it, or if he was a drug addict/alcoholic in a fucked up environment and has such cleaned up his act. In other words, he can't be the "same" person, he'd have to denounce it and be ashamed for the right reasons for it to possibly work.
Yeah. I'm not a slut, I don't want to date a man who is the equivalent of a slut, so someone who fucked around and paid for sex.
It’s comparable to finding out your gf was a total cock hungry slut who got gang banged by black guys regularly. They view it similar to the way guys would view that. Don’t share that information imo.
Honestly guys would be more forgiving when it comes to that, going to escorts for most women would be either viewed as morally reprehensible or pathetic or both.
>Practically all girls now have previous sex partners before marriage (to put it mildly) and they still get on their high horse about men going with escorts
It's a bit fucking rich.
Almost no man would date a woman he knows that got gangbanged.
There's a huge difference between abstaining from sex before marriage or not, and literally paying someone to fuck them.
>It says he doesn't have either the self-esteem or the social skills to seduce women like a normal man.
What if you don't? What do you do then?It's not like self-esteem or social skills are prescriptive, there's no one helping citizens who've failed to have an upbringing where social skills and self-esteem could be built.
Not just talking about people like that who go to escorts for something resembling affection. My "chosen" alternative, staying inside and shutting myself away, isn't much better but what can we do? If you're a socially maladjusted adult you're just a liability.
>what can we do?
Putting effort into improving your social skills and your self esteem.
Therapists can help you with that.
If she was attractive enough, they absolutely would.
Disgusting. I wouldn't date a manwhore.
No dude. Regular guys don't date prostitutes, don't date girls who fucked around TONS, don't date porn stars.
Regular guys want someone faithful.
There are cases of people who are fine with it, but they're not common. Most guys would be grossed out by it.
So porn is fucking up men's perception of women and sex?
Do you honestly need me to say it?
Are you a girl? If so, yes, please say it.
Yes, porn is fucking up men's perception of women and sex. There are plenty of studies about it, too.
That money changes hands makes it reprehensible for some reason. How exactly? And how is this worse than a girl literally rutting with numerous men?
>How exactly?
You're seeing sex as a transaction, which is, in my opinion, worse than doing it out of lust and definitely worse than doing it out of love.
It says that you just see it as something that you can buy, it has no meaning for you.
>And how is this worse than a girl literally rutting with numerous men?
I think that paying for sex is worse than having it out of lust.
But I'd compare a girl who slept around a lot to a man who paid for prostitutes, I find them both undesirable.
I don't think that every woman who has premarital sex is a slut, you can have sex with a long term boyfriend and not be a whore.
For me, the last three women I got with I did by basically giving them what they wanted to see and hear, not by reality. So when I realized that women only want to be played, I lost interest in playing. Now I just masturbate because it’s funner than doing stupid things to audition for sex with some out-of-touch lady.
It’s funny to me the mental gymnastics you just did. You know your boyfriend likely did it, but you don’t want to know because you’d think less of him to the point where you wouldn’t want him. But since you want him, you don’t want to not want him, so you lie to yourself.
Literally my point examplified in this very thread. This is why men think you all don’t know what you want, that you’re chrildren, want to be played and don’t even know it, etc.
If it happened, it would have happened when he was a lot younger and doing drugs. He's another person and while I know I'd judge him over it, I don't want to judge him because of his past when he put so much effort to better himself and change.
At the same time, he was doing drugs, drinking, dating very casually, hanging out with shit people. He grew out of it after one of his friends died, abstained from sex and drugs basically till we met.
If he did it now, I would. Like I'd judge him if he was doing drugs now or hanging out with the same people now.
But to judge him over something that happened a long time ago, when he was a different person, would feel unfair to me.
That's it. I know it's something I feel strongly about and I don't want to get mad at him over it.
>which is, in my opinion
>I think that paying for sex is worse than having it out of lust
Yea it's worse in your opinion, that's it.
>I don't think that every woman who has premarital sex is a slut, you can have sex with a long term boyfriend and not be a whore.
>In my opinion.
For 99.9%+ of history that girl is considered a whore. That same whore will moralize about men going with escorts because women are self righteous.
For 99.9% of history, headaches were thought to be caused by spirits in your head that you'd get rid of my drilling holes in your skull.
I bet you do it all the time now, even if times changed.
And yes, it is my opinion. Yours is different.
I don't have to date you if we have different opinions, and you dislike my lifestyle and I dislike yours.
In my personal opinion, I find it pathetic and gross, but who knows? Other women might think differently.
Yea well the data's against you. If you get married it won't last because due to you being a whore you can't pair bond properly. I sure hope all that rutting around with numerous males was worth it.
There's no actual data about the impossibility of pair bonding for women who slept around.
There are some stats that show that women who are virgin at marriage are more likely to stay married, but there's no real decrease in your chances of staying married if you slept with just one man before marrying him or up to 3-4 men. It's something insignificant like being 5% less likely to stay married if you slept only with the man you later married or with 2 or 3 men before him.
If it was true that there's any incapability of pair bonding for women who slept with more than one man, there wouldn't be such an harsh difference between women who married virgin and women who didn't.
Also, I'm married, and slept only with my husband.
TL;DR - You're a moron.
No offense, but it isn't my problem what the problems of men with low self-esteem or bad social skills are. Attend autism groups that train you how to fake human interaction. Go to therapy. Make male friends and learn how to be a man from them. Reconnect with your father/find a replacement to teach you what you need to know. But my man, the one I date? He meets these basic standards, and if we were to split, I wouldn't settle for less. "Not being broken/retarded" isn't a high bar, user.
>There's no actual data about the impossibility of pair bonding for women who slept around.
There's data about the likelihood of it significantly decreasing as the cock count goes up, so much so that marrying a whore is a seriously bad bet.
>Also, I'm married, and slept only with my husband.
Bloody hell.
>There's data about the likelihood of it significantly decreasing as the cock count goes up, so much so that marrying a whore is a seriously bad bet.
Yes, but if it was about the "impossibility to pairbond", once you start sleeping with more than one person there would be some sort of harsh decrease. Which isn't there, in any data. If you sleep with one man (before marriage, so supposedly the man you later on married), or with two men, or with up to 4 men, there's no real decrease in your chances of divorcing. There's a very slight one, like 2-3%.
So it's not about pairbonding, but more about the fact that women who sleep around a lot are much more likely to have deep seeded mental issues that they try to cope with by getting validation from sex. For example women who went through a rough divorce, abuse, etc are more likely to have slept around tons. Same for women from poorer households.
I think they are horrible people since they are willing to leverage economic power over desperate women without many options. I would not want to date a man who does this.
Escorts are good practice for when you meet a civvie.
>So it's not about pairbonding, but more
There you go again, jumping to conclusions. There are other correlations as you pointed out tho, I get it.
Regardless, it's not just about the pair bonding. Have you ever watched a video of a couple have sex (or not a couple) in one of those filmed at home pornos people upload to the internet these days? Now imagine it wasn't filmed. You think a girl who has sex with other men before her husband isn't a whore, fine, but believe it or not to most men, knowing their significant other has done THAT with other men is extraordinarily upsetting. Additionally, for a woman like this to self righteously declare that her behavior is just fine and dandy but for a man to see an escort every now and then is beyond the pale... well that can be a little grating. Can you understand that?
Depends on how often he fucked escorts, how many, and when.
If he fucks escorts every weekend, uh, thanks, I'll pass.
If he fucked escorts as a self-esteem-fix after a bad breakup or because he hasn't had sex for a long time - meh, no big.
They will think less of you. As a man who fucked a whore/escort in nevada when I was 18, I can say it was a great experience, some of the best sex I've had. You know how many women Ive gone out with since know about it? A strong 0, because I use common sense and dont tell them.
>There you go again, jumping to conclusions.
No, I'm not.
If it was about the biological process of pairbonding, sleeping with someone when you marry them or before you do wouldn't make any difference. But it does. There's a huge, significant decrease between having 0 or 1 premarital partner.
If it was about the biological processo of pairbonding, sleeping with 1 men before marriage or with 2 men before marriage would make a HUGE difference. But it doesn't.
So, it's not biological, it's barely a sign of a psychological and cultural thing.
Again, logic.
>You think a girl who has sex with other men before her husband isn't a whore, fine, but believe it or not to most men, knowing their significant other has done THAT with other men is extraordinarily upsetting.
No one likes thinking of their significant other fucking someone else. I don't get your point. Just don't obsess over it.
>Can you understand that?
No, because it's stupid.
Most women I know don't sleep around, and I assume it is true for most women since the median number of sexual partners for women is around 4. In a lifetime. So most women have a few boyfriends, and then settle down.
So I feel like it is ridiculous to compare the fact that you loved some people, fucked them, and had them not working out to the fact that some men literally pay dozens of different women to suck their dick. It's not comparable.
In my opinion it's fine (for men and women alike) to have sex with serious, long term partners in their monogamous relationship while it's not fine (for men and women alike) to sleep around casually, and it is even less fine to pay for it.
It's not about gender, it's about you being a shit human being.
>I want a guy with this, this, and this.
Humans are not something you buy at a supermarket. The women I like, I like for varying reasons. I’m not searching for produce.
No, they aren't, but not committing romantically to someone with deep mental issues is a good idea.
well if women weren't so damn picky nobody would hire escorts or prostitutes
men dont enjoy talking to you. they do it for sex. if they can skip talking to you, they will.
>Don't be picky, just fuck everyone and everything
>You do
>Boo you whore
But men are the logical ones.
>the incel is posting about his christian website data about how people get divorced sometimes, and that's the real reason why he can't get a gf
you can have lower standards without a high body count
of course that's basically charity on your part. women tend to fuck a couple chads or a ton of average guys, but never a couple average guys.
No, you can't. If you lower your standards to the point you fuck people who aren't good romantic partners, you'll end up fucking a ton of random dudes and never sticking with one.
Unless you're arguing that women should just sacrifice their lives to date men they're not attracted to and who aren't their type romantically.
>women tend to fuck a couple chads or a ton of average guys, but never a couple average guys.
Oh look the expert on women who did all of his research on r9k.
I can only speak for myself, but the pressure of having to prove myself to a woman (in terms of displaying a healthy social life, good job, funny personality) instead of her just innately taking me as an equel living human, makes me completely uninterested in her as a human being. So my only desire is sex, and since I know women want the above mentioned things, I present those to them to get sex.
If a women displays upfront mutual interest, I’m more inclined to be actually interested. A girl who wants to be chased will be chased, caught, then released.
>If a women displays upfront mutual interest
On which basis should they be interested in you, if not on the fact that you're an interesting, healthy person? If you don't present some kind of quality, how are they supposed to develop some interest in you? Do you want women to just love you for your body or something? Or just to develop an interest in you because God told them so?
What if therapy hasn't worked, no normal man wants to be your friend/mentor(e.g. my only friend has it worse than I do) and your father is part of why you're like this?
I don't resent anyone(including my parents) for why I'm like this but I don't know what you can do in this predicament.
>Unless you're arguing that women should just sacrifice their lives to date men they're not attracted to and who aren't their type romantically.
I'm not arguing you should, but that is how you get out of the problem of having some men resent you for not putting out and some men resent you for being a slut.
>sexual selection isnt real. the world is perfectly fair. men and women have nothing to fight over.
pic related. you.
So is there a redemption for someone who was too socially awkward to meet girls in the past but has improved himself or is it over for this hypothetical person? He didn't do it with escorts and he didn't do it with someone he wasn't attracted to, he waited for the right person. Is that a 'past' girls can deal with?
Yeah, just meet girls and get over it.
>Women expect me to be a functioning human so I'm not interested
Why do broken people get so asshurt about the fact that they're broken
If you want to date then fix yourself
>that is how you get out of the problem of having some men resent you for not putting out and some men resent you for being a slut.
Yeah, I'd rather be happy. Sorry.
Redemption for what
You weren't ready for a relationship and now you are
This is how it works
Any time you pretend to care about the sexual frustration of others, just remember your decision.
Are you trying to guilt me into caring about some stranger's sexual frustration more than my own happiness?
Thank you, that is very encouraging to know. I just want to be open about myself if I'm in a relationship with someone.
People are broken or working unless we’re dead or alive. We all experience suffering and happiness at different moments in life.
I’m just telling you what I’m thinking when I use you for sex, so you might have a glimpse into my actual motives instead of just complaining that guys just want sex. It’s true I want sex, but that’s just what I take if there’s a lack of mutual respect. It’s not reall sex that I’m out for.