What group of people do you hate the most? And by group it can refer to ethnic, religious...

What group of people do you hate the most? And by group it can refer to ethnic, religious, social or any other defined group.
If I were to make a list, myself, living in one of the most cucked countries in the world, it'd have to be:
>the peddlers that buy into and apply the goods
>all enablers

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I hate people that want me to hate people as groups instead of individuals


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All of the above.

anyone who isn't INTx


Jews. If that's cheating, I can't stand consumerists. People that obsess about the newest gadget. That worship GDP. There is more to life than money and stuff. I also hate faggots like
Okay well let's go ahead and just abolish all laws then because it would be immoral to generalize, and is totally practical and realistic to assess all 7 billion people on this planet when trying to make a policy

The Chinese


>we shouldn't be racist to them Muslims, we shouldn't! Aw hell they just turned me daughter into kebab!

I don’t hate anyone

Sorted from hate to despise
Muslim Pakis
Jihadists or people who are trying to put Sharia in the west

I suppose niggers. Not black people. Niggers. Mainly only because I work with them and they're lazy pieces of shit that make life hard no matter what they do. They suck at driving too.

Jews don't piss me off that much. Illegal Hispanics suck but I can avoid their neighborhoods and in stores they're halfway acceptable. They let their kids run around like it's a fucking playground but, whatever. Chinks boil dogs alive and I hate that but I don't see that unless I go online hunting videos for it. Islamist do terrorist attacks, but whatever. Hasn't affected me too much. Women want to run around fucking blacks what do I care. They want to dress like whores, great. More eye candy for me.


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Why the Brit hate?
Usually I'd assume because they're so cucked - but then you're posting from literally the only country in the world that's even more cucked.

Sharia belongs everywhere. Not just the west.


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Pakis and niggers.

I'll pass, Kike.

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Wiggers. There's nothing cringier on earth.

Alright, I absolutely agree with you on both points. And both groups fit well in between the faggots and the enablers on my list

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Cluster B faggots and bitches
NPCs (including niggers, christians, pajeets and muslims)

Are you a christian? Why do you hate your culture and people?

>Why do you hate your culture and people?
What have my people done to make me like them
Kill yourself

Based Palestinian

There is only one group who has strip mined your nation of wealth, culture and dignity. It is the global elite, no one else. Do not listen to the dividers.

effeminate catholic priests, this post is so fucking gay it's hard to translate

>If I could change societal norms, I would trade shaking hands for a head nod. This way the amazing texture of the cashew cream that we use for our dry hands would last longer.

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Not to rephrase, but to add to the question/thread which group is the biggest threat or most important to deal with? On that one, I'd have to say enablers: from faggot rights activists to open border-politicians and their voters.
Then, the jew

I don't know, man. I've just never met a brit that wasn't at least one of the above-mentioned on my list. And to be fair, they are more cucked than us, as a country: 130+ mosques in London. That's why I hate them. And also because of how they just watch while legal jurisdiction is fucking them in the ass: at least, here, there's a resistance that actually stands on the same side as the law

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*130+ salafist mosques


Fuck centrists, honestly

Arabs are arabs thats enough reason to like them. Everywhere in the world when you people ask you what you are you can say proudly that you are an arab and will receive a certain amount of respect by virtue of your bloodline as a Mohammedan.

the level of faggotry doesn't make sense. And yeah, papists are on my list
Haha, jag köper centrister. Men polacker? De är fan baserade
I've got no quarrel with Arabs, but to be fair, Christianity was founded in the Middle East and it wasn't until much later that a jew invented Islam and forced people to convert

I hate people who frequent Jow Forums.

The poles swallow too much propaganda and have an eternal victim complex. They also erroneously believe themselves to be much better than they actually are. They're basically mini-kikes but instead of "muh holocaust", they go "my ebul nazis" or "muh ebul commies"

Individual poles can be based though and I wish their country all the best but they get on my nerves alot.

That guy Fabio de Mello is a "legit" catholic father, but he's like a pop star who loves to post self-help shit on his twitter and all kinds of effeminate shit. That post looks like an edit but he deleted it because lots of people on twitter mock him for this kind of shit saying he was finally coming out of the closet.

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Not only that, but to honestly 'hate' a group or just individual people says more about you than anything.

Stop the memes
I don't look Arab at all, Thank God that my ancestors didn't marry one of these filth.
I don't know how would anyone be proud about being an Arab, Arabs never contributed anything to humanity and Muslim stopped doing so the the 13th century.

I've never been exposed to that behavior, and I lived there for a year. Must have missed out
I don't know, man, but isn't it more often than not that faggots seek themselves to the service of the catholic church because it removes any expectations for them to marry and instead they're just surrounded by other like-minded faggots?

>self hating
sounds about right


So entirely self unaware that they're nothing more than religious nutters insisting on trying to bring about a magical promised land.
They're unironically the most dangerous people.

I heard that effeminate men often get promoted in catholic seminars, so it's a neverending issue, serious people get shunned, if you show there as a very flamboyant fag you get pushed to the front row.

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>Illegal Hispanics suck but I can avoid their neighborhoods

Can't avoid paying for their healthcare/groceries/housing though

>I don't look Arab at all
Delusional Ahmed

Welfare leeches of any race
Entitled uninformed college kids
Progressive "do as we say not as we do" Elite

Hahaha I love how the Swede has muzzies way down on his list

Hah! Yeah, I think that you're right on the money, man, they're usually all of the above - and if not, they're definitely promoting it
This is ridiculous. It's too obvious and absurd to be made up
I only mind it when it's put where it doesn't belong which is why it's even on the list, flaming queer
Did some contracts in the middle east and it's far better than the years I spent in San Faggitsville, California

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Also, there are no bong toasting in this bread because it is a criminal offense in bongland to read, not to mention posting in this hate speech orgy

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yeah, but that don't piss me off too much. If it wasn't blown on them it would be blown on blacks or shitbag politicians or the F-35 development.

natives, somali's, muslim