EKRE rising

big election in little country this weekend

quick rundown
>Estonia has a very conservative party known as EKRE
>unapologetically ethnonationalist
>pro-enviornmental conservation
>youth wing is literally Jow Forums
>goes deeper than just party politics, driven by a new national awakening attitude
>polling around 20%
>many expect they could do better at election
>media/opposition are tripping out and pulling gay stunts and Jussie style hoaxes to paint EKRE in a bad light (Indrek Tarand and German baby battering ram)
>election is this sunday, march 3rd

if EKRE helps form the government you can be sure they will be in the Salvini/Orban/v4 fold, standing up for native Europeans over globalist EU faggotry - another feather in the hat of the bad goys

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Fuck Estonia, I hope Russians invades it soon.

Bump, hope at least someone in Europe can have a good party

fuck slavs and fuck christians

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You realize if Russia invades any Baltic state, they would have to prevent NATO reinforcements entering by closing the Suwalki Gap in Poland and NATO doctrine is to use tactical nukes to prevent that, yes?

Why mad, nigger zhidochurka?

I know about that, but I assume NATO wouldn't actually use nuclear weapons just to protect some irrelevant fake nation. I don't believe the US would use nukes in any situation other than a direct threat to American mainland.

You want to know why I'm so mad? The first news from Estonia I've ever read was about the Brown Soldier. Calling you a nigger would be unfair to niggers, who usually respect people who sacrifice themselves to save them.

>Bronze Soldier
Yeah, would you remove a statue to Himmler? When you gain independence from an occupying force, you don't leave monuments of them up.

Blessed be the brave men who fought at the Tannenberg Line.

bronze soldier? i have spit on it

the bodies of those russian fags should be dug up and displayed in a mocking manner

how can they be saviors when they didn’t even respect estonian independence?

retarded polish nigger

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>t. yebany hohol who couldn't smuggle him and his rat family to my country
stay mad, zhenja
also fuck the brown soldier along with its russki sovok cultists, should have fucking killed you looters back in 2007

Why would you want to harm this upstanding Russian "minority"?

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It's almost incredible, how tolerated they've been till today, after the ussr has been dismantled, too bad they're too retarded to understand it, constantly victimizing themselves over not knowing the language of the country they live in. At least they keep dying out or emigrating to the west

it's not our fault us slavs are ugly fuck off


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>Yeah, would you remove a statue to Himmler? When you gain independence from an occupying force, you don't leave monuments of them up.
Wait, so was Himmler evil and his statue, if it existed, should be removed, or were the Soviets an occupying force? You can't have both.

Typical nigger behaviour.

>the bodies of those russian fags should be dug up and displayed in a mocking manner
Another example of typical nigger behaviour.

>over not knowing the language of the country they live in
Why are they supposed to learn a foreign language?
>be born in the USSR
>speak Russian your entire life
>suddenly an entirely new country takes over the place you live in
>you get called a nigger for not learning a new language

r*ssoid monuments need to be torn down and replaced with monuments for the forest brothers

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>if EKRE helps form the government you can be sure they will be in the Salvini/Orban/v4 fold, standing up for native Europeans over globalist EU faggotry - another feather in the hat of the bad goys
I don't know about that, they won't get first place and will probably have to get into a governing coalition with a party like Reform, who are basically cucks. Salvini has the luxury of being allied with another populist party in M5S which allows him to do as he pleases.

Still, it's great for Estonia that they have a genuine movement going with real hope to improve things.

Got to work on the fertility rate though, Estonia's population is tiny and the birth rates are terrible. Got to get them over replacement level or you might see Russians take over demographically.

educate yourself, subhuman vatnik

russians and especially soviet russians are absolute nigger tier

>After the Soviet re-occupation of Estonia in 1944, the Soviet occupation authorities began systematically destroying the war memorials to the fallen in the Estonian War of Independence, which had survived the war. On 15 April 1945 a monument by Amandus Adamson, erected to 87 persons who had fallen in the Estonian War of Independence, was blown up in Pärnu with explosives. Also between 1944 and 1946 the gravestones of the Tallinn Military Cemetery were destroyed by the Soviet authorities and the Estonian graveyard was reused by Red Army.


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>fight a war against Russians
>be surprised when they don't like a monuments celebrating that event too much

Although I agree, that was barbaric behaviour and I'm not a Stalinist and I will not justify this. However, two wrongs do not make a right: Soviets erasing history do not justify Estonians doing the same.

>destroying the shitty monuments of the people who tried to erase the native history, culture, and identity is a bad thing

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Going to vote for EKRE and enjoy the liberal butthurt

reminder that marian võsumets will be the first on the rope

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I think the polls I'm seeing posted at Postimees and others are skewed to make it look like ERKE is losing for two reasons: 1). Real Estonians don't read that trash, 2). Many EKRE voters are like Trump voters; they say they voted for someone else and keep their power level under wraps.

EKRE is certainly going to do better than 20%.

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based and redpilled

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EKRE foreign policy?

basically everything is on wikipedia

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what time (locally) do the results start coming in on sunday? afternoon or evening?

Voting ends at 8pm but I'm unsure when the results come out. I'm not sure when the results come out though. Could be midnight, could be the next day.

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Wait hold on it's definitely the 3rd
>Paraku pole rahvuskonservatiividel oma kampaaniamõtete ja kandidaatide viimisel rahvani abiks muid meediakanaleid kui portaalid Uued Uudised ja raadiosaade Räägime asjast. Kuid vaatamata sellele oleme jõudnud väga paljude inimeste südamesse ja mõistusesse. Veebruarikuus oli Uute Uudiste lugejanumbrid vapustavalt kõrged. Lehte olid külastanud 667 000 inimest, seega 2/3 valimisõiguslikest kodanikest, EKRE kodulehte 300 000 inimest ehk 1/3 valijatest.
>kuid lõplik tõde selgub siiski 3. märtsi öösel.

Based Estonia is becoming a better Finland

Finally, I can use this image.

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You guys still have cuter cheekbones, at least.

dude at least they weren't smashing statues for not being PC enough. Do you really consider your society better?


why is she so butthurt?
does she want a black cock or something?

women are weak minded fools who can be easily led astray by foreign propaganda

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Already voted for Social-Democrats :D

lots of american talking points indeed
that is one of the reasons I oppose american cultural influence in Europe

how were the polls in the previous elections?


Why do you hate Russians so much?
I am Russian. Most Russians are truly shit, but not all of them.

EKRE only got about 8.1% and basically held last place. Even the Free Party was ahead of them but they are now irrelevant and probably won't make it into Riigikogu.

I finally red pilled my mom on EKRE. We're going to vote on Sunday together

vaata pederasti :DDD

fake and gay

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what did you tell her

Based. My boomer father is voting Isamaa because of pensions but my mom will vote EKRE.

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rope youreself


tfw gf voted green party.

Women shouldnt vote

Green and Vabaerakond seem to be the two most EKRE neutral parties aside from Isamaa so it could've been worse. If she voted Kesk or SDE it would've been fucked though

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what the fuck i hate estonia now

based estonia
0/10 kys

finlan please

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wtf i like estonia now

väga sitt trollemine


what's the deal with the russians here, are they not "Estonian citizens"

we did it reddit :D

I hope so

>But about 125,000 Russian speakers who failed the tests or refused to take them have become stateless, or “non-citizens”, who hold a grey passport.

Because woman think that being nationalist is bad. They believe it's bad because the kikes say "we must accept refugees, that's not even a talking point"

Perfect example what cuckchan does to you. You become part of the shills

>Why are they supposed to learn a foreign language?

Because they were occupying a foreign land. It's really not a hard concept to get.

I wish E.I.P had a policy reform. They have 0 candidates and the party is likely to die off.
I cast my vote for EKRE instead.

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Only good news up ahead.
Did anyone watch the latest Pealtnägija show? Literally pimping for hate-laws now since a Pedo teacher got called out for trying to teach canada and aussie style sex ed to children.

Is not a polish, but russhit's diaspora

They are naturally much more empathetic creatures so they are very susceptible to leftist talking points

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Independence party? They're massive niggers imo
don't watch tv at all desu

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Eesti eest!

I believe they are only empathetic because they lack of thought. They don't understand what they are doing to us - ruining our nation, which of course is not empathetic. A person with thought and empathy would keep these nogs out and a person with only empathy does not understand what even is empathetic solution


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Eesti anons, what the hell is Eesti 200? They're on the borderline where they probably wont make it in, but there is a chance that they do. How gay are they?

Keskerakond is the party for all of the Russians, right?

Isamaa looks like your basic bitch conservative party, are they any good?

What sort of outcome will you need for EKRE to be in government? Is a coalition with Reform possible, since they'll probably win the most votes?

Thanks, just want to get a more clear idea of things.

Eesti auks, tuleviku pandiks!

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Saw EKRE in the evening news here in Finland. You go little bro! Show us Nordics what you can do!

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Combination of higher empathy + herdlike "follow the leader" behaviour.

Thus they see globohomo propaganda everywhere, assume that is the "herd default" and tribe leaders position, so they adopt it.

Eesti 200 seems to be a fusion of Kesk and SDE policies as far as I know. Possibly even worse than some of current big parties. It's very possible they will make it in which makes it pretty worrying
>Keskerakond is the party for all of the Russians, right?
Boomers and Russians, yes.
>Isamaa looks like your basic bitch conservative party, are they any good?
They're just a watered down cuckservative version of EKRE. No point in voting for them with EKRE still existing.
>What sort of outcome will you need for EKRE to be in government
Mart Helme (the head of the party) predicts he probably won't get in the initial coalition talks but the government will probably break apart in a couple months and then they'll be invited to the table. Reform talks about probably not cooperating with EKRE but many doubt it as they seem to get along well enough. Keskerakond they absolutely couldn't get into coalition with since they are like day and night.






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Poles are the biggest crybabies on the planet.
For Christ’s sake they whine more than Germans!
Literally nobody on the planet likes poles
Palyak durak

I think they don't even have higher empathy capability, they just lack of critical thought and therefore their empathy is more obvious and pure.
Females tend to either act on their emotions or loyalty, not as an independent person. However if they vote on emotion, they just make stupid decisions and kikes tell woman how everything should be their choice

>white boys
Women are lost
They need to chained and caged

There's no other choice than EKRE for current times

If beautiful, based, blonde, nationalist estonian lady starts to date a finn, how is it seen with estonians?

If you want EKRE to remain based make sure you get actively involved in it, and keep jews from joining.

Racemixing, but it's ok when you don't come to Estonia

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Estonian nationalist wont mix with others

I am half-finn half-estonian, will I be accepted into the ethnostate?


Sad, not even with a finn? Are we too far from each other?

You can have Ingria

I like your people but we need to stay fucking own especially my people, we have only 900k natives. She can fuck off

I didn't know Sofi Oksanen posted here.

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Okay, I guess I'll just go kys my self.

Fair enough, keep cool and support EKRE.