Who is the national debt actually owed to?

The Fed? the banks? is it actually possible to pay off or is our entire financial system a fraud?

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Most of it to China at the moment

Entire thing is a fraud. Any economy based on debt and no gold standard is going to inevitably collapse.

here you go, brah


isn't a surprising amount of it owed to belgium?

This. But also the Fed. Privately owned by Jews in Israel.

It is impossible to pay off the debt.
The interest or "blood harvest" goes to the owners of the private Federal Reserve.

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>Who is the national debt actually owed to?
all the countries we borrowed from.

Btw all spending by the government is borrowed. The taxes collected from the population goes towards interest payments. None of it is principal.


>Who is the national debt actually owed to?
The Rothschilds and some other families

wouldn't take much to kill 8 families. Just saying guys. How many of us take our own lives on a weekly basis here? The fact we haven't organized into a thuulean white jihadi group is beyond me, when we're dropping like flies here by our own hands anyway...might as well leave the earth knowing you advanced the white race just a notch forward.

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All the countries are in debt. you are a idiot.


Google it faggots

When you are so capitalist you sell your country's financial system to china

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the american financial system is a fraud . however it can be paid back. the process is basically just like the united states buying back american dollars that are dumped by other countries from their reserve holdings. this has been forced a few times in recent years

what happens is that with oversight they count american dollars to be spent to buy them back and count units to be bought then at the end of many days of recounting they destroy both piles. in the version with debt basically you only count 1 stack of money but the end result is it being destroyed to pay the debt to yourself. and it has to be done with multiple regulatory factions oversight.

the debt owned by other nations like european ones, china and japan has to be paid to them

Checked and Hofmann pilled
>select all squares with bicycles

Me. Should have known not to start doing tick.

>when you get infiltrated by chinese agents

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I think a good chunk of it is actually owed to retirees.

you can use that word all you'd like - it will never be true

No gold standard, the entire system is a bit of a sham. The FED controls the rates which stagnates the market or creates an inflation bubble. Giving speculative power to the government as incompetent as ours is a formula for diaster. Decentralize the banks, commit to the gold standard, and remove all the oligarichal red tape. Anyone who looks close enough can tell how slow and ineffienct our economy is, while China itself is a house of cards, we’re in a system to rigid to change and fulfill it’s immense potential to become a legendary economic powerhouse.

If people knew how the banks were really ran there would be revolution by morning. Geee I wonder who said that ...

It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning.

-Henry Ford

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Got to love when people open their mouth despite no knowledge of the subject.

Most of the debt is internally held (American citizens, American financial firms, etc)
t. owner of US treasury bills

>w-we're number 1!!!! fuck yeah america!! USA USA USA USA!!!!
>unable to pay off their astronomical debt
fucking LMAO. America is collapsing

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Kek. China is a fucking joke

Belgium is a China proxy.

Most of it is Federal workers pensions. We need to get rid of public unions.

It's a bit harder to pay off nowadays as Obama ran the debt to gdp ratio from 55% to 110%, that was Obama's bailout legacy, nice huh?


>hey pol, do this quick google search for me

>pay off
Who in their right mind would come up asking for debnts against the murrican military force?

Not even close retard, and besides the 1.5tril or so China holds in US dollars, they can't dump or get rid of, would strengthen their currency vs the dollar, retard.

Can't tell about USA, apparently US citizens that post here can't either, but i can tell you about ours and you can assume it works in a similar manner
45% to banks. A good chunk of it are long term decades old leans. Fun fact, the first country to have a public debt was the UK because the Oriental mafia company (private institution) begged mommy gobernament to be saved from bankrupcy, so the Uk got debts with banks to pay it out, and created new taxes to pay interest on those loans. (Adam Smith - Wealth of nations). Those debts were never paid off, in over 400 years.
The other chunk is debt caused due to money printing. That's a really funny system, look it up, basically the National bank, what you call federal reserve prints money and distributes it to financial insitutions, at the end of the day the citizens owe money to banks. I've read it many years ago on a book that explained the 2008 bubble so i can't get into details because my memory fails sometimes.
Next is 45% owed to other nations. Most of 1st world countries are still paying WW2 reparations and the US for their heroic uninterested help. Italians for example pay 0.20€ on each fuel liter to repay the war crimes fascism commited in Ethiopia.
The last 10% is partially owed to private citizens that buy long term state actions. I don't know how would you call it, basically citizens lend money to the governament and after 5 or 10 years get it back with a small %.
Finally, the other chunk of that 10% is companies and privates that sell services to the state
Hope it cleared your ideas a little. Don't ask this kind of info on Jow Forums, get a book, those thing are way to complex to be dealt by shitposters and larping stormfaggots

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This. Ever since banks gave out credit cards to brainlets and expanded the welfare state

Major holders of US debt are the Social Security and Medicare System. Boomer politicians robbed those programs. Fuck Boomers

why did we ever let jews in europe, why did we ever buy african slaves, this big meme makes me numb

Social security is a system worse than a Ponzi scheme. Citizens don’t get to chose on wether or not they pay in.

>muh military
most of the deficit is owed to Americans retard. Amerians are literal paypigs to their government, it's fucking pathetic

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Think of being one of the private owners in the Federal Reserve and USA owes you 2 trillion dollars. Must be nice.

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>holders of US debt are the Social Security and Medicare System. Boomer politicians robbed
This, don't forget Obama ran up the debt to gdp ratio from 55% to 110%, nice bailout, all he did was move the problem elsewhere.

Don't worry my pasta cousin, all those sub-saharans that ride the regional trains in italy at all hours will save you, that's why your Pope submitted to them and washed their feet.

>Hey, Goyim. Rabbi here.

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is he ethnically jewish?

vatican as they issue the banking charter.
the treasury they're emptying belongs to Zeus.
saturn(italy) robbing jupiter(america/Zeus).

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Paypigs. Absolutely correct. No one wants to get off their publicly funded crutches and go to work. The statistics on single mothers with multiple kids living in ((Section 8)) housing and paying a few bucks for rent is ridiculous. Cut Section 8 and let the weak die off of learn to finally put their minds to use.

Yes. It's all magic; well written magic that can be understood logically when gone over, but bullshit magic all the same.

Glad you responded with interesting and compelling arguments instead of spouting circlejerk memes. Thank you for rising the quality of the dialogue on this board

Whoever buys government bonds: other government investment firms private investors. They buy the bonds because the economy is doing well and so they know they’ll get their money back. The debt and deficit don’t matter to the investors because it’s all about endless growth

Other departments, mostly. For instance, social security owns the most debt at the moment.

If you pay 1.5k a month into social security, your employer matches you. 3k a month, for 40 years will be around 1.5 million assuming you do absolutely nothing with it. Assuming you live in retirement for 15 years and get 3k a month, you'll only get 500k back. The other 1million is there to cover free riders, and to be an additional tax.

>Why do they own debt?
Because the people managing this portfolio of social security monies would be brain dead retarded to do nothing with it because of inflation. What instead they do is buy treasury securities which give really reliable, but low returns and lends money to the government. Normal businesses wouldn't buy them in this bulk because of shit returns, but the government will buy the governments bonds to loan the government money.

This also means that if the government defaults on its debt, tons of portfolios will become worthless.

This is very accurate. The word you were looking for on money private citizens give to the government and get paid back on in 5/10/20 years is bond. With the US government its one of the most fundamentally stable investment instruments in the market, largely because as you rightly pointed out, the US government has a history of paying back its debt by using the Federal Reserve to over-inflate the dollar and sell the extra globally... $200 on $160 is meaningless to them over 5+ years because they know they'll be printing more dollars then than they do now; this system will continue to function as long as the planet continues to use the US dollar as the default currency for trade--that system will break eventually and another currency will take its place, but it's hard to say when or what the Jew bankers have planned. Bonds was the word though.

We couldn't have possibly known the repercussions I guess. Life is fuck all these days, I just want to see the world burn

Anyone here watch Economic Invincibility by any chance? He’s based and enjoyable to listen to


Gold is based on debt too desu. All economies inherently function off work performed by individuals. Finances is and has always been an artificial bullshit tool humans utilize, sometimes to deceive one another.

I don't know if gold standard is better than fiat though, but I would say that by principle, it's effectively more honest.

Private credit.

You can buy government bonds right now if you would like to.

The only right answer.

Bitcoin is the only future because gold is unweildy to move around and when you try to call it in it's inevitably going to create problems in transit...or when you realize nothing is there.

>"Gentlemen, I have had men watching you for a long time and I am convinced that you have used the funds of the bank to speculate in the breadstuffs of the country. When you won, you divided the profits amongst you, and when you lost, you charged it to the bank. You tell me that if I take the deposits from the bank and annul its charter, I shall ruin ten thousand families. That may be true, gentlemen, but that is your sin! Should I let you go on, you will ruin fifty thousand families, and that would be my sin! You are a den of vipers and thieves. I intend to rout you out, and by the Eternal God, I will rout you out." -Andrew Jackson

Reminder that Jackson is the only president in history to pay off the debt.

>And thus the sins of the father will be remitted upon the fourth and fifth generation

It's all part of the plan.

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The total debt can never be repayed due to the interest fraud. There is more debt in total then there are dollars in use because of the debt. It can be repayed if the Fed would accept other currencies and assets.

Great point, but most people don't have the balls to do what you propose, and those that do don't have the brains to execute it.

The families you're referring to got to their position through intellect, deceit being an intellectual skill, and they don't post their where abouts daily on a Tibetan tile making enthusiasts forum.

Next, even if your proposal succeeds, most of the planet aren't going to immediately jump to a new, better system. They like the system and suffer under it because they're ignorant and docile. Success of your plan would either lead to mass chaos (billions dead quickly), some other ruthless intelligent individuals taking control of and continuing the current system (with added security to prevent your proposal from occurring again), and or both of these outcomes occurring.

Not saying you're wrong though. Your proposal is ballsy and honest, but I don't think many, if any, will follow you into this suicidal mission. This shouldn't dissuade you from bringing it up from time to time, because at its root, it's a good plan, and I keep hope for the future.

China literally owns as much US debt as Japan, you fucking mong. The majority of US debt is privately held....

>implying nobody but mr.genius here tough of that before

Its nt just abou the families and their heads, these families manage enterprises with millions of employees, if someone by a miracle managed to wipe out all 8 families and their extended relatives, the very next day the second most powerful 8 families would step in to fill the void. You need systemic change, create an environment and ruleset in wich groups like these families would be unable to operate, thats what hitler did in germany. If banks were pineapple storages instead of money storages, far less peple would bother trying to rob them. If government leaves no room for monopolistic semitic practices, it wont have monopolistic semitic practices.

The Federal Reserve is a private business employed by the United States of America. This is a fact anyone can look up; pull your head out of the sand and take the bank dick out of your orifices so you can take a breather.

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the potus literally nominates the fed chairman you disgusting brainless ape
what does the word "private" even mean to you?


Very good thread OP. These kinds of threads are why I come to Jow Forums

The only true currency is time and resource, the only way to multiply time is to multiply manpower (slaves) and the only way to multiply resources is land. Gold and money and whatever else is just a trick which central banks use to control the slaves which work the land.

KEK confirms

>The Federal Reserve is a private business
no it's not, it has a fixed stock where the vast majority is 'owned' by the various fed charters and certain private banks hold a set percentage amount of stock. it's not privately owned you stupid fuck.

i remember being told this my entire life but you can easily look up the ownership structure of the fed online.

Bitcoin has logistic issues at, and honestly, do you want another middle man (internet) to come between the business between you and your neighbor? If you don't think governments and industries can't and won't control the internet, by which cryptocurrencies become viable, then you are delusional my friend.

My point though, was that all economies, all prices and costs, transactions between humans, are inherently artificial and arbitrary and that they always go back to labor provided by humans. Standardizing how much that labor is worth will always be arbitrary, whether you use gold, fiat, or crypto as your basis for value. That's not to say crypto isn't the best of those three choices (dependent on your criteria and priorities), but I wouldn't know because it's very abstract and complex question to ask... To get an answer it's easier to just try it regardless of the outcome--we've tried the first two and gotten some results.

the way to do it is by ending the law of incorporation, it's the single most corrosive force next to religion that exists today and is at the very foundation of every nation which those families being the Jesuits and Black Nobility take advantage of.
By ending that law every person on this planet becomes sovereign again, birth certificates would be useless because they're interconnected with incorporation and used to acquire more debt.
This is the least bloody way to regain control of our combined destiny

It's owed to everyone who's ever lent money to the US, both countries and private organizations.
Most of it is owed to the latter.

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Country doesn't deserve someone ballsy and intelligent enough as Andrew Jackson anymore. Deep down, I'm sure you know that, and that's even admitting that AJ wasn't perfect. I appreciate you bringing him up though; it's a standard people should know about.

Private banks controlling the fed. They've financed the government for a century and collect interest on every dollar printed

it is a private incorporated bank, period.
birth certificates are traded for loans, converted to treasury bonds then sold to the private investors first who are the Black Nobility banking families that have directly managed the Vatican empire for the last twelve hundred years.

The systemic change you propose is written about in an essay Industrial Society and its Future. Nobody wants to give up their way of life though, excepting the author of that paper.

How would you know that when it's never been audited?

Who created the Federal Reserve Act?

It's a private company. Why you would be emotionally invested argue otherwise is as perplexing as someone who refuses to eat at anywhere but McDonald's.

It actually isn't resource. Resource is just labor to make said resource viable as a product. All of said resources are beyond abundant, and when they aren't, they don't sell.

>Who is the national debt actually owed to?
Anyone who owns a bond. If you have a savings account, you probably own some of it too.

>is it actually possible to pay off
Of course. It's just accounting entries at the Fed. It's paid off automatically, everyday, regardless of tax revenue.

>or is our entire financial system a fraud?
They're not mutually exclusive.

Our entire finaclncial system is a fraud. A significant chunk of our national debt is "owed" to Social Security because SS uses the money they take out of my paycheck every two weeks to buy government bonds. This means the government owes itself that money. Another big chunk is owed to private US lenders. Of the debt held by foreigners, Japan has the most. The idea that the national debt is like a credit card bill from the First Bank of China is laughably simplistic and inaccurate, especially since China is 28 trillion USD in the hole and still burning money on One Belt One Road, African colonialism, and meme-architecture

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unless you're implying that it's been actively breaking the law in its ownership structure and that it's no longer organized in accordance with U.S. law.


>if I call it private, that means it is, and if it's private that means it's OK
interstellar reasoning

Rothschild family and banking families that are the shareholders of the Federal reserve. All money paid goes to pay shareholders of the Fed.

>Italians for example pay 0.20€ on each fuel liter to repay the war crimes fascism commited in Ethiopia.

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owed to me

the land that the Federal Reserve sits on is outside of US law's jurisdiction.
Stop shitting up this thread with your ignorance

yes, they are one of the families, and Baron Alfred Rothschild was the man who created the Federal Reserve Act too

you can say that all day long, but until you can prove that claim in any serious way it remains just a claim and probably a lie.

just because you want to be spoonfed doesn't mean what I said was a lie, it took me time to learn what I know.
Here you go you worthless shit eating sandnigger:
I am 100% sure you won't even bother reading it because you're just a stupid nigger

And once again a very important thread gets buried by shitty ones.
Don't complain when jews call you stupid animals because you're all proving them right by staying quiet