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Why is this jew so popular all of a sudden?
Zachary Flores
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Thomas Allen
Because he has catchy sound bites that make people feel ebin when they say them
>facts don’t care about your feelings xd
Grayson Cooper
why do they all look like smug rats
Daniel Richardson
James Thompson
Christopher Gutierrez
he's epic
Adam Green
>Jewish media promotes a Jew
Jack Allen
He was memed.
>Okay, this is epic.
>Facts don't care about your feelings.
>His Twitter
Carter Cox
Jewish magic known as advertisement
Oliver Campbell
He has good work ethic
Isaac Rivera
That show was so based.
Oliver Jenkins
Megakike-billionaire (((Braman))) backing him. Jews always back their own. if only whites did the same.
Cameron Howard
Sister with tits
Jaxon Richardson
>Why is this jew so popular all of a sudden?
Someone needs Americans to die for Israel? That's the only time this kind of shill shows up.
Ben Shapiro isn't even that smart, anyone moderately woke on the JQ would fucking ruin him, and you'd never see it, because Ben Shapiro does only and exactly as his rabbi says. He never grew up. He never spoke tall.
Why did you decide to be so short Ben?
When will you finish growing up?
Owen Reed
same reason tom cruise got popular he spread
his butt cheeks for some director dick.
Charles Ward
He's the new face replacing the discredited Bill Kristol.
Evan Watson
jews promoting other jews and the goy follow.
Happens everywhere. Writers, actors, musicians, artists e-celebs.
Sebastian Wright
All of a sudden? Hes been popular for years.
Nolan Gonzalez
prime example of nepotism
he's pushed by higher ups kikes
i dont know if its just me or not, but i swear i can listen to him for more than five seconds, like i get irritated of how quick and slimy he sounds
Luke Gray
Same mission different kike.
William Watson
while he is popular he lost all credibility because he is just a meme at this point.
Andrew Ramirez
He's not popular. He's forced, and I hope someone stuffs him in a box and mails him back to Israel.
Austin Phillips
he is one smart mother fucker.
Lincoln Walker
His followers stay on the band wagon for usually 6 - 18 months. At which point they move on. He over jews everything and people catch on as long as there is external influence with JQ leanings.
Parker Lee
>owning the libs
Adam Jackson
its not all of a sudden, hes been working at his game for a while.
he's probably the best debater in any US media.