Would an Alien Invasion enable humans to put aside their differences and unite to fight a war against a unanimous enemy...

Would an Alien Invasion enable humans to put aside their differences and unite to fight a war against a unanimous enemy? Or would it only exacerbate current conflicts and prejudices?

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No, the jews would sell us out and the niggers would be dead weight

Most likely yeah World Peace would break out overnight humans just like killing each other that's what the racism really is it's just we want to kill each other deeply enjoy get some so sick pleasure out of killing each other and War

Leftists will probably start crying about alien supremacy and alien privilege

>it's just we want to kill each other deeply
Checked. Not all humans though

get Africa's population to fight the aliens. Then the wights can repopulate it and finally put its massive resources to good use.

If they're capable of travelling here, humans should just surrender and not embarrass themselves.

implying I wouldnt hop on a UFO and fuck right off.

religious people will say the aliens are angels / evil spirits

and forgive us our trespasses
inb4 debtors.

Who would be capable of fighting aliens? Basically US, Europe, Japan, maybe Russia, and maybe China. The rest of the world is irrelevant.

oh yeah I named my base NASA (you can see it's in Florida as per the OP)

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read the three-body problem.

I think earth is hell / prison for aliens. Their “being” is banished here to atone for alien sjw wrong think. They’ll experience never ending reincarnation until the find the way... then they go back to planet sjw.

Humans, yes. Niggers would be more concerned with looting footlocker.

Journo-lists would unironically start cranking out articles targeting white people for being xenophobic.

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>maybe Russia

X-COM UFO defense is the single most overrated video game in the recorded history.

India would have a go at flinging nukes at them. If that fails they'll try pooing on them.

We'd fight each other over the best way to fight the aliens. It's what we do as humans. We fight. It's genetic.

>who would be capable of fighting ayys
the nazis who went to antarctica and area 51
thats it.

>We fight. It's genetic.
says the man part of a country that gave it self away to niggers and spics because it's the right thing to do lmao

depending on how advanced their tech is, we might all be reduced to throwing poo from the tree tops

they can reportedly transmute nuclear material into non radioactive lead.
admiral byrd took the largest fleet at the time to antarctica and got FUCKED to the point the US navy retreated.

>Alien Invasion
Mine don’t work

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Yeah everyone would come together except muslims and jews

alien invasion is taking over my government right meow

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No need for that. Aids, Ebola and hep will handle that soon enough.

Checked, but untrue.
Jews would sell us out.
Muslims would continue to infight.
Africans would continue to be Africans.
South America might get their shit together.
So only the White world and Asia would fight, and Europe is very weak.

Send some Africans with Ebola up to them and War of the Worlds those aliens.

Work on your Engrish Chang.

If they invaded the US we would give them free stuff and let them vote even if they threatened to destroy us

what kind of free stuff

Real original post there sperg.


build space wall
>take me to your dealer

>alien invasion is taking over my government right meow
Makes sense they'd work to paralyze and subvert the structures responsible for organized resistance, what are we going to do??

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optic lenses?

Chill out

drink a glass of water

you dont even give out third gen IR to allies cunt.

Hostile, aren't we?

I just want to see space aliens with 3rd gen IR but you cunts wont allow good things. so yes im hostile. problem?

Ya, douche? How many wars have you cunts started lately? Fuck off.

Majik beans..

Why didn't you promote the Zero Point Energy Wikileaks?

>and unite to fight a war against a unanimous enemy?
Against kikes and their shitskin swarm you mean? That's what we're trying to achieve.

what difference would that make, wikileaks was co-opted and you killed assange ???
I could build a "nazi bell" varient right now if I had parts but you still wouldnt believe me if I proved it in a lab on HBO.

>he didn't know

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No we would enlist the help of aliens to remove the lesser races from our planet.

God you libkikes are so fucking stupid

no most people would conflate aliens with jesus and immediately start worshiping them or something much worse
in fact that is exactly what is written in the bible

but reading a book is the one thing they definitely wouldn't do

The people who profit from war on this planet have a problem with the world actually putting aside their differences and uniting, because it would mean an end to their war profiteering, so they came up with the idea of a perpetual fake war with aliens to profit from when the world is united.

What difference would it make?

You're kidding

Depends on the whole purpose of the invasion.

Aliens that just want to enslave and/or genocide us would quickly find lead being flung at them from every color and creed.

Aliens that want to uplift us but first some subraces need to be removed ie. jews would find themselves allied with some factions.

Top jews are already in cahoots with the ayys, they're just trying to make us more subservient so we can be sold as slaves.

>I think the world would be a nicer place if everyone was nicer to each other.

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>Would an Alien Invasion enable humans to put aside their differences and unite to fight a war against a unanimous enemy?
that's what global warming is supposed to be.

It never even occurs to people that some would try to ally with the aliens, against the rest of humanity...maybe the race that's being systematically genocided by the rest of you, anyway?
Even survival under the control of a superior alien race is still a better shot than the rest of you are willing to give us.

So tell me again...why should I care about Jews, Chinks, Niggers, and the browner versions of Humanity?
Do you care about OUR survival?
Yea, that's right.

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what would proving to normies ZPE is real achieve? big oil still have shit to sell, what would it change?
explain yourself, usually im the one bitching about how we dont have flying cars.

They would dominate us Cold War style and you would be too retarded to fight back or notice. The ones who could notice would try to warn you but your stupidity would prevail then they wouldn't give a shit and hope humanity gets rekt.

Because of critical mass and it's effect on the AI system of media control.

>Be giant space bug
>Have genetically engineered grey alien drones
>Higher ups want samples of earthlings to build more grey servants
>Higher ups want earth for it's bioresources
>Humans killing off their planet instead
>Still can't harm humans
>Can't invade because their population is insane and they have tons of armies
>Be forced to reassure them when probing their anuses that you mean them no harm
>would like nothing better to go full War of the Worlds on them
>Can't because muh interstellar laws
>post on Jow Forums

fucking milk suckers

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ive been trying to wake them for ten years, good luck

Tirty tree

ITT: Brainlets. Any alien civilization would likely be hundreds of thousands if not millions of years more advanced than us, probabilistically speaking. If a civillization like that wanted to invade, it would all be over very quickly, for us and there would be absolutely nothing we could do about it.

Thats something an alien saboteur would say...

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Alien invasion is impossible.
I mean if there are highly advanced aliens, capable of traversing galaxy in reasonable time, then they should be able a)destroy humanity without conventional invasion b) have means of harvesting resources of open space(asteroid/comet mining and shiet)
They dont want our resources and if they would want us dead, we wont notice until we die.

Not necessarily, there may be factors we're unaware of.
What if the amount of energy involved in coming here precludes any kind of invasion force.
They would be invading for biological resources or perfect location for life, as every other resource is already known to be widely available throughout our solar system, without the need to fight or conquer anyone...therefore, they don't seem interested in just bombing us into non-existence.

And they may be from just around the corner, the closer star systems, or even inside our own solar system, and may not be all that much more advanced.

There are multitudes of possibilities that we may be unaware of, that hinder their ability to just take over.
We don't know.

>They dont want our resources and if they would want us dead, we wont notice until we die.
Maybe the enjoy the safari experience of bringing down a 7 billion people civilization using nothing but paper and pen

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It's better to die standing than to live on your knees

Hitler would have spitted on you

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If Aliens come down and they wanted to kill the Muslims I'd sneak in on their behalf and set the cosmic nukes.

I don't think there will be a war to fight. It would just be an extermination if they wanted to kill us as their tech will be god-like compared to ours. Firing a missile at one of their space ships would be like someone throwing a brick at a tank, but that scenario is highly unlikely. As theoretical scientists have pointed out, any aggressive natured extraterrestrial species will have long wiped themselves out before becoming a space travelling civilization. Similar to the crossroads humanity currently finds itself at.

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>eliminates a world full of non-whites that are currently trying to make you extinct
>buys time to learn alien tech while enslaved, maybe find a way to take them on
>alternative is to try and save a world that wants to genocide you if you win, anyway

I'd rather watch the rest of you die and give my race a fighting chance.

Yeah we'll see if they got something to transmute these hands because that's what they'll be catching
>implying they could match the chocolate golem either
I think we're good

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in 70 A.D., while rome was catapulting jerusalems walls, there were various factions of jews inside slaughtering each other in a civil war. it would be nice if all the nonsemitic races united against the alien invasion while all the semitic races eradicated each other at the same time

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OK, here’s one tech possibility of the top off my head. An artificial virus released into the atmosphere that infects everyone across the world in a few days. The virus controls behaviour and stops everyone from putting up any resistance. Tech a million years more advanced than ours would be like magic.

Muv-Luv looks at this issue very well despite being a porn game. Countries less affected by the invasion would take advantage of the situation.

We would have to assume any aliens which do not outright exterminate us would seek to enslave us

I for one, would welcome our new overlords and present my asshole for inter-species fucking. In exchange for some good alien dope of course

Sure, but again...we don't know their capabilities, and we don't know how much more advanced they are than ourselves.
What if space travel is far more simple than we know, but we simply haven't stumbled on to how it's done, yet?
What if they stumbled on the tech by accident, the same way we discovered penicillin?

Too many variables, we are not informed enough about them to know their capabilities.
And the virus thing is something we already have, maybe not to control a population, but to wipe it out.
Species-specific viruses, genetically altered to only attack people with specific DNA sequences.

Like you do in the alley, now?

I don't see you fighting ayylmaos, DALE!

Ayy lmao

No such thing as aliens. They are nephilum spirits.
Becareful who you start shooting at. When Jesus arrives for the second coming a hail of gunfire isn’t exactly a warm welcome.

Digits confirm jews would try to subvert

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Wtf is this guy’s problem?

It all depends how Aliens would invade. If they launch an all out invasion then we would unite to fight against any odds, but if they took the conquestador approach and built diplomacy to secure as many allies as possible then we would be fighting against one another. That is why Aliens must come in peace in order for us to be confident they have good intentions for us. If they use any level of unjust force we must put aside our squabbling and fight with our brothers for the survival/freedom of mankind plain and simple...

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ayy lmao

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kikes are aliens
divide et impera is their tactic already

They want you to think the earth is round because that would mean there are limited resources. The earth is flat and there is unlimited resources, over the arctic wall is another society that wants us to get rid of nukes and fight over the limited land so only the strongest society whose consciousness is open enough to transcend good and evil comes out on top to join the ice wall society.


Admiral Byrd, Antarctic Treaty, Nazi bases in Antarctictica, fucked up flight paths, Navy missile lasers staying level on water for over 100 miles, NASA fakery.

The sun and Moon are exactly the same size. Tides do not correspond to any model of gravity currently on the table. We only ever see one face of the moon. THERE IS NO SOUTHERN POLE STAR. THE STARS SWEEP ACROSS THE SKY. GOD IS REAL AND THE EARTH IS FLAT!!! SPREAD LOVE!!






>At some point in the future we're gonna look back and say "how did we do it WITHOUT SPACE"
"What an amazing cheat... thing you've done" Trump says to the Satanic NASA propagandist at approximately 17:50


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That's why, as a white, it might be good for whites to join with them, seeing as the entire rest of the world is trying to exterminate us, anyway.

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Have you seen what the blacks did during hurricane George Bush doesn't care about black people? There's a reason in prison everyone goes to their own groups.

It’s highly probable an alien civ would be thousands or millions of years more advanced than us. Homo sapiens have existed for 200,000 years. We became space faring last century. We could imagine continuing on our technological way for hundreds of thousands or millions more years. So in terms of our space capabilities, we’re pretty much at the very beginning - we’re a baby. It would be a huge coincidence if any other space faring civ we encountered was also at the very beginning. Analogy: If you have one a one year old baby, and then you randomly pick another person from all the world’s population, there’s a slim chance it would be another one year old. It would most likely be an older person. In the same way, another civilisation we encounter would likely be an older civilisation than us, which means they would be vastly more technologically advanced than us.

War with aliens will cause politicised entities to diverge, the public to segregate in their political blocs and start civil war in every Western country, possibly South Korea and Japan too.

Malevolent aliens would not be physically near and use weaponized drone nanotechnology to cull. No fancy, epic giant motherships to blast away. Just an a mist of erasure.