I have seen yesterday's interview on the Joe Rogan podcast...

I have seen yesterday's interview on the Joe Rogan podcast, and I can only say one thing: ALEX JONES IS RIGHT ABOUT EVERYTHING.

Just watch this shit. He describes what these dumb elite fucks believe in TO THE LETTER.


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Other urls found in this thread:


I don't know about it. I think it's a mix of wrong interpretations and truths. For example, I believe that disgusting thing like creating chimeras is happening, but 5g scrambling your brain - not really.

Truth is stranger than fiction
5G will kill us all if we don't stop it

I agree however 4g barely works. The reason for 4g LTE is LTE does not fall under the same policy required for 4g to work. We barely have a working 4g. 5g is going to be a pain in the ass to even try to get to work properly.

Doesn't matter whether it works or not

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hi mossad

Israels american trap all and controlled opposition for people who may wake up to the JQ

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Where can i,buy dmt at ?

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Confirmed boomers.

He's a Zionist shill who obfuscates the truth about 9/11 and poisons the well whenever anyone tries to highlight Israeli involvement.

>muh German deathcults
>Saudis control Hollywood
>Chinese control our universities
>Chinese also control Hollywood too
>The Catholic church and the "good ol' boys" run the banks
>The internet forum Nazis hate me because I don't attack Israel
>Israel has a right to exist

Source on him making those claims?Source in this too?

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>when he starts talking about ancestral memories being contained within oneself
>talks about the genetic propensities of different groups
>talks about the different dimensions

He knows his shit.

I always doubted him up until this interview.

No,hes not and no he doesnt faggot

bill hicks is the best.

>knows a million conspiracies
>jews are not even behind ONE

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Dude we literally do not care about alex jones jesus christ

So the reason why (((they))) want post-abortion to be legal is because you can make a lot of money out of baby organs?

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Those Alex Jones pills have rotted your brain out.

I don't think he ever said that. The globalists are behind ti all. Pointing out that most of the globalists are rich Jews is another thing.

Yeah he is. Watch how defensive he gets with this guest on.


Even brings his Jewish boss on to help him argue for him near the end, lol. Video removed from his website btw

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go back to plebbit
He regularly talks about the Rothschilds and leftist jewish groups fuck off, he's even getting sued by neocon and leftist jewish institutions like the ACLU


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Suck my cock you nigger. Alex jones is the cringest gatekeeper I've seen. Fucking dressing as frogs to destroy the credibility of the truth movement. Go suck him off for some alexa pro pure water filters.

Im so sick of Jow Forums saying everything bad is because of jews. Its very low iq. And you are giving jews a more powerful image than they deserve.

Holy fucking shit, he is so fast it's fucking impossible to listen to him.

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they are also massively disproportionately represented however

I lost it and stopped watching Alex when he said the globalists who are destroying the white race in Europe are controlled by the Chines, then I started noticing that with him it everyone BUT the juden. It's a big conspiracy by the Nazi's to make everyone hate juden. Israel need the billions in American tax dollars, they will pay it back by making world peace, he says that's what Jesus says.
He's been hypnotized by mossad is the only conclusion I can come to., even his x wife thinks so.
When people call into his show and point out that Israel did something wrong and is bad, or call in about the Bible being altered to accept the juden he just hangs up on them. He should know the real Bible is chalked full of warnings that judens are the worshipers of satan. Alexd always says those devil worshiping child eaters but somehow can't put it together that judens are exactly that and the real Bible is right about the juden.
Then I just started watching only Owen, Owen comes here in the early morning hours. He knows full well that white man did not enslave the blacks and bring them to USA. But he said one day that white man enslaved the blacks....
that was it, no more of his platform.
The just other day Alex and Joe? WTF if that isn't evidence enough? Joe has a tattoo of the star of David FFS.

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>no fun allowed

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so why do people say he never talks about da jooos when he talks about jews and israel in almost every show or podcast?

Fuck off with your psyop shit.

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Watch him, it's everything but the juden.
He can't put two and two together when the evidence stares him in the face.
>What religion practices Moses laws of sacrificing and eating children?
Hint there is only one and the real Bible warns us about them.
Hint #2, What religious people have been thrown out of almost every country in the world for practicing child sacrifice and cannibalism?
Hint #3, see image.

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I said Israeli involvement, not Jews, you cocksucking faggot. Learn the distinction. Stop running cover for Jones.

Alex took the Icke pill back in 2013 and consequences have never been the same

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Alex is being poisoned by to many CIA mind-control drugs to say anything coherent. Everything he talked about is real he just can't articulate it very well.

He isn't right about everything. But he's a solid redpill for the Rogan normalfag audience. The interview was incredibly entertaining. Now Rogan has to interview Ryan Dawson.

Literally who

I'm sick of it too mate, wish it didn't have to be this way. Personally I don't think its 'ALL JOOS'.

It's more like an extremely rich sub-portion who lead a satanic talmundic cult and use usery, finance, the fed and other methods to take over. 'Lesser' Jews not fully initiated may not fully be aware of this inner circle but nonetheless stay somewhat nepotistic towards them.

This story has a long history mate, likely going back to Babylon. Beware of the Jews who worship the synagogue of Satan.

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He had ADHD senpai.

He knows it m8, but he also knows that he's not allowed to say it on the record.

>why do people say he never talks about da jooos when he talks about jews and israel in almost every show or podcast?
The juden and Israel are good, it's a satanist conspiracy that its the juden.

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Oof. Poor Ry. He deserves better. He's the redpill on 9/11.

See pic related
>low vibrational energy

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It's flat

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The Earth is flat

I thought that for a white too but it's not so, he viciously defends the juden and Israel.

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I love how Eddie brings up that Alex is a Zionist shill and Alex instantly dodges and changes the subject.

>synagogue of satan
Thy are insane braindead psychedelic drug addicts who mistook the scientific phenomena experienced from drugs to be actual angels or demons telling them what to do (the “elves” aka ELFs, extremely low frequencies). And they passed on their misunderstanding for literally 1,000s of years up until today.

One day, people in history will look at the past 6,000 years in history similar to how we look at the Jonestown massacre. Big mob of subverted people misled by lunatics

Why cut off the nose to spite the face?
He literally can't be seen to even allude to it, he has to be seen above it.

Do you think he can constantly talk about Jews? Do you really think he is retarded like most people here?

reminder that flat earth is white genocide

Just because you cant go full 88 on Jews doesn't mean you have to shill for Zionists.



Ask on/x/ drugs threads

I was considering the same after watching them speak about it but no, I'm way to conscious of my well being to go there.

Holy fucking canolis

Yes goy, the National Socialists are the real globalists, and the ones flooding Germany with millions of shitskins.

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that seems to be the only way to shill this, is keep calling a patsy for isreal


didn't alex jones call his family "high german ubermensch" or was i just dreaming

but he never said israel is good. in the podcast linked by op he equals them and their methods to hitler.

>my dad was CIA but I'm not, trust me.
yeah, uh.... fuck you Alex.

he is well aware about ((())) but he is either somehow dependent of their money or he is trying his best to avoid speaking about it, because soon as you mention it, you are a nazi-holocaust enabler

I think he is being smart about it.

high german ubermensch

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>shill for Zionists
He interviewed David Duke.

all those fucking Zoomers in all those Alex Jones threads. he made Police State back when the NSA didn't officially exist. he was the OG in making Bohemian Grove known back when the Bohemian Grove didn't officially exist. He pushed Aaron motherfucking Russo back in the day even before Loose Change was a thing.

he is THE O.G. . if he is a cia plant he is the best cia plant in the history of plants

he absolutely said that
>"my family, my grandfather, they were what you call high german. ubermenschen"

Go climb a 5g tower then

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his wife is jewish

Learn English, vodkanigger

looks like some half life 2 shit

He’s a guy with legit gripes against the regime who was taken advantage of and now has cut loose - there are limitations to what he can say and how he says it before he will just be killed.

For example - he can say machine ELFs, because it is a misnomer and causes confusion. He just can’t explain that it is this: en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Extremely_low_frequency

How do you know he knows his shit?

Why doesn't he host his own videos on his own website? He has millions, all he needs is to hire a few laid off youtube employees and enthusiasts, buy some servers. He literally has HQ in Austin the texas silicon valley.

He's right about the breakaway civilization, drug abuse and hybridisation.

can someone shop a merchant behind the pole

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i wonder if he even knows how much this sounds like nazi propaganda

You people are like some kind of bizarre, inverse zogbots.
It's like you are only programmed to talk about Israel, and if anyone isn't only talking about Israel, you sperg out.
Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel Israel

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Good thing he didn't smoke Joe's CIA grown weed.

I bet you're a pedophile
sick freak trying to muddy the waters right?
Alex Jones is a patriot and what are you?

You faggots said this about radio frequency usage in the 60's for television transmissions. You said it about FM when it came out. You said it about 1G, 2G, 3G, 4G, and now of course you say it about 5G.

The reality is - life will go on, there will be no consequences besides faster internet, but you will blame it for your failure to thrive as adults because you are incompetent fuckwits who are scared of technology.

he also talked for like 15 solid minutes about how one of his family members accused him of being a nazi because he collected some memorabilia
>dude I know you're not a nazi
>I know!

he learned from Russo's fate

5g won't give your abandoned desert faster internet
It will give you cancer though

>the sky is falling the sky is falling
Don't get upset when sky falls then

the problem is not that it might give you cancer, the problem is that there is no long term study. no one studied nonstop 10 year exposition to microwaves above 24 GhZ.

5G can theoretically go up to 100 GhZ. active denial system by the us army is running on 95 GhZ.

Are you guys retarded? Nothing damages you until ultraviolet (ionizing). The most 5G can do is cause heat. It's not even as strong as infrared. Do light bulbs kill you?

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stfu shills you fucking idiots. And if you're not shills then you just idiots. If Alex or anyone of them called out the JQ then they would all be shutdown for good. Why cant you get that through you fucking thick jew moronic heads? Fact is everything they talk about can be traced back to the JQ. That is, if you're not to fucking lazy to do your own research. Which you probably are.
fucking kike faggots

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You're sick of pol saying everything is jews and thats your alternative.

Have you considered the fact that the hivemind of pol is unironically retarded and you're just eating shit from a different toilet.


This document from 1883 is proof the gov is doing research into what they call the gateway experience for many decades.

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