Jow Forums hates the Jew

>Jow Forums hates the Jew
>Trump is the biggest Jew enabler the white house has seen in decades
>Jow Forums loves Trump

Explain yourselves you hypocritical faggots. Or be cowards and ignore the truth that if you support Trump you directly support the Jew.

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/ptg/ loves Trump, Jow Forums loved campaign Trump who then became a cuck.

fuck off

/thread newfags fuck off

>Jow Forums is one person

Fuck off. I voted for Trump and was a Maga Tard until just 6 motnhs ago. The Blackpill hit me that he's fucking only basically good on the Economy, Military, and Trade. Everything else he's a fucking or a failure. We literally could have voted in Rand Paul and probably would have gotten a good economy, PLUS more action on the border and no Hillary bullshit, no tweeting, no cu.cking, to overall faggotry.

You aren't fooling anyone

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Yeah that's what you /ptg/ faggots say every time. In your petty Magapede minds you just can't fathom that someone who voted for Trump got tired of all the bullshit. According to you fuckers everyone who voted for him is on board "muh Trump Train". Seriously , hang yourself

>Thinking a New York billionaire wasn't owned by the Jews before he ever even ran.
Wew lad.

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Rand paul is an open borders faggot. In spite of tranny shill lies, trump decreased both legal and illegal immigration. He just doesn't talk about the first part much cause he doesn't want to be called a racist.

I guess its easy to be pro jewish when a jewish nigger is ramming your favorite daughter every night.

he's not open borders retard

Hello Shillblue
Go fuck yourselves.

He literally wants citizenship for illegals and didn't support the wall.

Bull fucking SHIT. Rand Paul has supported EVERY Trump border policy so far. And if Rand Paul were in, he would have probably done more about it. Oh that's right, Trump, the "tough on Immigration" Candidate has deported less people than Obama. How the fuck does that work?

Hello Jew. How many shekels did you count today?

>Implying Jow Forumsacks are one single, monolithic ideology that views the world from a collectivist perspective.

Outting yourself a bit too quickly with your larping, comrade. Of course you can't help it since the far left are inherently collectivist & lack the intellect to understand - much less think like - the world as seen thru the ideological lens of an individualist.

Because obama counted turning around people at the border as deportations, retard. Also,

>He literally wants citizenship for illegals
>didn't support the wall

Wrong again. He does. He wanted to approach it by punishing employers, using E-Verify, stopping chain migration, sopping birthright citizenship. You're #FAKENEWS

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If he wanted to do any of that, why did none of those bills reach the senate?

Just as many Illegals coming through as before. Numbers are the same. More crossing, total number is the same. No raids, no large deportations, no E-Verify, no challenge to Sanctuary Cities. Barely any NEW walls have been built. Every single "wall" Trump talks about are replacements.

It's simple. We love Trump because he triggers Leftists. He's a Meme machine. It's not like we actually believe he will accomplish anything for the White Ethnostate.

If Hillary Clinton won, the Meme Machine would be boring.

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If he wanted to stop chain migration then why did he sign a spending bill that
A.) Gave counties veto power to stop wall development
B.) Literally write chain immigration into law

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>>Jow Forums loves Trump

>It's simple. We love Trump because he triggers Leftists. He's a Meme machine. It's not like we actually believe he will accomplish anything for the White Ethnostate.
>If Hillary Clinton won, the Meme Machine would be boring

Yeah, and college kids/high school students like you are going to grow up in a 90% Latino America because you think memes are real life. You're a waste of oxygen. A literal useless meme culture robot.

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not gonna lie former trump supporter here

> >Jow Forums loves Trump
A foolish statement.

The swarm of JIDF shills love their shabbos goy (((Trump))), and some gullible anons fall for that Q-style psyop.

Much, probably most at this point, of Jow Forums recognizes Trump is just another Zionist tool.

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>If he wanted to stop chain migration then why did he sign a spending bill that

Look, Trump is like "shifting down a gear" on a runaway bus.

Society is already fucked. We know that deep down. We know collapse is coming. Voting Trump was a way to get a couple more years of shit-posting in before we begin to eat dirt and breath in nuclear fire.

Once you remove yourself from "fixing anything", you can enjoy the theatrics of it all.

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The total number of crossings is impossible to guage and apprehensions are up. Trump's ICE does raids and honeypots all the time. Trump did try to punish sanctuary cities but it was blocked bh the courts (this was before Kavanaugh). Barely any new walls were built because congressmen like rand paul failed to put wall money in the 2017 and 2018 budgets. Same thing with e-verify. Luckily we have wall money now that trump has bypassed the impotent congress.

Neither of those is true.

>90% Latino America


Any variety of Brown Filth will not "take over" the West.

Civilization was built by whites. It's always built by whites. Once whites are a minority in their own civilization, GIBS will run out for all the Brown Filth. Then society will collapse.

The only reason that "it appears" that Brown Filth are taking over is that there is a delayed reaction from our wealth; taxes and usury, being diverted to minorities.

But no, minorities will never maintain a society that whites built. How could a half-animal accomplish anything as great as whites? America will become Mexico and then a great die-off will happen GIBS. Whites will probably go to the Canadian Provence and regroup during the famine/war generations.

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>Arguing about 'muh wall' when you have king of the Jews as a leader.

The definition of useful idiots.

Liberals say we can't give Orange Man the nuclear codes.
Two years in and the world is still alive.
Can you ever do anything right, lefturds?

Nice rose-colored glassed you got there. I remember a 80% White America. I lived in it. Over the past 20 years we've become the literal "56%" meme. Those numbers are going nowhere but UP. There is no legislation to stop it. Oh and also Trump's "Muh I want as many foreigners here as possible" cuc.kery is not appreciated either.

Trump is a naive boomer about the kikes but he's no ZOG. If he were, Assad would have been dead 20 months ago and we'd be balls deep in iran right now. He's an idiot for giving israel so much money but his domestic policy directly contradicts most israli intent for america, and court appointments alone will give the kikes problems for decades after trump's gone.

>...then I called him a lefturd

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Trunp refusing to admit to the reality of his policies (and his personal racism) is annoying, but that's part of the reality of politics. If trump had said in 2017, explicity that he wanted less hispanics in america, he would have been impeached. He probably still would be today.

Trump is objectively the best president in decades. If I cared about Trump supporting Israel I wouldn't have voted for him to begin with. Its not like it was some great secret.

Go be a cuck elsewhere faggot. Some of us dont want society to crumble

just because you dont like it doesnt make it untrue. That bill was posted countless times on this site that specifically states those statutes.

Suck zog dick like a good little goy

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Citation needed, goyim.

I agree user#62859

Trump is obviously playing upside down underwater jenga by inviting browns into a our country

He would have been impeached? For following our LAWS? Fuck that


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You guys have to program your AI (aka: The Lokibot) better. It's still posting non-logic

>Jow Forums is one person
>Jow Forums loves trump
Only a mutt could reason this.

>explicity that he wanted less hispanics in america

Until a politician gets up there and says, "I'd like to thank straight white males for participating in society" there is no reason whatsoever for said white males to participate in society.

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>Go be a cuck elsewhere faggot. Some of us dont want society to crumble

It's not what I "want". It's a simple matter of a facing reality. Search for "John Glubb, Fate of Empires". We are in stage six, or the "collapse stage" of the West.

Once you accept your fate, shit-posting will be much more rewarding.

still better than hillary