Is Jow Forums just going to ignore the latest headlines?

Is Jow Forums just going to ignore the latest headlines?

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user we've been talking about Kushner trying to prove himself as the Zionist Jew Messiah for over a week now.

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What is it about Kushner that I just hate? Something about the way he looks, I want to punch him in the fucking face.....

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watch the video user

it looks like hes already dead

Because it won't change shit

Watching the vid now

If the Democrats had more than questions they would have a legitimate point, but they don't so they don't.


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He looks like a sneaky kike, ready to fight against the goyims

And like the revilement I have towards Kushner I feel the same revilement towards those uppity neurotic jews chanting for their messiah in that flem filled hideous language.

Kushner is an agent of Israel.

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it sounds very very demonic.

I dismiss outright every single thing you say

If Zionists have so much faith in their prophecy they should go ahead and follow through.
Christians have faith in Christ, what are you afraid of

Yeah Jow Forums is full of Jews now. That's why so many support Trump.

But what I don't understand is why they want a messiah? What is it that they need to be be saved from? They have their own ethnostate supported by the world super power, what is it that they need saved from? What is the point of their messiah? By now I've figured out that the flooding of Europe and it's former colonies with other races to wipe out ethnic Europeans is to fulfill some stupid prophesy of theirs to help bring about their messiah. They are quite literally self fulfilling their dumb prophesies. But another thing is it's as though another likelihood is that they are assaulting Europeans as to bring about an enemy to the jewish people to make need for a messiah.... Jewish reasoning is like female reasoning, makes no goddamn sense.

Indeed, "Jared" has that eerie satanic tone to it.

Zionism is a very extreme form of Judaism / Christianity that involves the idea that Jews are literally Gods among men and the goyim should be enslaved and the world should be ruled by Zionists.
The zionists believe each Jew should have 800 slaves, and they even teach this to their kids in Israeli schools. They tell them that when they build the temple, the muslims and goyim will be their slaves and they can all live as kings.
It's a tempting offer to be approached by AIPAC or Mossad. Just invest your life towards Israeli zionist efforts and you'll be rewarded.

Jared Kushner translates roughly to The Anointed One in Hebrew.

and in cabal numerology Kushner = 666 / 616


Jealousy that he’s dumping his seed into Ivanka Milkers maybe?

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Trump is still /ourguy/ and the jews are just the cost of doing business. He will hand them some crumbs here and there but will try to fuck them in other ways (like pulling the troops)

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After watching that horrific display of jews and their rituals I have a strong knee jerk reaction to listen to some European folk as well as some martial industrial. Unfortunately I don't have anything, or want anything so I've devoted my life to fighting back in what ever small and insignificant ways I can. Just being in open revolt towards them is enough to at least make them feel threatened.

Ivanka isn't even attractive. Even after all that plastic surgery.

this theory had some standing earlier into 2017 but by now you're either a shill or retarded if you haven't realized the truth. He's an Israeli pawn, a Netanyahu pawn specifically.
He owes his life to (((them))) he was bailed out by the Rothschilds in the 80s.
He probably converted himself and just pretends to be Christian.

Whatever helps you sleep at night.

So what?

Every single time a leftist faggot tries to make a big deal about something they believe is connected to the Russia bullshit, they just mention a thing Trump did that is a huge nothing burger...but IF IF IF IF IF IF IF their Russian fantasy was might be worth investigating.

Even Trump's biggest supporters admit he's a zionist.

>He probably converted himself and just pretends to be Christian.
According to this video he converted to judaism. Take it with a huge grain of salt though.

Why would he need to pretend to be a Christian when most "Christians" these days suck kikestick anyways?

>New York Times said

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He looks like he is wearing someone else's skin, but his bone structure doesn't work well with the skin. That's why his nose looks stretched and his eyes are more slit like than almond shaped.

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the first trump circle person that needs to be thrown in prison and left to rot

This is all old news. It was a big deal right after Trump took office. He couldn't get security clearance for most of the people that needed it because the FBI was dragging their heals -- on purpose. All the news about Trump today is old news being rehashed & people are falling for it.
>November 16, 2017
>It’s been 10 months since President Trump took office and Jared Kushner is still waiting on his permanent security clearance...

Yeah that must be it

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In this same article, the imply that Trump granting Kushner security clearance is totally legit. People making a big tadoo about nothing.
>Experts say that when push comes to shove, President Trump could eventually just approve Kushner’s clearance himself — though this rarely happens.

Maximum delusion holy fuck

Everyone here knows that trump is an Israeli puppet. This comes as no surprise to anyone, dildo. We're just biding our time until the Mueller report shows that he's been under Netanyahu's thumb.
>Dancing Israelis

>9/11 Trillions: Follow the Money

>Israeli War Crimes

>Jewish Supremacy

>The Lobby USA

>The Occupation of the American Mind

Jewish Zionists read the Talmud. It says killing goyim isn't a sin, raping babies is okay. It's extreme shit and they plan on trying to wipe out Christianity when they bring in the NWO. There's nothing Christian about it.
Benjamin Netanyahu said Christion Zionists are scumbags but don`t tell them that we need useful idiots.
Talmud exposed video

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I remember seeing a video of boomer Christian Zionists talking to a Rabbi and saying how much respect they have for zionism and how they deserve to build the third temple.
Makes me sick, they are the opposite of true Christians. Never trust Christ killers.

That's why I dislike most republicans like Ted Cruz. They're total christcucks who put Israel as their top priority.

I hear you bro...I’d love to beat on his little pinhead myself. It’s that smug, “I’m so much superior to you” smirk he wears on his face so often I’ve seen guys in bars get the holy fuck beat out of them for projecting that sort of shit. I can’t stand the motherfucker.

Just a fantasy FBI...I of course would never really kick the fuck face’s ass in real life.

This is a good thing. It’s getting harder for the Russiaphobic left to ignore the influence jews/israel have over our politicians. If “Russian collusion” can be become (((Israeli collusion))) then Trump will have done his job.

incel spotted

Trump won.
Winners get to do these things.
Losers suck lick.
OP sucks dick...

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You should consider investing in collar stays.

She’s still big Don’s cum dumptster.

Kushner has been bad news for a very long time.

Imagine if Don Jr had the spot instead off that worthless piece of shit

It’s been being investigated for more than 2 years. He’s an agent of Russia’s.

>give the real president (Kushner) security clearance.
>traitorous cunt gives everything he can get his hands on to Israel.
>Israel sells everything to China and Russia

something needs to be done