Shes backkkkkkkkk

>“I want to talk about the political influence in this country that says it is okay to push for allegiance to a foreign country.”

No she never actually mentioned Jewish people but boy did they name themselves.

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Other urls found in this thread:

why would it be dangerous? surely there isn't a secret international cabal of jews who suppress anti-israel notions with false information and assassinations.

What did she mean by this?

Is there any way we could get her to retweet this video?

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I agree with her. But she probably supports ISIS brides being allowed back into the country. Which would be hypocrisy.

>be Muslim
>accuse others of having "dual loyalty"

Wew lass


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Ilhan is bayst, im 100% convinced her and AOC are chaos generators put in by the good feds

Attached: 1528258030844.webm (1266x942, 2.71M) ILhan is correct.

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This shitskin is going balls deep in those rats. The golem is turning on it's master.

More balls than Trump

dumb anti-american nigger in congress.. what a mockery. at least she's anti-jew which is her only upside.

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>in the US our choice is between the party that licks the kikes' boots but still offers more personal freedoms and has less minorities, or the party of faggots and shitskins that only criticize the kikes because they kill Muslim kids

Shoot me

Before I would find this triggering, now it just makes me laugh.

Ban Islam all terrorist attacks solved


Shes starting a conversation America should have had some time ago. If Americans wake up to the JQ it will end all of this (((progressive))) bullshit

I'd rather ban Jews.

Muslims are immune to machine elves and their tricks.

Truly the saviors of the West.

Based she has more balls than Zion Don
Ban kikes all banking fraud will be solved

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Your average Jow Forumscuck is too dumb to realize you don't need to pick sides here.

>memeflag accusing me of being a Jew because I have equal disdain for sandniggers
How obvious could you be, Muhammad?

she's not wrong

can't wait for the Democratic Party to fracture

Fucking downies oppressing us n shieet

True, this is a divide and conquer situation.

However, it would be nice if the Republicans in Congress would call for Ilhan to be censured.
Then the Democrats would have to defend her,
which would then get the entire Democratic Party labeled as anti-Semitic,
and plus it would bring the issue of AIPAC and Israel to center-stage in the public debate.

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fuck off sal

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tillamook cheese just went halal certified. now i have to find a new brand. even cheese is political. i refuse to pay invader certification.

this dude is labeled an islamophobia when?

yeah but she's only anti jew because of her competing sand nigger religion. it's an npc response.

Dumbass that's not even her

>that's a dangerous slur

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Dat "why are you creep taking a picture of me" look.

It's real in my mind.

>dual loyalty
>implying they are loyal to the us

Christ, their playbook really is paper-thin

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Pious muslims, yes. Not all muslims.

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How is accusing people who openly announce they have dual loyalties of having said loyalties a slur?

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>a muslim in US government accusing jews in US government of dual loyalty
Talk about the pot calling the kettle a nigger, holy shit lol fuck this dumb hypocrite. Fuck jews too.

yes they are

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Double digits and ww3 on 21st March 2019

Actually Netanyahu says that USA and Americans are Israels puppet goys to do with what they please and if USA ever stopped being Israels puppet goys they would destroy USA overnight.

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No shit, but who do you think let the shitskins over in the first fucking place?

Fuck kikes. Fuck muslims.

Didn't she fuck her brother?

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Don't worry I'm pretty sure Trump will fix the Jewish control problem in the United States. Look at how many (((friends))) he has backing him up that will help put a stop to Jewish shenanigans in this country.

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A Muslim that literally pushes open borders for Somalis and muslims, that dresses as a foreigner, bows to a pagan idol in a Saudi city 5 times a day, that is a foreigner, and supports lgbt......accusing others of dual loyalty.

Mmm yeah. I think she should deport herself and every muslim should be put on the plane with every dual Israeli citizen and flown home to the desert.

Fuck this foreign pedo follower
bitch. And fuck islam too.

Exactly. Bitch is muslim. They are even worse than jews in their lies and disloyalty.


Fuck muslims then fuck kikes. We order it by threat level. Muslims are way more numerous and actively dangerous to my children.

>surely there isn't a secret international cabal of jews who suppress anti-israel notions with false information and assassinations.
of course not
also don't look behind the curtain

Shitskins are easier to pick out of a crowd though. If the dotr were to ever actually kick off, and we completely removed the kikes, muslims and any remaining sympathizers would be easy enough to round up and send back to the sandbox.

the jews are even jewing the jews but will those jews jew back?

If you have a leaky pipe, do you repair the pipe before turning the water off?


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she's saying things whites have tried to say and not immediately getting black balled as a nazi or anti semite or right wing extremist
her being a female nigger muzzy makes are one of the protected class

if you're a mexican without a license yeah.

A muslim accusing someone else of dual loyalty? I won't ever trust no man or woman who can't enjoy a bacon sandwich.

The jew cries out in pain as he strikes

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Audible kek

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>Exactly. Bitch is muslim. They are even worse than jews in their lies and disloyalty.
> They are even worse than jews in their lies
I'll take Shlomo for 500 please Jow Forums

Jews use everyone as proxies to do their dirty work, making everyone but them the water. So yeah, stop the flow of water but getting rid of the Jew's control. Then you can fix the problem.

In 5 minutes she will be saying the opposite.

we gotta get this bitch on the ballot for grand wizard

>tfw it takes a somalian negress rag head to speak out the truth in the US congress.

Muslims may not be friends even though they hate kikes, but this somalian negress is. We should use her and make drop more and more redpills and crush the anti-semite fake scare hoax right in the bud. She is a breath of fresh air in the swamp that is congress. I would eat out her jungle pussy.

We don't have to like the dems or Omar, we just need her to keep stirring up the shit and hopefully opening people's eyes to the israel issue.
The more people she pills the easier it will be for the rest of us to point the finger without being disregarded as a nazi.

she's a useful idiot

easier there Chaim

Jews are the source for the water in this analogy. If you try to make the fix without stopping the source, you'll never solve the problem.


>Then the Democrats would have to defend her,
funny, or sad depending on PoV, thing is the Dem are just as kiked as the Reps

>yeah but she's only anti jew because of her competing sand nigger religion. it's an npc response.
This but unironically, they want conversions to THEIR shitty sand religion (which is why they're always here trying to siphon up the Christians with Islam shilling)
I assume it'll get to the point of Join or Die if we keep importing them and gullable people keep converting because Le Based Muhammad wants to destroy the entire nation, monuments, infidels, etc.
But hey at least we wont have jews right guys

The broken pipe is the main problem (jews). The leaking water is caused by the main problem (everything else). Turning off the water (stopping everything else) is merely a step in fixing the main problem (jews).

Otherwise, the water is going to flood the house.

I disagree, with jews you lose. They love splitting and having two "sides" (and being on both sides). You always have to find the third (or fourth or fifth) option.

Shapiro was kvetching about it this morning.

Why has somebody not photoshopped a dick in that skanks mouth?

>t. Jew

Too lazy to read the thread, but I'm willing to bet there's a lot of pic related in here.

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The irony here is that she has the Aryan phenotype. Aryan phenotypes, like Hitler and the third phase of racial idealism, are very anti Jewish

as long as you don't have to think independently

Yup. I especially love the “jews are better than muslims” canard. No, they are not.

And Jow Forums will still attack her for being a low iq nigger.. She's not pro white but she's more based than Tr*mp

Would it be worth electing a legitimate black Muslim female president if it meant we could completely get rid of the Jews?

>if you hate muzzies you must be a jew
gee wonder if a paki diasporanigger is behind this post

I feel like she's a Trump plant

why not both

Shills will attack her for being Muslim. Shills will attack pol for supporting a muslim.
Pol will focus as always on the truth and spreading as much of it as possible by whatever means

why yes of course

keep in mind while this idiot brother fucker islamist does that she is paid by cair and talks in pro muslim brotherhood conferences.
Self reflection and all that.

Only jews do shit like G*d or joos or tr*mp I'm not quite sure what drives them to this level of superstitious lunacy but here we are

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