Let Your Voice Be Heard



Attached: WorstHumanityHas2offer.png (828x940, 68K)

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Why are excluding Portuguese and Spanish?

I choose #15. "OP is a Kike rat"

>Thanks for voting, remember you may only vote once per IP address
>IP address

Thanks for voting :^)

Have to pick Indians because Gypsies are not an option, and they originally came from India.

picked indians but indians are way worse than pakis, don't lump them together
that's like lumping together jews and islams

Because they are Moorish half-breeds.

You're all way too easy on the spiks.

cant we al agree that the human race sucks?

>can't select multiple options
Went with Jews, but in reality:
1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 13 and anyone that voted 14

>indians are way worse than pakis
where does this retarded meme come from? pakis are the most inbred and most pederast people on Earth
indians are just smelly and socially retarded, that's it


fuck you all niggers

blacks. kikes are evil, not retarded

at least indians don't cut up baby dicks like you savages do.

Most of the others wouldn't even be a problem for us if it weren't for the jews.

pakistan has a higher IQ rating than india. in my experience pakis are alright, but east indians are subhuman animals. they're all gay and the women are arrogant cows. i don't even view them as being fully human. at least pakis are islamic, which is an abrahamic religion. indians are just animals.

grow up retard

OP is a spic jew shill

>i couldnt find canadians on that list so i didnt vote

Sage leaf

inbred muslim detected
kill yourself immediately

kys nigger.

Kikes are niggers..... I don't know, rotten apples or rotten oranges?

> billionaires not an option
This is why you are retarded and fail to see the big picture every damn time

>having money means you are evil
this is why you are retarded and fail to see the big picture every damn time

Where are Americans?

Attached: 1509979043678.jpg (1024x605, 171K)

>hiding behind the meme flags

>no gypsies

Numbah one as always! you goyim can't keep up with us

Attached: 934af6378ee9c236536be697d2cb437d.png (900x1380, 1.21M)

>"are" instead of "or"
I'm going to sleep now

shitskins, go poop in the streets

100% germanic phenotype, stay mad goatfucker

100% slavic-germanic phenotype, stay mad goatfucker

81 fucking larpers

Instead of just a group of races or geographical people i was expecting "politicians" to be atleast one of the choices in the list. They're all shit.

We know.
We just don't care.
All our details and info are already stolen anyway so who gives a shit about one more psyop?

having fun getting nuked by pakistan pajeets

>no Americans on the list

Attached: K.jpg (360x360, 41K)

Are you saying that you hate Chinese people above all?

Not quite, I don't like them eating dogs.

I have to analyse them before I dislike* (not hate) someone.

>once and for all
As this thread is posted for the fifth time this week. (The answer is Jews btw)

muslims and niggers

Dear OP, You left off a significant category of annoying dipshits. A real group of turds that we can all agree are the absolute worst of humanity. They're call Canadians. The day of the rake cannot come soon enough.

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