My second child was born with Down syndrome...

My second child was born with Down syndrome. To clarify both myself and the mother are mid twenties and have no indicators for tri 21, it’s a random occurrence.

Can I still be far-right? Especially given the amount of my brothers who would want my son exterminated?

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Sacrifice your children to the shitskin invaders. If your child can't be a productive and contributing member of the white future, at least he/she can help bleach the mudpeople before they eat him/her

>born with Down syndrome
Why would you let it be born? You're as retarded as the potato.

Wasn’t picked up during screening and we’re both pro life
Most downs are sterile

Are you sure he wasn't Vaxxed. or was he legit born retarded.

Ohh wait your a fucking Swede. Your genetics are weak and feeble there is no hope for your kind.

you have to own it. you need to buy downy fabric softener and listen to only system of a down

Autism is different than downs

dna test. are you his father?

>Most downs are sterile
Good, but at least he/she can serve as a distraction.

swedish flag...

inbred arab detected

lmao, were you vaxxed bro?

Your first mistake was being (((pro-life))) if you have the technology to check how it will born you should have aborted it before he could suffer real life
Now he can't be productive
Will not find love
And will be bullied

Stop being a shitskin. Shitskins have defective children in northern countries because they are not evolved to live in those climates.

Sure, as long as you lock your kid in the attic or send him to a lunatic asylum.

t.Juan (worst than arabs)

Sorry about your kid, swedebro. Aborting downies is stupid. They don’t reproduce anyway.

hey rabbi

Take care of and love your child. Do not get offended by the word retard used in casual conversation.

That sucks OP, your entire life will pretty much change for the worse now.
Hope Sweden has good institutions, schools and doctors for him and make sure he has good upbringing, hobbies and maybe eventually get a job later on(Sweden should have places where they employ people with downs, or "work" in some "School" which is pretty much like daycare even after hes 18).

give him a youtube video where he makes fun of himself like this guy:

and he will have his own fanbase and make millions

Should have drowned it in the bathtub.

Far right doesn't mean a bad person. People who have a brain in the far right understand that retardation is such an uncommon thing that a society suffers very little by accommodating them

The challenge placed upon you will strengthen you and test you. When you die you will be able to say you met this challenge with love.
Lives are useful for things other than fucking and being wagecucks, we are taught many lessons by many things, and until you define what a truly successful life is, you can't say what one isn't.
Good luck on your path, and make yourself proud, and a fool of any who would shame you

Muslims use boys born with Down syndrome as rape slaves, you live in a newly muslimfied Nation you can figure out what’s going to happen to your “child” maybe you should of aborted that monstrosity

(((pro-lifer))) getting what was coming to him

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>Wasn’t picked up during screening
Did you do an amniocentesis? Genuinely curious.

Go move into a house with a pool. Send the wife and first child away on a vacation.

You know what to do. Accidents happen its okay.