I got herpes and I'm really fucking scared...

I got herpes and I'm really fucking scared. Is there any way to get rid of the herpes on my shoulder or a cure for herpes?

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Everybody has herpes. Forget about it.

Is it type 1 or 2? It might go away on it's own (cold sores are a type of herpes, and if you get the cold sores type it can cause you to build up antibodies to both types)

I don't know the difference of type 1 and 2 but based on Google images, it's made up of 3 small white pimple clustered. I have one in my mouth but it's two small red bumps, been having it for weeks now.

You just want to avoid sexual contact (including mouth to mouth stuff) during flare ups. not that it really matters. I don't think you even really need to tell a partner as so many people have it in some form and don't even know.

Go to a doctor and stop looking for medical advice on the internet.

So you're saying I need to avoid having sex from now on? Fuck shit this sucks I don't want to not have sex.

If said is true then somebody probably dealt with it, I'm just looking for advice.

I'm giving you advice. Go to a doctor, get prescribed the proper medication for your type of herpes, go home, apply the medication and get over it.

Herpes isn't just any pimple though, it's a fucking STD. Just imagine your partner learning you have a herpes, she'd be disgusted with you instantly.

Depends on the girls and the type of herpes you have. There are girls who have herpes who won't care, girls who would care about HSV1 and not about HSV2 (1 is oral, 2 is genital), girls who will be disgusted.
Not an excuse to not tell them, or to not get properly medicated.


Why do I have one on my shoulder then?

Can't you, like, google things?

>While herpes outbreaks commonly occur on the mouth or genitals from infection with the herpes simplex virus, it is possible for the virus to be transmitted to and appear on other parts of the body. Infection on non-mucosal skin, such as the lower legs or shoulders, is rare but possible, especially if the skin was broken and came into contact with the virus. Two additional types of herpes, herpes gladiatorum and herpes zoster, more commonly result in outbreaks on parts of the body other than the mouth and genitals.

You may also have other types of herpes.

Just go see a doctor, you idiot. Don't self medicate.

I have small wounds all the time, how the fuck did herpes not appear on my other parts of my body.

You didn't touch them with your herpes infected hands.
Go see a doctor, I'm tired of telling you.

this is liberal propaganda

there is no cure. Maybe there will be in the future, but right now there is no cure. The only thing you can do at this point is go to the doctor and get medication that will help make the symptoms lighter.

How did you get it? Did you hook up with some random girl from Tinder who lied to you about having it?

I just slept in a motel then booyah there is a cluster of 3 white heads in my shoulder.

I don't know what symptoms I should have, it appeared just like that.

>I just slept in a motel then booyah there is a cluster of 3 white heads in my shoulder.
Are you sure it's herpes as opposed to, you know, a pimple, a cyst, or a pustule from the lack of hygiene that is present at most motels?

uh, how do you know you have herpes.... because the only way you could have gotten herpes from the room would be if the room was never cleaned, and if there was fresh (like within 30minutes) body fluids that you rubbed onto your shoulder.

quit being a retard. You probably just had some weird reaction to something.

I am really certain it's herpes

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Nigga those are bed bugs. You don't get herpes like that.

Better view

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Hi. This is your doctor.
I can't fucking tell from a picture and a vauge ass description, so come see me in person and we can talk about it.

Take a sharper picture, can't see shit in these.

That's actually it. Three small white pimple clumped together, seemed to be herpes for me.

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retard. you don't have herpes. You don't even understand how its transmitted. The only way you could get herpes is if you were in DIRECT contact with very fresh bodily fluids from an infected person. You do not have it you fucking retard.

skimmed through the posts

bed bugs leave bite marks in series of 3's, they call it the "breakfast, lunch, dinner mark"

it was probably bed bugs

i would inspect your clothes and treat them for bedbugs (tossing them in the dryer, heat killsthem

Like sweat and saliva then

I am pretty sure it is herpes. If you look at that cluster of white pimple, it used to be bigger than that.

Also I kissed a girl and developed a cold sore inside my mouth that lasted for around 3 days, there is no way I don't have herpes.

was you bed like SOAKING wet in sweat and saliva when you got into it? I doubt it.

youre being a fucking retard. You make a thread bitching you have herpes when you dont even know how its transmitted, AND you never had even gotten tested to begin with. You're a stupid fuck.

If you didn't fuck someone, you don't have herpes. getting herpes from the toilet or bed isn't how it works. That doesn't happen.

I fuck girls with condom on, so I definitely believe I have herpes. I've fucked like around 20 times in my life, I am sure I'm bound to have it.

then why havent you been tested you fucking retard?

I see those three dots all over your skin just not as pronounced. Perhaps because one of them is red, you think the ones around it are a unit. Could be an enlarged oil gland.

You could have it checked by a dermatologist, but prepare to pay at least $70 if not a $100 for 15 seconds of his time.

You can talk to your doctor about antiviral medications to prevent flare-ups. It just depends how bad your case is.