Wait a minute

when the Jews rule the media and the government in America, does that mean that it's not the Americans but the Jews who are against Russia and provoke a war?

i´m confused

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that's my theory, old russians pissed off some rothschild 300 years ago, probably by butchering and then raping his kids or something, and earned themselves the title of badguy for all eternity

hello glow nigger

The Jews operate in both countries and cause conflicts for profit. By the way the Jews have run America so long you might as well just say "Americans" to save time and make sure everyone knows who you're talking about.

of course. are you new?

something is very fishy on this whole situation

That poster is a retard and doesn't realize that "accelerationism" means the system collapses under its own weight, not that you go and blow up shit.


It’s like you haven’t been watching Syria,

>did not understand why we push yang here
just Vote for Yang

i have, but i always thought it was the US who wants to prevent a common market between Europe and Russia

I tell you only one thing Yang´s theory has a big fat error what no one has recognized ;)

there is no us in a sense of government that works for american people for almost a century. americans are actually very decent people.

America and Russia have the same problem, they need Europeans both countries have only become successful because they took our best people after World War II

Russian logistics and equipment is probably the only thing keeping Syria alive. Initiate a war between USA and Russia, they’ll likely divert their forces outside or Syria, or drastically reduce their forces, and Israel will swoop in during the conflict

is that why you try to make Europe uninhabitable for Europeans? so that Europe can not interfere


The only thing I have against the Slavic people is that a lot of the men act like edgy teenagers well into middle age, and a lot of the women look like whores. But no brother wars of course. Russia is only 2.5 miles away from us, look it up!

Just tell me I'm on the right track nsa

How do you know that i am a woman? fuck

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Naturally the American and Russian people are obstacles for the Jews so they are trying to take us Americans out with mass immigration (destroying our communities and blood), and have been hyping us up for a war with Russia since Trump won the election - look at what they did to Gaddafi, why would they stop there?

You're a Slavic woman? Do you look like a whore?

stfu im not a whore

Mind producing a hitler for the u.s germany?

Are you East German?

yes, but what does that matter? pack your Dick, I'm here to discuss

How many penises have you serviced? Post a number and we will make the appropriate value judgements.

This. They have their fingers in all kinds of pies. Quite a few of the "Russian" oligarchs are Jewish. The "Russian" mafia has many Jews, with connections to NY crime families.

You're probably a third Russian.

but this move literally looks insane for me in the end israel will be destroyed

media ran by jesuits via their court jews.

its the jesuits against russia because theyre orthodox. and it will be protestants fighting them. and itll be fascist america killing jews. see how it works out for the heretics?

like little children who see chocolate the first time
according to gentest i'm half West and half East German and a bit Jewish

It's not that simple. Watch this video. It explains everything you need to know.


Jews always play both sides. Because of the rigged banks any spending is profit for them.debt to them is money. Niggers will take as much debt as they are allowed to. White people used to like to save their money. That means less shekels for the bank. It's a big part of why kikes love putting niggers in white countries. Niggers spend everything they are given and cost even more in damage. Then because of mandatory equality they get to tax white people for the bill.

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Does your name have berg, burg, or stein in it?


interesting, thank you

zionists are loyal to the pope. they learned their tricks from the jesuits. theyll give the jews such a bad name itll start another holocaust, but the zionists wont be touched. just like soros confiscating jewish property during hitlers reign wasnt touched but still goin strong today. court jews loyal to the pope

America is under the Zionist Occupation Government so Israel is safe from us at least (in fact, our military would cheerfully die to protect it). Russia has a GDP the size of Texas and most of the land resembles a third-world country so it could easily be turned into another Iraq.

This is just a smoke screen for goyim to be distracted (same tricks) while they go a kit their plans.

Yeah bro Jews want Russia out of Syria so they can steal shit or something idk