Within 10 years these will be more common than stoplights. What's the real motive behind this push for (((5G)))?
Seems like a lot of work for faster Snapchat
Within 10 years these will be more common than stoplights. What's the real motive behind this push for (((5G)))?
Seems like a lot of work for faster Snapchat
Other urls found in this thread:
how could you theoretically permanently destroy these in your local community?
Point a parabolic dish at it
Remotely kill people
They will be everywhere since the range is like 500 feet
It's just a grab, they're going to soon be trying to replace wired networks in your home.
total surveillance grid through the (((internet of things))). they'll be able to sell appliances, devices that include wifi transmitters that don't need your permission to call home. I just bought a new washing machine. It has a wifi transmitter, and a microphone, or had. I lobotomized the fucker, now it just washes clothes.
You know I hope it actually is a kill grid because less people like OP would be alive.
Max line of site range. Put a couple buldings in the way and you're down to 50 feet.
Its logical considering how data traffic has risen exponentially so far. I'd be surprised if traffic wasn't increased by magnitudes again when 5g is fully rolled out.
They'll use it to see into houses and cars and it will have good enough resolution to see is someone is concealing a weapon. It's surveillance tech.
>ayys have been breeding hybrids for decades, perhaps centuries
>hybrid ayy rape babies everywhere, indistinguishable from regular humans
>5G can scan DNA
>5G installed everywhere to identify then track ayy rape babies
>ayy rape babies rounded up
That's the long and short of it. Not even kidding.
There must be some wave emission way to short that those things, where are the smarties on this that could creat some blueprints and we all destroy them from distance and without a way of detecting it
A silenced .22.
You can use an oil filter as a makeshift silencer that's good for several shots.
.22 rifle with diy oil filter silencer ought to do the trick
i want to know this too (in fortnite).
quick rundown on this
>free wifi for everyone! xDD
>all the interesting sites are blocked
>posting wrong think gets your internet privilege revoked
sounds accurate
with wifi you can track your movements inside of a house and see which finger you twitch in which direction.
>shooting towards neighbors house
what is going on here?
combining this tech with drones, guns, and the lists they already have
Just teaching my daughter responsible gun handling. Nothing to worry, there is a 1/4 inch carton and half inch wood plank to stop the bullet.
Going to be wearing tin foil clothes
Same thing at the 'airport'.
Talked to a special forces guy a few years back. He said that when they did a raid their Intel was so specific down to which direction a particular doorknob turned. Intel came from a grid of geo stationary satellites. The g is shortened from Global Grid, GG. 6GG was In his mind the mark of the beast.
IOT and automation. Self driving cars. Delivery drones.
Those things will need a mega high throughput bandwidth wise. When every fucking thing has a sensor in it, and some kind of machine learning software and they're all trying to talk to each other and phone home it'll be important.
That would be the legit reason, the secondary type of warfare stuff is scary AF though
>current political theater is all to cover for the rapid expansion and execution of this plan
They're used to scan the DNA of people in their vicinity in order to detect space aliens walking among us
Absolutely BASED video about (((5G)))
What kinda bothers me about this is why the fuck do we need it above 5G? I mean its going to take me less than .2 instead of .5 seconds to refresh my facebook. Only thing i can see this working for is HD Livestreaming but that's usually pretty good in the first place.
You don't.
What if 5G or 6Gs goal is to find the DNA of the chosen AntiChrist
Is that a demon spider baboon in the trees?
Haha I was wondering this too. Also, isnt discharging a firearm without cause illegal in city limits?
Molotove cocktail should do the trick
Alternatively you could use thermite to fell the tower. Pretty simple to make. Just know that thermite doesn’t work like it does in the movies. More is better.
I wouldn't worry about it.
>What's the real motive behind this push for (((5G)))?
Mechanism to initiate the largest mass human sacrifice in human history to usher in the age of the anti-Christ, or just a cull switch depending on how full tinfoil you want to go.
>since the range is like 500 feet
>Put a couple buldings in the way and you're down to 50 feet
the fact of the matter is it's either house-made-of-glass level surveillance, or some new tech scam just like low-flow toilets that don't actually flush worth a damn.
if there are health consequences for it, it's surely unintentional because being known as the person who invented a mass-sterilization device would make you the most hunted human on the planet. like the IRS, they would never stop until they get you.
never mind the hundreds of associated people who would swing from a tree with their last 10-foot neck tie made of rope.
Could be anything
>utilization of microwave/electromagnetic field to alter brainwave activity (making people more suggestible/susceptible to media brainwashing)
>mass wi-fi based real-time home mapping and surveillance (accurate enough to detect and identify minute body movements
>more bandwidth for mass network surveillance operations
Faster internet for you is just a cover for their real purpose
redpill me on 5g
the pic is a joke, you halfwit
checked, and great video insightful, Actually have a child on the way with one already and makes me reconsider them even using a tablet or playing on our phones.
okay, imma tell ya but try not to freak out
Remember that Internet Of Shit thing? Your microwave no longer needs your home wifi connection, it comes with it's own sim card to connect to the new "internet" routed through cell towers.
Try not to freak out but also realize that a popcorn setting is a microphone and your next fridge comes with both internal and external cameras.
They know exactly what the effects of 5G are but they are forcing it onto the public without human testing being done publicly.
We were never asked if we wanted this and we don't seem to have a choice as to whether 5G is implemented or not.
5G antennas were installed around fire departments and people working there were experiencing problems that were determined to arise from 5G. The antena's were removed.
advanced VR
but my fridge knows me!
its so convenient, it knows what I like and what I should be eating every day!
when it sees me opening the fridge it has everything prepared for me, no rummaging through looking for something tasty anymore!
how did we ever live without it?
Well you'll need the adapter to do that as long as you have a threaded barrel. I'm not sure who sells the oil filter adapters, either. I would imagine if you have the plans that you could just have a local machinist make it for you for ~$100. It better be an FMJ or AP .22 to do it, too
You shouldn't let your children use anything with an internet connection anyways.
John titor predicted this
some random search results on the topic
kek Too spoopy for me. I'm thinking about going to the old block-of-ice-box method of food storage. At the very least, I'm going to be pulling the sim card out of my fucking clothes dryer.
>quick rundown on this
If these do put out harmful energy/rays like a microwave, pointing a parabolic dish at it will gather and reflect the rays back to the source.
Why are you such a frantic bedwetter. No one is trying to kill you, get off Jow Forums for 20 minutes your thirst for yous is unquenchable
I thought it was 1:1 by weight?
Holding your current 3g phone against your head is more dangerous than 5g antenna shown in OP.
t. Antenna SME
"""Smart""" TVs and other appliances like home automation shit currently require a wifi connection to send their spyware data back to homebase, but by putting 5G antennas everywhere that won't require an account to log into, or which will come pre-loaded on the devices will mean that all that glorious data can be slurped up with no way of stopping it by the user.
Yes this, great minds think alike.
Does this mean if I can acquire a DISH/DirecTV dish, I can use it against the 5Gkike?
The fact that they're so eager to put them up everywhere without doing any kind of preliminary testing on the negative effects that it may have on humans and wild life demonstrates that they most likely have nefarious intentions.
Place a bullet on every antenna you can find, anons.
I interned there. Great company and all, but jfc did I ever learn that office work is not the work for me. Dropped out of college the following year, make more than I would have doing drone work in an office anyway.
Unbeatable surveillance state
>Not even kidding.
Yeah Im gonna need some proofs.
This. RF Engineer here
Is there a way to defeat this?
Asking for a friend...
Take it apart, remove the antenna and/or overvolt the 5G chip. Easy peasy.
>implying freedom isn't cause enough
why? WHY? Are you new here or are you actually unable to connect the patterns that you see?
It's obvious why. Complete and total surveillance.
5G will kill us all
I've heard of newer models of IoT appliance refusing to function at all if the connectivity functionality is tampered with
no way they're going to let you opt out of home surveillance that easy
Leaf is correct.
>Luddite: The Thread
Won't be possible, a lot of SoC (system on a chip, i.e. the entire brains of the device) live on one single chip, you'll have to kill the whole thing to prevent it from phoning home. You may be able to physically disable the antenna, but they'll just put a check that disables the device when it can't connect home. Signed and locked code will mean you can't edit it yourself.
>buying a smart appliance when you can buy stupid appliances
5g wll give you free energy, upgrade your Dna, and keep out ayylmaos.
>I can acquire a DISH/DirecTV dish
that depends on if its a parabolic dish
Within a decade or two low orbit satellite internet constellations will cover the globe, and they use similar frequencies as 5G.
>what is going on here?
Nothing to worry, there is a 1/4 inch carton and half inch wood plank to stop the bullet.
>Also, isnt discharging a firearm without cause illegal in city limits?Iy could be they are using plastic rounds for limite shootimg area. I used to fire my weapons in the house using them. I was not sure they still made them.
That better just be a pellet gun...
do you know what a parabolic dish is you fuck face?
That wouldn't work as you would never gather but a small portion of ER.
Pull the guts out of a microwave.
Get a Dish or DirectTV parabola
Point the magnetron on a mount to the parabolic reflector
Experiment with distance away from dish to get maximum focus a length away from the target you want
Mounter er up
This gets you around all the wavelength/parabola formulae, even though they are trivial and empirical.
The FCC will not like this one bit.
Here come the shills
Soon you won't have the option unless you buy second hand
It's getting harder and harder. I bought a tv six months ago and basically none of them were just a plain tv. Your best best bet a monitor but those are much more expensive when you get to large screens.
How so?
yes, its a dish that has a parabolic shape which conducts EM radiation
>Your best bet is to get a monitor*
kill whites and keep nigs from nigging once whites gone
What part of the guts of the microwave? Any plans you can share?
>I lobotomized the fucker,
The fact is just about everything is easy to disable.
The one thing you can't get around is sound.
Ofc if you find the microphone it's easy to disable.
But ''''''''''''they''''''''''' can hear you through walls, fairly elementary technology to do this.
Radar on standard windows will also pick up voice vibrations, even multi-pane windows.
You could be hundreds of meters away and point a frequency of radar at windows and pick up the slightest whisper.
Actually more sensitive than the human ear in a standard sized room.
Good video...
No there are a million schematics of mw. There are basic block diagrams and oodles of info all over the internet. Especially the transformer is popular b/c it's a good source for homemade Tesla coils.
A good Yt rabbithole should yield all the info you ever need.
Search your MW model # or one similar.
Always watch for capacitors etc: all basic electronic safety counts here.
If you are not comfortable learning basic electrical safety, you obviously should refrain.
Tell her the apparatus makes sandwiches and she will put it down immediately.
scramble your dna, you watch the Alex Jones & Joe Rogan Podcast faggot
You are going to need at least the PS, transformer, and magnetron.
Ideally you should be able to just separate the mag enough to get it up on the parabola arm, but you wouldn't be able to get it that far from the rest of the MW so it will be ungainly.
Be creative.
This also works on pesky loud car stereos btw.
There are enough errant harmonics on cheap Mags that you can interfere with just about any head unit source from a close distance of tens of yards.
Ask my old neighbors how I know.
>3g comes out
Oh nice!
>4g comes out
>4g LTE comes out
Even faster hell yeah
>5g rolling out
Jow Forums is a joke.
You can play vidya gaymes on your phone
I agree but the fuss is because 5G is considerably different tech.
You can't compare 5G to anything previous
You gotta get out of the cities before then. It's like less the two years until this shit is in ever major us city.
>new tech is the same as old tech
More like get out of the fucking country. I probably will if this shit goes up in mass