>be president of the United FUCKING States of America
>salute a fucking FOREIGN general, not even a president but a fucking GENERAL
What did Trump mean by this?
>be president of the United FUCKING States of America
>salute a fucking FOREIGN general, not even a president but a fucking GENERAL
What did Trump mean by this?
Other urls found in this thread:
it's respectful
military fags always salute back if they're being respectful, when admirals, generals and shit are walking about and they get saluted they generally salute back
The president doesnt have to salute to a general since he has the highest rank. And he especially DOESN’T or SHOULDN’T salute a foreign general.
>doesnt have to
it's respectful to do so even if you don't have to
terrible thread OP
It's respectful, especially if you're trying to Jew them out of their only way of remaining sovereign
More pitiful than Obama bowing to the Japanese Emperor.
He also felates Israeli generals
Germans, as per usual, proving themselves to be complete autists.
It's merely a gesture with the hand that he enjoys doing when he gets the chance.
>walks in front of the queen, disrespecting a close ally.
>pays respect to a general of a direct enemy.
Fuck me, he is god damned retarded.
Once again some faggot retard German is taking a single frame out of context. Go back and watch the entire video and you’ll see the FOREIGN GENERAL SALUTES FIRST. Trump goes for the handshake but gets saluted so he decided to salute the general back.
Trump gets so much love and respect that it makes you fucking seethe doesn’t it faggot?
>respecting pedo cannibal queen
fuck the queen
He’s trying to avert nuclear war, Mohammad.
Hold on Alex, I'm gonna have to grab my tinfoil hat. Occupy yourself with some tranny porn for a minute, would you?
Even Kim has a look on his face like, "What in the hell are you doing, nigger?"
What did you say?
The general saluted first.
It's respectful to salute back you dumb fucking germ.
Kill yourself.
OP is a kraut faggot. that isn't a pic of trump saluting him. trump trolled the guy, made him think he was going in for the handshake and then at the last second swept his hand back to brush his hair back.
He called that nigga out on the battlefield. Dat nigga dead. Check it.
who cares? maybe he is a complete pleb compared to that general? maybe he felt like he should be saluting the general because the general gave off an aura of expecting to be saluted by this plebian nobody. maybe that general made trump his bitch
Yes, please don't criticize the king of the Jews.
>"The heir to the royal crown of england, historically notable as the prime enemy of the American people at one point in time, notorious for enslaving and oppressing countless peoples, is actually a really nice person and you should treat her respectfully"
Mate what planet are you on?
Are you just trying to be contrarian or what? Because no side of the American political spectrum; neither right "conservative", radical centrist nor leftist should have a hardon for the royal crown of England.
Saluting is a show of respect by the person doing the salute. A senior rank will never salute the junior one. As President of the USA he's supposed to be the highest ranking presence in the room, parallel only to supreme commanders of other countries.
To salute back is a sign of respect. To be the first on to salute makes him look retarded. If the North Korean general saluted first as says, it's OK, despite the autist screeching about muh NK. If he saluted that's just retarded, might as well bow down like Obama did to Japs was it?
Yikes, is your front hole festering today?
>muh salute
go back to your care taker
>it's this story again
why are you krauts so buttblasted we don't want to help you establish a european superstate. get fucked nerds
He's a clown, i think that has been well established
>historically notable as the prime enemy of the American people at one point in time
That's a load of fucking shit. Parliament made every single decision the colonists in North America rebelled over, that's why they negotiated with parliament and not the Crown. Parliament made every notable decision in England's history since 1688 when they literally overthrew a king (because parliaments can do that apparently) and it became official that their power was superior to that of the Crown, less than half a century before that a Long Parliament ordered the execution of a king.
Every decision the American Revolution was fought over was decided by parliament. George III was just a figurehead because it's easier to rally people behind.
Also Elizabeth isn't even that bad you utter fuckhead. She either works in the shadows and uses money to corrupt or she's just plain old Liz, because she has 0 direct authority in practice.
I think it was Saudis he bowed to, maybe I'm wrong or it was both
>Obama did to Japs was it
nope, saudis
There's fucking video of it. Trump went to shake his hand first, NK salutes Trump, Trump salutes back, they shake hands. This thread is dumb. Fuck Germany.
>"b-b-b-but they don't even hold the real power, they're just the figureheads that go along with it"
What a pathetic defense - this would make her EVEN LESS worthy of respect.
Not only is she complicit in all their crimes by masquerading as the figurehead and lending them her authority, but you've just proven with your own words that she is not worthy of any more respect than a normal person (who you are "allowed" to walk in front of) because she doesn't actually have any real power anyway.
Fuck you're bad at logic.
its called respect, abdul.
>Not only is she complicit
She can't even sign Royal Assent, which is approval of law, because Victoria's husband died and she hid away from the world and remained solitary for like the next 15 years you fuckhead.
Worthy of respect or not, I don't give a shit but she has 0 direct authority in practice so either she hides in the shadows and just uses economic status for power, or it's a load of shit.
If she tried to exercise powers of dismissal over parliament, she'd be out of a job and on the dole. Queen Anne tried to refuse the Scottish Militia Bill in 1707, less than 20 years after they had overthrown this other moron for saying no to them, and that became the last time any monarch tried to say no to parliament.
I like her but that's irrelevant, she's definitely not "the enemy of the American people." The American people in the American Revolution aren't even the same half hispanic Americans around today.
Kek, didn't even know that slant fatass was even in the photo.
Alright alright, I see you're not the original user who I was arguing with - so we're sort of arguing two different arguments.
I'm familiar with that cunt Oliver Cromwell who beheaded the king and silently lifted the hundreds year old ban of Jews in England.
(which is why you have them in the country today)
Your era of German, not high German Ubermensch
> a German who hates salutes
Your people are gone Hans just kys.
>does not have to
Its still respectful to do so.
he likes to role play metal gear solid
Probably a deepstate agent, so he's showing his respect.
Well here it fucking is, just like Obama bowing to that jap. Time is a flat circle.
the general saluted him first. when that happens you return salute faggot. you even see it in old wwii movies with prisoners of war when they're forced to report to an enemy officer. they still salute each other
>A senior rank will never salute the junior one
you really think they never salute back, holy fuck you tranny shills are even more retarded than i thought
what would you guess is length/girth of kim jungs cock?