Best arguments against socialism

best arguments against socialism

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Other urls found in this thread: von Mises/Socialism An Economic and Sociological Analysis.pdf

just talk to an actual socialist.

communists... we will kill you. hows that?

lmao how can anyone provide arguments when it hasn't even been properly tried yet?

Its jewish. Unlike capitalism which is 100% white christian male. Jesus and hitler aprove

International socialism is a mental disorder, national socialism is da wae

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>hitler aprove
Dumb Jew.

>socialism gets implemented
>people with money and brains leave
>everyone gets poor
>civilians riot
the end

you people are unwitting agents for the globalist Rothschilds. Once socialized, nationalized medicine comes to the United States, the elite will immediately start executing agenda 21, as people will have no way to leave the healthcare plantation, and thus their fates can be dictated by the state.

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a gun in their mouths

You'll never get all the retarded boomers on board so it's kinda futile to even try. At least for the foreseeable future.

Do you want your country to be run by giant unethical corporations and be a wageslave, have no dignity and work 80% work weeks to survive?

Or do you want to own your own labor, enjoy the fruits of it while having access to everything you need.

But honestly socialism is gives to much power to a central authority who will abuse it, I prefer anarcho-socialism and direct democracy.


only retards want it von Mises/Socialism An Economic and Sociological Analysis.pdf

pick one

Based closest ally. I think we move all kikes to Israel and USA and Israel take over. They are all in the desert and we are still good goys.

only retarded cucks want it

Coюз нepyшимый pecпyблик cвoбoдных
Cплoтилa нaвeки Beликaя Pycь.
Дa здpaвcтвyeт coздaнный вoлeй нapoдoв
Eдиный, мoгyчий Coвeтcкий Coюз!

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Socialism is a natural occurrence in a successful and stable society. As a system of its own it amounts to an authoritarian state robbing the people. If you require the system, the natural conditions that would lead to charity are not at play. The stability and the success are not at play to where the willing action is on the table. The only thing socialism as an angle in politics does is target the rich as the fault of society's problems. It makes them the scapegoat. The thing to be attacked and ruined. And it ruins them and then turns its ire on the people, because it now falls on them. It's their fault that everything in the system isn't working. It's all their fault. And so the people suffer.

This. Any man that puts their lives into the hands of a government that hates them, deserves whatever happens to them. The goal of socialism is communism. And the goal of communism is complete control over the people.

>I dont prefer socialism, I prefer the pie in sky version of socialism

>best arguments against socialism
It is forced upon people without their consent.

undistributed profits, distributed losses

And capitalism is not?

Make them explain what they mean by socialism first. It's public ownership of industry, not just free shit from the government. It fails because it destroys the incentive structure that makes a capitalist economy succeed and moves the locus of control from "what everybody wants the most" to "what a couple government ministers want." If you're a shoe business in a fully socialized economy you just have to make shoes, not the best shoes you possibly can. In fact, if you cheap out and make shitty shoes and pocket the rest for black market whiskey and whores, your factory keeps right on chuggin' and you get the whiskey and whores, to boot. After all, there aren't five or six competing brands of shoes...people are going to wear what they can get. Hell, you might save some of your whiskey and whore money to get some good shoes from a capitalist country, or at least a country where capitalists get their shoes made.

The other problem is that socialism gives an absurdly huge amount of abusable power to a small group of bureaucrats. Anyone who knows anything whatsoever of power or bureaucrats should get really worried hearing that. Venezuela's an example: only state-run enterprises could access its vast oil reserves, and the people appointed to run those were corrupt, incompetent relatives and friends of senior government officials. This ALWAYS HAPPENS. It will ALWAYS HAPPEN. People who think that "this time!" their inspiring donkey-brained leader will take away those mean entrepreneurs' profits and give them the free everything they've always dreamed of are ignoring more than a century of godawful history at this point. It's infuriating.

tl;dr commies get the rope

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Literally never has really worked. Also it is too naive an ideology.

socialism is for beta male faggot cucks that love nigger dick.It helps the (((elites))) more than other people and will bring you to your knees for the little crumbs the kikes will leave you. Also do you even know the price tag on that? The government decides everything for you. You think thats a good idea goy? The last time I checked communism/ socialism caused the death of millions. Just look at what happened to China and Russia dip shit. What the fuck is so bad about capitalism? You arent starving and better off the anyone else in the world. Hence why capitalist countries are the most prosperous. I'm stating the obvious here so if your head is still buffering, you're just a retarded NPC and there no hope for wasted pathetic life.

Economic over-centralization

Best post.

When was the last time someone forced you to get a job at gunpoint in a captialist country?

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black people

commies are legit starting to get on my nerves

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Going to your local supermarket.

Choose one and only one

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choose one
no MAGIC JEW GOD or JEW GOD MAGIC for whites!

>incentive problem
>calculation problem
>central planning problem

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>mutual aid and voluntary communities are socialism
kys, cuck

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There's no point, people who actually support socialism are too ignorant to provide a good argument for socialism themselves, let alone actually sit and listen to yours.

socialist policies increase the national debt burden and applies more pressure on the individual worker to fascilitate a growing number of uncontributing government gibs dependents.

it's gay

>best arguments against socialism

Seeing pictures framed in this way always bothered me/hit home, but probably not why you'd think. Specifically, the sad, frowning, starving people who appear to be at arm's length from what could be a life and death grasp for mere crumbs to sustain their unhappy existence.

And yet the two metaphorical Venezuelans stand there, the mental block of "this is for your own good", "to each according to his needs", etc., keep them still like a poor abused pupper that loves the idea of their master, but the problem is that they're a slave and shouldn't be letting it happen to begin with.

As far as picking out (((their)) lies, it becomes crystal clear once you notice the strategy of their sentence structure, because their justification/bullshit lines consist of two subject sentences where they explain "black people are bad (they admit it), but it's your fault cuz racism, etc."", you'll notice this tactic the more you look.

"Listen (((we))) noticed that white people are superior, but it's because your privileged!"

and so on..


Lol. How about the Holodomor, Great Leap Forward, Tianamen Square, Venezuela dropping from the most prosperous state in South America to the state it is now, or the gulags used to jail political dissidents?

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its popular among millennials, who are objectively trash by every conceivable metric. there is nothing worthwhile or redeemable about millennials as a whole, and even though out of every one hundred you might find seven that work hard, are of good character and disposition, are temperate, polite, charitable, honorable and honest, the vast benefit of the wholesale extermination of the millennial generation outweighs the horror of causing innocent blood to be lost.

t. millennial

Imagine not wanting the state to look after it's people because of certain historical occurrences.

>inb4 but muh Bolsheviks

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>best arguments against socialism
Every country that has ever tried it.

>best arguments against socialism
the absolute state of my country is a good argument

Why the fuck would I work to become a doctor when I can get paid the same amount being a neet?


Worthless burger flipping retards are not entitled to the same life as someone with skills that are actually marketable.
>real communism hasn't been tried yet
Nice B8 M8


>own your own labor, enjoy the fruits of it
Just because you work on something, it doesn't make it yours, I don't suddenly own someone's house just because I replaced some of its power outlets.
>I prefer anarcho-socialism and direct democracy
>direct democracy is a good thing
Not with how many retards there are in the world it isn't.

People that think they’ll somehow not have to work anymore while mummy govt will pave the way for the ultimate NEET life

No one is forcing you to trade with others, user, if you can produce what you need to survive without exchanging resources with others, then good for you, but don't expect people to give you food and shelter for free you retarded leach.

Every country that has tried, been or becomes socialist fails. There is no discussion, there is no argument. It is a statement of fact. And the 'Thats not real socialism' argument is not a point to take seriously, it's a no true scotsman fallacy and can be ignored.

Trump says socialism is bad.

How can you say it should be tried when it hasn't been proven to be the next step in the evolution of economics

History and that no one actually knows how to plan an economy.

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Socialism is a reaction to bad economic conditions. There's all the arguments about stagnation, lack of incentive, etc. but none of those arguments will actually stop the rise of socialism. The only way to defeat socialism is not with arguments, or even bullets, but to fix the economic issues people are dealing with. That's what Bismarck, Teddy, and Hitler all did.

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>people with money
Oh thank fuck all the joos will leave

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Best and most damning actual argument is that Marx's theory that communism would inevitably take over was proved wrong by history.


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>also socialism

Most people who preach it don't really want to practice it.

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National Socialism was Socialism.

>historical evidence

and so was fascism. Yet you people still screech when i want it.

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state socialism: calculation problem
libertarian socialism: hypergamy

please don't be retarded