I'm hurting, anons

Last December when I watched 'It's a Wonderful Life', I was sobbing. Not because it's an excellent Christmas story, which it is, but because of how wholesome our culture used to be. It was focused on Christian values, large white familes, and the preservation of American pride and European culture. I know it was a movie and perhaps not a totally accurate reflection of reality--but at the very least it was an ideal that we strived for. Since then, I've been absorbing as much as I can about pre-1960s culture, and I've been humbled and blackpilled--totally and utterly blackpilled. There is just no worth to this society, to this world. I've gone from apathy, to sadness, to despair, to fury. Everything needs to burn. It must burn. I will help set the fire.

Will you join me, or will you be a spectator? The culture and the people you love will get swallowed by the deep, evil pits of degeneracy if nothing is done. There will be no mobilization because I'm not a glownigger kike, but you need to commit to yourself to do your part in helping this world burn in whatever capacity you can.
>inb4 blog
nice way to oust yourself, kike

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Other urls found in this thread:


>There will be no mobilization because I'm not a glownigger kike
kys optics nigger

>the glowniggers definitely won't notice mobilization on the most popular fringe internet board
if you're going to do shit, don't fucking talk about it on Jow Forums you mong

Attached: downsyndrome.jpg (460x347, 20K)

Jow Forums is a board of peace

It truly hurts.

Attached: doomerwojak.jpg (900x900, 90K)

Having kids is impossible when white women are materialistic, disloyal whores, which they are. I'm lucky to even have one. Not to mention it's impossibly expensive even if you make above median salary.

Attached: maximumboozed.jpg (1456x881, 692K)

I can't watch that movie for the same reason OP. Can't do it. It all shows shows the inception of the Federal reserve. The whole thing is a giant blackpill.

if degeneracy means I can fuck my black FWB in her asshole every friday night then I am all for degeneracy. Fuck incels.

>Jow Forums
>board of peace
>responsible for over 100 murders
You misspelled /po/ again.

Just know there are many of us who feel like you do. You are never alone. The fire rises every minute of every day.