Why do the m*tts hate big GUBMINT but have nothing against big coprorations? Isn't it the same thing?

Why do the m*tts hate big GUBMINT but have nothing against big coprorations? Isn't it the same thing?

Attached: 11mcdonalds-facts10.jpg (580x373, 47K)

mcdonalds employs a lot are farmers and takes welfare checks from mutts

big think. Wow

No. A corporation can't "legally" infringe on your right. Gubmint "legally" can.

Clearly you’ve been talking to the wrong people. I hate both. We’re living in a new guilded age and there’s trusts to be busted but nobody has the stones. We don’t make ‘me like Teddy anymore, we make ‘em like Taft.

A coproration can just slowly poison you with chemicals :^)

good thing you dont need to eat it huh retard :)

You know what they say: errbody's gotta eat summin :^)

The government takes my money under threat of force, claims the right to conscript me and anyone else to catch bullets in a pointless war, prohibits me from engaging in consensual activities with other adults, blows up foreigners with the money I am forced to give them, etc.

McDonald's offers me unhealthy food that I can choose not to purchase. So they aren't as big of a concern for me.

(((So eat summin other than McDicks :^)))

Good idea :^)

Attached: Bayer and Monsanto logos side by side2.jpg (770x400, 21K)

What about oil companies? Health insurance companies? Building material companies? Telecoms? You can choose not to use those too right? :^)

Big company that makes people fat
Big governments that makes people starve

commie easily spotted

Both are bad for your health in the end. So what's the difference?

>hates big GOOBERMENT
>has the largest one in history

And yes, it's almost the same shit.

>oil companies
If I participate in the market at all I am going to indirectly use one, yes.

>Health insurance companies
I went many years without using these.

>Building material companies
Only use them indirectly

I use these, but can generally choose between alternatives and limit my use if needed

Even if I have to interact with certain companies, they generally just ask for money and are at least subject to some market pressures. Telecoms don't expect me to lay down my life for them or the right to force my kids into their schools to teach them how great Verizon is.

>I went many years without using these.
You want to know what's the leading cause of bankruptcies in your country?

Big corps ride of big governments

Without big government help, big corps have to fend for itself, meaning it would be easier to dispatch with smaller companies.

big corporations control the gubmint In burgerland. hating one is hating the other regardless if you view it that way.

I wouldn't say have nothing, we have money. Money that corporations don't force you to give them money by threat of death or imprisonment. Unlike the government.

Medical bills, right?

The medical field, of course, has been fucked 6 ways to Sunday by the U.S. government for decades.

Leave it to a leaf to be this retarded.

When McDonald's starts taking a mandatory cut from my income, then I'll be against them. The difference is choice, and I choose not to eat their garbage. I'll leave that for the niggers.

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>feed trans-fat enriched mcburgers to diverse populations with low emplyability
>with time they start to develop health problems
>government now has to cover medical bills
Why is it that an-caps are so retarded? Literally the only intelligent thing they can say is REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE I'M A SNAAAAAAAAAKEEEEEEEEEEE REEEEEEEEEEEE RATTLE RATTLE


You can just not eat. Also, being slightly overweight is not really medically devastating. If you let yourself get to balloon levels, you're gonna die, but everyone dies from starvation.

Put your thinking cap on, leaf. You're embarrassing your already embarrassing nation.

>Mcdonalds fed them burgers, they didn't choose to go eat them
>Retarded fat people got fat and dead
>Mcdonald's forced the government to steal money to pay for them

One of those three statements is true.

Are you a fucking retard? Dont answer. Youre retarded.

When government does bad things, it is betraying an entire nation and going exactly against it's purpose. When a corporation does it, it's only being greedy and short-sighted.
It's like the difference between a lawyer and a journalist. They both lie for fun and profit, but only one of them pretends to be above such behavior while they do it.

Amerifats logic

Attached: DontTreadOnMeUnlessYouAreACorporation.jpg (640x427, 31K)

Your rights and dignity don't come from laws.
They're poisoning your neighbors and friends and family and subjecting them and you to emotional manipulation and social engineering even if you don't eat the burger. Your choice doesn't matter or make the damage they're doing any less. Think about the world past your own fucking hooked nose

Hmm, maybe both are the problem. But you may be right on business. Anyways I got a letter to go kill a bunch of sparrows brb.