God's red pilled white paradise

What did God mean by this?

The Christian paradise of right wing ideals exists. It's in New Zealand. Why aren't you living there Jow Forums?


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Bump - very nice.


>Christian paradise of right wing ideals
Gloriavale is full of pedos and religious nutjobs

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A discontented mischling's sob story:


Notice how that presenter tries to use every psychological and linguistical trick in the book to make the watcher feel better, more sofisticated and smarter then those people.

The truth of it all is that these humble folks are right. They are right about it all. I'd like to live within that community for sure.

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I am Pagan.

the only thing i can think about is mary pilgrim wrapping her juicy cock sucking lips around my Big White Dick

When you are dealing with large amounts of people, there are always a few who choose different paths, it's inherent human nature.

The media loves to get them on a stage, in the middle of the spotlight, to exploit it and use them as means of antagonization.


Why do these urbanized progressive cunts always do this?

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Those kids are brainwashed as fuck.

>I enjoy my job because I know it's to serve god
>btw our massa gets 2 mil a year for what I do, for free

I'm all for strong morals but this isn't heaven on Earth. It's just slave labor based on the old model of Eurotype life.

That rebellious one wasn't fully white, and her pal was a worldly Mexican girl adopted by the group. In other world "civic nationalism" doesn't work even in a small family compound.

>In other world

Actually it's Albania.
>95% White
>Trad and based
>1900s tech

remember lilia? she's a prostitute not
look at this fucking harlot painting herself up like a fucking whore
she should be strung up a and gutted like the pig whore she is


That blonde dude is the ideal human specimen.

White person
Sees heaven
All white people
All happy
Finds an way to call it a cult
Needs more diversity
This is clearly wrong
You’re all married
What the fuck is wrong with snow niggers ? You always find a way to call something a cult if it doesn’t fit the MODERN take on how a society should function.
You have no inventions ? Not white
You have brown eyes ?
Not white
My daughters dating a white guy ? That is not ok
This is why Mormons are better Protestants than the Protestants.

We need to send Jow Forums into the comment section and tell these feminist cat ladies typing and frothing about how it’s disgusting.

She's just a victim of the mindgames that presenter in OP's vid played on them. At 3:45, you can literally see her trying to plant the seeds of rebellion into the minds of these girls. One of them caved in, and now she's a "brave modern women" - void of real substance, but full of style. You can literally see it happening right there.

Or look at 20:45... as if she herself wasn't the product of her post-modern, progressivist, liberal environment, projecting the values intrinsically tied to that system.

Unfortunately (((one))) can just bribe some non-White Christians to ask to be in this community and these based Whites really don't have a choice in the matter.
Christianity at it's core holds to the idea that all Christians are the same regardless of race.
>Inb4 someone posts that rainbow bible verses meme about race

Well the Bible doesn’t consider blacks human so I had always assumed Asian and whites could be considered Christian but never sub Saharan Africans.

What I find funny is somehow people will call this sickening. But this is how civilization was built. A bunch of ethnic religious groups in their own communities governed by their own laws and dictating their rights and privelages. This is the most European thing at its foundation.

So you homosex?

Also involved: child grooming, child exploitation(whether they want to work or not, you're not paying them so it's slavery), multiple wife degeneracy.

Feminism has pathologized sex for women. They have no idea how to handle it in themselves or others. So they make everything about sex, and make everything about sex bad.

This is fucking surreal.

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Those folks are just Christians w/normal marriages.
Pic related is the cult compound where child-grooming and perverted sex occurs.

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lies juden and the jew run norvus ordo has split that church

People don't want to get hit by the zog NZ FBI

mate the leader of it was a legit pedo although maybe they are ok since the whole media wants to destory them and they are now 1/10ths of all births on westland council


no he wasn't just made jew horseshit they do it all the time the last Cardinal of Australia who won multiple cases against paid liars was targeted for severely criticizing Israel and WOT...shut your mouth juden

Nothing normal about being in a cult, you posted one that's worse for sure but both are strange. The scriptures are fine to agree with, to study, and to share. But when you get all crazy about it you're not living your life to the fullest. Instead of being artistic or expressive you're oppressing that aspect of your nature with worship and repitition. It's just another type of brainwashing and it would make no sense that god would want you to live like that. Although I do tend to have high regards for people, I guess cattle types do need to be treated as such lest they get into sin.

You can see how brainwashed they are by looking into their eyes as they repeat their drilled in moral standards. The kids not so much because they truly believe it at that point, but you do see it in the adults. I'm not saying that because I hate them or anything, I love the idea of this. But it's still not all right in my eyes.

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>It's a closer relationship than father son, brother sister...

This is a cult.

I live pretty close to there I think

why do pedophile cunts ruin every religion desu


I live in nelson, I thought it was a few hours drive

And huge amounts of violence and neglect towards children

If you think that’s good then fuck you

I just looked it up, its further than I thought.

>brainwashed homo parroting TV-cult

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Living a good Christian life for God in a Christian community is not a burden, cult, and the members aren't brainwashed. Christ is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. You can goof off with your faggot shit all you want but you'll die forever for it and call it progressive and freedom.

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>jews see this
Pedo accusations in 3..2..1..

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I need to find a nelson bro

>Pedo accusations in 3..2..1..
the leader was arrested in 95 for pedo

Her mother married a non-white.

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>see happy folk living for God
>"cult!" "pedos!" "they are being abused!" "they are brainwashed!"

I can't wait for Judgement. There may be a risk that I go to hell but at least this world won't exist. It doesn't deserve to exist.

Isaiah 65:17 King James Version (KJV)
>17 For, behold, I create new heavens and a new earth: and the former shall not be remembered, nor come into mind.

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I don't watch TV and I thought that post was pretty well written, though I'm not a writer. Can you argue points directly so I can better explain myself?

Anyway I think this Lilia whore really sold out and I wonder where she was born because she doesn't really look like the rest of these cultists, and her two older brothers also ended up on the bad path as well. Really makes me think.

If you look at it objectively, the new testament is spotty
especially when you've also taken in the context of historical treatment of christians. And yes this is brainwashing, you can see it in their eyes. When you believe anything the way these people do, with 100% faith and 50% reason, then you aren't acting like a normal inqusitive human. It's not a burden on a person unless they realize how impractical the lifestyle is, but it is brainwashing.

Which leads to the conclusion that it is a cult because it's based on this brainwashing and people, even children, are working for free. Yes it's for the better of the community but it's still a cult. A cult that excommunicates flesh and blood if they want to leave to explore the world, which is in no way evil. It's not necessarily a bad cult, if the charges against the leader were lies(if they were true hten this is a completely different story).
>You can goof off with your faggot shit all you want but you'll die forever for it and call it progressive and freedom.
You on the hand are in a bad cult. Wishing death upon people you don't even know? Yikers.

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Because paedophilia is natural. It only became taboo in the recent centuries.

No it's not you freak.

having sex with anything that doesn't produce children is unnatural you fucking freak

so 11 year old girls are fine then? since girls start ovulating around that time

>So you homosex?
Why yes he does.

pedophilia is before puberty and no.

"You wore the dress as a token of submission to men."
"In wearing sexy clothes..."
"...are you still dressing for men?"
"Well, it feels different."

The comments on Youtube were sad. There is such a NEED in people to raid this place and take these happy people from their joyful existence. Democracy really is the tyranny of the majority and every group that gets labelled a cult proves that point.

Nice. Democracy exists to give evil a chance against good, to give a evil a voice..


Anyway the leader was fucking a 17 year old relative. It's fucked.

how do I join comy kiwi cults?