O'Keefe has done it again. Hard evidence from fb former employee on the scripts and algos manually implemented by idealogues inside the company to DEBOOST right wing content. They hid nothing. They used these keywords:
cucked, zucced, REEEEE, normie, irl, lulz, and, drawing the ire of Kek himself... SHADILAY!!!!
Pretty much everyone uses IRL so pretty much everyone's going to get banned from Facebook great plan Zuckerberg
Luis Walker
Gimme the qrd, I'm not watching 20 minutes just to see shit I already know
Adam Price
These companies are interfering more with our sovereignty, elections, and government more than foreign nations do. These companies legitimately believe that the citizens of a nation should not be the ultimate deciders of policies. They attack people for their ideas and the way they talk. It's disgusting.
Alexander Cox
They're outright and openly censoring Lauren fucking Chen... for, quote, redpilling, unquote people.
>REEEE: warcry often used by Jow Forums trolls lolwut
Liam Morgan
Social engineering through public shaming on a global scale. At least china is honest about their social credit system. Big tech is our dystopian future and it must be brought down
I want Twitter specifically to go is it you know what I think it's existential right now that we we we have Global conversations about some things that will become crisis to climate change being one of them there's no one nation state that's going to solve that problem alone you cannot make disparity being another the the rise of AI and job displacement and it just like us offloading decisions to these two these algorithms those are things that that no one nation no one Community is going to solve a loan it takes the entire world to do so so I want to make sure that we're doing our best to get people
seeing these Global conversations and ideally participating in them because it did helps helps us solve the problems faster and I just believe that more open society allows us to solve problems much faster so you in many ways see Twitter is having some sort of a social responsibility in this is totally totally right now like how are we how are we ensuring that there is more healthy contribution to that Global conversation and you know it I just think it's so it's so critical that we start talking about the things that are facing all of us not just one nation I do think you know that that's where our current model really puts the world at a disadvantage because it incentivizes more of the elk Echo Chambers which lead to things like nationalism instead of taking the broader picture and looking at what's happening
This shit has been happening on every site. It's nothing new
Oliver Ortiz
>why should I care about the culture war?
Aiden Butler
>IRL Focus on this one, its another one of those "pepe is a hate symbol" moments which show how out of touch they are
Bentley Miller
Okay? Why does that point you're making even matter? Are you insinnuating that this shouldn't be talked about? if you are that's because you're a hook nosed kike.
Brayden Foster
>culture war fuck out of here faggot
Mason Wood
>Focus on this one, its another one of those "pepe is a hate symbol" moments which show how out of touch they are This isn't about them being out of touch, this is about them censoring millions of people for having ideas that these tech companies don't like or find problematic for their own agendas. These companies want to social engineer populations and people for their own selfish gains and sharing ideas hinders that.
If meme content was so bad, theny why are you censoring it? Why not let the public decide just how -bad- this meme content is. You lying hypocrite bug jew?
Liam Campbell
I'm saying anyone who isn't already aware of this is a lost cause. Bring it up if you want, but you're oblivious or just retarded if you haven't noticed the blatant censorship on the internet happening over the past decade
Nah you're a shill doing damage control. Thankfully you'll be out of a job in the next couple of months.
Ryder White
>lolwut I think you mean "lulz"
Sebastian Morgan
It will change once things are decentralized
Christopher Rogers
(((Daniel Ben-David))) Can you get more jewish than that?
Leo Davis
Yeah censoring sure is going to change someone views on life. Shaming isn't working as well as they think either. All this effort will just amplify the echo chambers we live in.
Just keep evolving the memes. They won't be able to keep up.
Dylan Nguyen
They lied to congress when they said they didn't. Now there is evidence that they lied.
I know but the point is that you want apolitical people to be on your side. The worst thing you can be is the stuffy "uncool" side and they have just delivered us another proof for us on this front giving us another major propaganda victory
Shut the fuck up kike. Only neurotic control freaks come into these threads to discourage discussion about subjects like these. Do you understand that merely by posting demoralizing retarded shit it exposes you as a shill? Of course not!!! JEWS ARE INCAPABLE OF SELF AWARENESS.
you're a paranoid idiot if you're that quick to scream shrill. i'm just drinking and shit posting on my Friday night desu. keep calling me kike or whatever other tired unoriginal derogatory though. at least you feel like you're making a difference.
Noah Rivera
You're only in this thread to dissuade people from discussion and to demoralize because you don't want this story to get the oxygen it deserves.
Jack Green
i have my doubts on that, but it can only get so bad before something breaks, so who knows.
his ugly web design skills are part of the problem, and that fucking gay hat and bow tie
Kayden Martinez
look dude, I'm merely pointing out that we have a potential to blow this up beyond the realm of people who actually care about these things
Jonathan Sanchez
You know what's part of the problem? Iranians not having put a bullet in your head yet.
Dominic Nguyen
Look dude, Iranians need to put a bullet in your head.
Jeremiah Perry
>hurr durr muh iranians Your nose is showing shlomo
Tyler Powell
I don’t think he was under oath though. Could be wrong.
Sebastian Cruz
what discussion is there to be had here? >kikebook is censoring right wing opinions old news, kill yourself if you still use that platform >google is censoring what goes against their narrative at least this is worth discussing, but as I already told you, if you haven't noticed this trend already, then you aren't worth having a discussion with. keep waking people up, anyone that frequents this board regularly is already aware of what you are trying to spread in this thread.
My friend just asked ne to send him all the info I have on facebook and other social media censorship because everybody we know have no idea that its going on. The normies are that stupid.
If there's no discussion then why are you here? You're here to tell everyone else to stop talking about a subject because you're a shill doing damage control. If you didn't care you wouldn't be in this thread. You're only here to sow division because that's all you Jews are capable of.
Didn't Zuckerjew tell congress this didn't happen? Aren't they throwing people in jail for lying to congress now?
Colton Harris
i'm saying the normies are a waste of time. i know how stupid they are. luckily they don't have enough awareness to make any difference, unfortunately, they're sheep that are perpetuating the narrative being pushed be these companies
>i'm saying the normies are a waste of time. >Don't redpill the normies goyim Newflash, you're not saying anything that anyone should listen to. Your neurotic compulsion to control what other people are discussing or want to talk about comes from your INBRED ASHKENAZI GENES YOU FUCKING KIKE.
Jack Hill
show me which post i said to stop discussing? if i was trying to do "damage control" i wouldn't be bumping your thread. i'm here, because like i already told you, i'm bored and you keep responding. simplistic, i know.
Justin Williams
lol the day Zuckbot goes to jail will be the day pigs fly
Eli Jenkins
i really trust YOU to wake the normies up. especially with posts like this...
Lucas Walker
time to make up new words g0ys
Liam Reed
The first comment you made in this thread was >Why do I care about this site? Nobody gives a fuck about (((You)))
Its tiresome, a little demoralizing, and aggravating but its not a waste of time. Slowly people respond to all the stockpiled evidence. Just like what happens when folks browse this board.
Samuel Wilson
clearly you do, since you keep responding like a schizo neanderthal. based on all your replies, it's evident you spend too much time here. i'm enjoying your responses either way
Blumf is bad person Im love democrats punch nazis how brave she is Russia collusion I watch cnn Capuchino we have to fight back im a liberal from NY love NY bernie sanders we have to fight for socialism capitalism is bad climate change needs to be enacted now! Open world for all
bot ofuscator
Thomas Morgan
>We have to regulate hate speech >Hate speech is using derogatory terms to silence others >People who use hate speech are trolls
of course calling someone a troll isn't derogatory or intended to silence them
i just have a bitter resentment for normies since I have to deal with them daily. it's annoying hiding your power level and not being able to have real discussions with them. i have like 2 people in my life where we can have open discussions with what's talked about on this board. i also know you can't force red pills on them; they'll wake up when they're ready. just like all of us did. you are right, it's not a waste of time, but i just don't have the patience for it.
Xavier Wood
You keep posting because you're here to demoralize. Imagine being so worthless that the only job you could get was to shill on the internet for corporations.
Connor Howard
user this is obviously about normies who think tech censorship is a meme made up by le ebil alt right
Brayden Campbell
imagine being so inept that you're incapable of giving any real retorts. >muh demoralizing >muh jidf you're a broken record user. try going outside, there's more to life than just this board. and again, since you don't seem capable of comprehending it, i keep posting because i'm enjoying your responses
Jackson Turner
and how many normies frequent this board?
Eli Green
Gavin Rogers
>doubt where's your proof? if there were any normies trying to have any discussion, you'd just call them a shrill or kike. so not like you'd help if they did come here more than once
Sebastian Hernandez
Oh shit I remember that, who still has trash doves?
proof? The proof is the continuous increase in shills over the last 2 years and the influence this board has during events as they transpire in real time. The information that is found here and then disseminated to the masses during these happenings. The fact you're here trying so hard to mitigate the information being discussed.