What does a fun Friday night look like in the all-White ethnostate?

What does a fun Friday night look like in the all-White ethnostate?

Attached: pol hitlist.jpg (1200x752, 157K)

Obviously beer and BBQ with the family and friends.

Right-wing death squad patrols

Attached: Nano.png (236x184, 58K)

how do I make these?

It's fine to indulge yourself in games and anime just as long as it doesn't begin to obstruct your day-life.

i'm half-jewish on my dad's side so not actually jeiwsh
am i allowed in the ethnostate?

Fapping to traps on /b/

i'm okay with drugs (once legalized), porn (non-blacked), lgb (when not political), and darwin (because it's reality)


Please, I dont like knowing that there are people who somehow don't have friends.

I'll tell you. Being miserable at the pub while waiting for it all to blow over.

The Great Gatsby

Jew as in European Ashkenazi or an actual Semite?

Fapping to hentai
Calling your mom a whore

>porn (non-blacked)
How is this possible?

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Hey, it’s me.

Same, I sit at home all day when I'm not working, only having my insufferable girlfriend to talk to.



Go to adoration. Or pray on your own if you don't have it on that day. Or spend time with your family, or call on the girl you're courting. Or literally any other thing that people have enjoyed doing for the past two millennia.

Attached: absolutely immoral.jpg (350x450, 46K)

No. Also you are a Leaf. No x 2.

a man, his wife, and their children sitting together in the family room. the kids are playing; and he and his wife are sitting together, talking and watching the kids. it'll be time to start the chain of kids bathing and tooth brushing soon, and then put the kids to bed so husband and wife can get some private time in bed before going to sleep. there's housework and office work to be done tomorrow and the sun rises early.

sounds boring

Looks like getting high while watching anime anime and playing video games and a good fap to some 4K porn afterwards


Picking up sticks
Watching paint dry
Having non degenerate s*x with your wife (whilst in the missionary position without eye contact or holding hands whatsoever through a bed sheet with a hole in it for your p*nis)
Praying to Yahewh

Smoking weed 14
Watching anime 88

>it's ok to drink your drugs, but not ok to smoke them
Fuck outta here faggot.

What's your alternative?

>(((all-White ethnostate)))
fuck off jew

What do you think ethnostate means, memeflag?

Bow hunting and training in martial arts

Attached: pepe_karate.png (720x1080, 121K)


Degenerate kys oh don’t worry you already are gj

video games anime and guns

Playing Monopoly/pictionary with your kids