/reg/ - Real Estate General

Why is it illegal in 99.9% of cities to build a house without a mortgage? I.e., something an average person can afford under 5,000 sq. ft.

And is housing going to collapse this year or next with all boomers downsizing or dying or are (((they))) going to "legally" import millions of poos and spics to buy up 50 year old houses for a 300% markup?

Attached: 500_sq_ft_house.jpg (1280x720, 144K)

I've never heard of this, is that true? You can't build with cash up front? what the fuck

I know we have to pay property taxes in order to keep our property, but i never knew about this

>I've never heard of this, is that true?
I suspect not.

Of course it’s not true OP is gay and this thread is fake.

It's not illegal to build a house without a mortgage. Please delete this thread now.

>I.e., something an average person can afford under 5,000 sq. ft

You guys are genuinely retarded? Sure you can pay cash for a home if you pay $200,000+++ in most cities. But people making $12.50/hr don't have that kind of money in the bank. I'm taking small houses, not McMansions. Local zoning laws don't allow houses that small to protect "muh property values" and to soak as much property taxes from the assessment as they can.

Attached: retarded_anons.png (658x879, 684K)

Municipalities are greedy assholes and property tax is based off property value.


don't buy in areas with trash HOA and zoning laws.

>Why is it illegal in 99.9% of cities to build a house without a mortgage
because the city owns the land and you're sorta leasing it... think of it as a big HOA; it's not "normal" for the rest of the country.

This is how it is everywhere.

I tried to buy a small plot of land in my city for $250,000 but some foreigner offered $5,000 more.

globalists will not let housing collapse. the globalists will continue to flood us with shitskins in order to prop up the housing ponzi scheme

Huh? This isnt true. If you have cash you can do whatever you want. You just have to meet building codes and possibly neighborhood minimum square fottage but this is rare

word up.

Attached: Tiny House Movement.jpg (534x401, 53K)

Don't build with wood.

Attached: corner.jpg (1505x1501, 544K)

Sorry that the rest of us with actual careers don’t want to live next to whatever shut box you manage to cobble together. Move your dump box into an RV / Trailer park where it belongs you trash.

How many cars are parked on your lawn?

Maybe if you live in florida, cold climates wood is literally the best to build with

>wood is literally the best to build with
You mean like OSB or logs?

Attached: oriented-strand-board-500x500.jpg (500x500, 47K)

my house is 600 sqft and a basement on a 5000 sqft lot, $35K and paid off.


Attached: 3452452435.jpg (491x315, 18K)

Red roofed house pictured is not a shitbox , DumbAssAnon .