Leaf Jow Forums - LICKED edition

The absolute state right now

>SNC Lavalin case still on-going
>More people to be called in front of the committee including Gerald Butts (former Principal Secretary) and Michael Wernick (privy council clerk, allegedly pressured Jody Wilson Raybould)

>Alberta more interested in separating than Quebec is

>Every Ontario Elementary School to fly pride flag


If you're a leaf and want to talk politics with other leafs regularly join the discord: kZABRJ

Attached: licked.jpg (913x818, 83K)

Other urls found in this thread:

urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Egg Painter

baste and bump pilled

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Attached: 2008-nanook-frob-bay.jpg (777x583, 193K)

checked and based image wtf

>adidas pants

Attached: unnamed.jpg (900x900, 165K)

the eternal red sweater

Attached: 11-1.jpg (329x541, 28K)

>leafs say that canada isnt collapsing
>yet leafs allow themselves to post pictures of the only time in the year they are allowed to eat meat

Attached: 1548821516633.jpg (1242x1702, 1.96M)

Trips decide Trudeaus fate

blessed thread

Attached: 610834274.jpg (640x349, 27K)

That's what happens when you accept gays and promote them

we already know his fate

Attached: trudeau-will-fall-anonymous-no-1111111-11-02-04-17-sat-21-02-11-d-13693130.png (500x300, 23K)

get out of my thread egg painter

urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Egg Painter

Attached: 1200px-Canadian_Red_Ensign_(1957–1965).svg.png (1200x600, 192K)

Anyone in the world, literally, would have either beheaded the faggot, beaten him to death, slapped him, pushed him, etc.

The fact this faggot did nothing goes to show how cucked Canada is.

Attached: honkhund.jpg (439x640, 85K)

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okay memeflag egg painting faggot

we know its you

Attached: 15399630697482.png (800x799, 706K)

When you have to define your insult it’s not a good insult. Shit you guys are autistic fucking leafs can’t even tell if youre being serious

its a domestic meme, amerimutts wouldn't get it

get flipped burger, the grill is calling.


Attached: dog hyde.jpg (300x400, 150K)

attorney general and minister of justice should be two different jobs

trudeau's a retarded faggot, but i'm going to vote for him next time because he actually kept his promise to legalize weed

Attached: Trudeau-KO-no-audio.webm (1280x720, 1.81M)

Black people

Canada is the only first world country with no gold reserves

>by EggPainterOwl February 28, 2019
hmmmm... DOWNVOTED

>tfw another election where all our choices for PM suck donkey dick
Either a corrupt virtue signaler, a wet cardboard Conservative whose only platform is "I don't like Trudeau" and a guy who will probably cause the NPD to sink even deeper.

We need to end all immigration to canada.

Regards, hiYUN

he didn't keep his promise for electoral reform or balanced budgets though. Also he gives billions to immigrants, women, and rapefugees for no reason.
Only reason to vote Trudeau is if you want to crash this plane with no survivors.

>first world
this is getting harder to believe

fuck you

canada is also host to the highest instore prices in the whole anglosphere

Attached: ANGLOSPHERE CHICKEN.jpg (1380x603, 742K)

this country needs to split up.

Scheer is atleast pro pipeline, less taxes, pro free speech, morally against abortion.
Its not ideal of course, the conservative austerity policies inevitably end in a liberal election the next time around because people stop getting their gibs and gov jobs start getting cut.

jewish traitor spotted


Dont you think that if we split up it will inevitably end in America taking us?
the provinces originally confederated partly because of the American threat. Maybe we can confederate again under new terms.

>that pic

Attached: maxresdefault (4).jpg (1280x720, 117K)


Attached: angerbeav.jpg (400x400, 93K)

Join our friendly server!

Regards, hiYUN

Free Alberta

I wish QC separated but it seems like importing thousands of niggers into the province if they vote No worked well for RoC
Now QC isn't even in the fucking confederation to begin with. I want my people to stop living on Canadian gibs and use this opportunity to make the ethnostate we need

I may vote for Trudeau to do just that. Burn this muhfucka to the ground.

you're a retard. Trudeau has more than doubled the number of international students in this country.

Whats in the picture? A semi crashed while transporting meat?

>Whats in the picture?
a years' worth of meat inbound to toronto that was lost, unfortunately. leafs then had to resort to cannibalism to fill their meat needs

if you vote conservative it could mean a hard swing liberal down the line anyway because we know the Cons wont fix the root issues.
I can kinda understand the burn it to the ground pill.

I advocate for the best of both provinces. I think we ultimately have to work together though as we are all white and the federal government is importing them everywhere.

>leafs make a thread
>barely any posts
>the humungus makes a thread
>hits bump limit everytime
the truth hurts the leaf

Attached: if only you knew.png (561x480, 470K)