What did they mean by this?
What did they mean by this?
Aside from racial homoginty?
Nordic countries are small, ethnically homogenous, and don't pay for their own militaries(the US pays for their militaries). They also have like 60% tax rates.
>Where have all the white men gone
Spics are too stupid to realize they are the problem.
>portrays her in a positive light
>still draws her with a shovel chin
>Small homogenous countries with a productive work force, highly capitalistic market, and relatively flat tax rate
Totally the same as US perception/Venezuela socialism
Why doesn't she provide examples of African or Latino socialist countries?
They mean that they think socialism is having a capitalist society with some socially funded institutions... like all western nations.
They also don't realise that small, mostly ethnically homogeneous nations are easier to look after than huge, diverse collections of individual states.
tl;dr comic is dum
kill yourself lolbertarian cuck
Excellence! A+. Says it all.
>Democrats point out countries they want the US to be like
>all white, ethnically homogeneous European countries
>nordic countries
>socialist society
>Nordic counties are socialist
Capitalist market + Capitalist economy + Socialist healthcare = The Nordic model
Nordic Model combines mixed economies with (until relatively recently) small homogeneous ethnic, racial and cultural demographics.
Aren't they also all in a fuck load of debt?
why doesn't she give examples of actual socialist countries
The world runs on that shit, its a non-problem.
>I AM SILLY!!!!!!!!!
why are lolberts so simple minded?
They never post anything beyond retarded quips
They also never mention the Nordic countries are capitalist as fuck they are very right wing economically.
Liberals confirmed want ethnostate
If they will concede that the Nordic countries are not socialist. Why do they say they want socialism?
>racial homoginty
Well I don't want what the nords have so fuck off and leave me out of your stupid social experiments. THAT is the difference. Leave shit alone. It was working fine until the progressives fucked everything up.
They ask you to explain why socialism won't work in America but giving the explanation will ruin your life.
Haha the fucking irony
Don't want to hear a single word about debt from you, Johnson.
>Sweden is the rape capital of the western world
>I just want for us what they have
>It was working fine until the progressives fucked everything up.
Literally all part of the plan, user. Like literally literally. They are firefighters by day and arsonists by night. Ain't no one willing to vote in a "fix" if shit ain't broken.
The nordic countries practice the Nordic Model. The model implies that you work. The problem is that once you introduce minorities, the model breaks down.
I doubt Norway has the military might to declare jubilee and tell much stronger creditors to fuck off.
We pulled it off in 1973 because we can nuke the shit out of anyone we choose. Might is right after all.
They don't run a massive psyche test as a measurement.
They gauge happiest by how socialist the country is.
When over half of what you make goes to taxes?
They aren't ethnically homogenous anymore, Sweden is already africa tier in every major city.
>Nordic countries
>Racially homogeneous countries with massive oil profits
free market capitalism has gotten us globo homo and consumerism
If you unironically shill for this shit today you're willfully blind
And no niggers.
Jesus her picture should be used as the perfect example of 'crazy eyes'.
Hows that working out for them
Name one Venezuelan policy
Consumerism isn't caused by free market capitalism.
what is it caused by then?
Socialists lie all the fucking time.
AOC is simply lying when she says she wants what the nordic countries have.
>aren't they in a fuck load of debt
Hearty kek
I mean it's true socialism works....in homogeneous (white) societies. Scandinavia worked perfectly until they started bringing over moslems and niggers and collapsed the system. Socialism can't work in the U.S only because we have a large native nigger population that would wreck it but it could probably work if we were a 95+ white majority. Unfortunately socialism is associated with leftism and would collapse inevitably due to leftist social policies but there is a third way...
Look up the guy in the picture new friend.
Almost all of those 'happiest' people metrics were created by the Scandinavians too. It's a sham.
Never use Nordic countries as an argument to promote Socialism. The only reason we had a good thing going up until now was that our welfare state could handle the freeloaders and old people without many issues.
With the importation of Third Worlders and overall demographic and cultural changes, we no longer have enough young workers to take care of those who either refuse to work, or are no longer able to do so.
Furthermore the amount of money we have to spend on each newly arrived freeloader far exceeds any projected taxes they might have contributed with for generations.
In short; the problem with Socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money to spend.
Your retarded red herring isn't an argument new friend.
>Its not the free market its just advertising
why do they advertise idiot
If we're being honest, gaming right now perfectly emulates the political and social sentiments of the real world. Look at all these old, dying games. MMO'S, Call of Duty, Halo, these games all represent capitalism. The only people that support them are boomers, everybody else sees them for what they are; a complete and utter scam. Anybody with a functioning brain hates it. On the other hand, you have games like Fortnite, Apex Legends, PUBG. These games represent socialism. They are free to play, and if you so desire If you like the game enough you're able to donate a small portion of your income to the game developers for cosmetics. But you dont have to; everybody gets to have fun. This is the way that video games are trending, just like the way that humanity is trending. Everybody deserves to have access to something fun. Everybody needs a little help sometimes, just like everybody wants to kick back and enjoy some vidya sometimes. I'm super excited to see where the next generation takes things, this country is going to become something truly special.
Since when was PUBG free to play?
They dont have a spic in their government so why doesnt she start with that?
Yeah. Bring up the Nordics.
Bring up the Nordics to "prove" socialism can work, and that leads to the conclusion that with hispanics, NOTHING will work.
They’re happier, healthier and freer because they’re not paying to feed house and clothe FORTY MILLION (40,000,000) deadbeats who do nothing but collect welfare and pop out more nigger babies who will also go on to collect welfare and have a bunch of fatherless children of their own. That and an unlimited supply of illegal aliens, currently well over 20 million and no end in sight, in fact if you even suggest that it SHOULD end (regardless of when that point is) you’re called a racist and a fucking nazi.
That’s why we can’t be like Scandinavia, the TOTAL population of Norway, Finland, Sweden and Iceland COMBINED isn’t even HALF of what we have in America just on the welfare rolls alone, not even counting illegal aliens
The meaning is dumbass like Cortez the job Killer actually thinks our economy can be just like an a
Economy that is no greater than the state of Tennessee. Then that dumb white guy he only knows how to say socialist.
Basically the meaning is this millinals (sic) guys and girls are dumb
We as gen x are screwed
socialism is feasible in nordic countries because they're ethnically homogeneous
and arguably because they have a fraction of the population the US has
but if the 350m+ population of the US was 95%+ white, im sure socialism would be tenable here too.
socialism doesn't work when you have large portions of the populations (almost 50%) that sees welfare/social security as something that should only be taken from and never contributed to (because fuck whitey, he be opressin us an shiet)
also women but especially low IQ brown women should not be in politics
hes silly lol
man, this is a fucking terrible post
if your iq is lower than 95 you should just lurk
True, bit who the fuck even cares about Norway, sometimes its better to be so insignificant you arent valuable enough to be sought out and not powerful enough to be a threat.
Nordic Countries privatized pensions (non starter for Western leftists) and middle class people pay 60% taxes (another non starter)
They also have to wait in line for substantive healthcare procedures. Socialized healthcare is wait in line healthcare.
They probably meant pic related
Because they are shitholes
But there are so many to choose from
this post is worse than the boomer post i already applied to
what a fucking zoomer faggot holy shit
And this
Sweden is not a nato member and pays for its own military.
nightmare material, who the fuck voted this in?
Or this
The welfare state is rapidly declining in "nordic countries" exactly because the ethnic makeup is breaking down.
>hurr durr what is a mixed economy hurr duirr
>hurr durr lets compare a tiny homogeneous nation to a massive multi culti shit show of 300+ million people
wow almost like massive population differences are a factor or something lol craycray
>That level of ignorance flaunted openly
Jesus Christ, just shut up guys.
So bad that even the BBC had to admit it. They throw fucking hand grenades at police stations.
>muh debt.
America is the most indebted country on earth .. governments and consumers.
And that doesn’t even count the crazy shit she says in between her eyes bulging.
> She’s an Econ major who doesn’t understand basic Econ
She is the most dangerous woman in America. She is quickly creating a cult of personality. Her followers are fanatics. She is never be wrong, no matter what vapid and empty statements she makes on national tv. Those who oppose her are noted and put on lists. Those are aligned with her goals are saints, those out of alignment are evil. Soon members of her own party will be afraid to speak out against her. It doesn't matter what her policies or stances are, or anything else. She is the embodiment of a growing dissatisfaction with the current system. She and her followers will gladly bring about the collapse of society, for better or worse, mostly due to incompetence, but fueled by hatred of Western Civilization and the belief in their utopian fantasy known as socialism, and by that I really mean communism. The international Jew is all too happy to support her and throw money at her from behind the scenes, because their longer term goals are aligned.
>I just want for us what they have
No Mexicans?
We could have socialist programs in America if we didn't have a large rent seeking population. Niggers and spics will never be a positive tax paying group.
>happier healthier, freer and more prosperous
we're literally the rape capital of the world
we have more fucking grenade attacks and car burnings than fucking warzones
and lets not talk about our suicide rates, jesus christ.
To dismiss her as a "flavor of the month" is incredibly naive and short-sighted, a testament to your laziness in studying history and politics.
>i just want whatever they have
What she doesnt realise is the nords strengths are come from there homogenous societies compared to the wests ethnic welfare leeches
Jew York's 14th congressional district. Mostly Hispanics, so it's not surprising they'd vote for a socialist.
they are an expansion of the welfare state a welfare state which at its core is very capitalist. And they have a lot of rules and bargaining to try to ensure that people are not just given handouts. (although that often happens anyway). It is still not nearly as robust as the american medical system which is the absolute best in the world
>inb4 muh ambulance bills, muh snakebite bills
that's likely not what the patient actually paid, and a lot of ambulatory services are not privately owned, many if not most areowned by the federal government.
"In one of the more common publicly operated models, an EMS system is operated directly by the municipality it services. The services themselves may be provided by a local government, or may be the responsibility of the regional (or state) government."
But like, economics and like grrrrrl power and like socialism rocks!
>Now let me talk about it while I totes live stream myself cooking mac and cheese. So cool.
Wrong, they take much more anti-depressants
cutting your penis off isn't healthy
Implying freedom is always good
Kill yourself jew
Does New Zealand support itself via capitalism?
>”The international Jew is all too happy to support her and throw money at her from behind the scenes, because their longer term goals are aligned.”
She panders so obviously it’s sickening
Why is Fox so obsessed with her? She's accomplished next to nothing, hasn't done or said even half the shit people say, and she's about as junior a back bencher nothing as you can get without being an intern. Literally the only power she has is getting attention yet everyone keeps falling for it.
>That crazed cunt is depicted as the calm, collected person in this comic
Her message isn’t quite as appealing when you look just below the surface. Pic related.