We had such shitty precautions for this;
Other urls found in this thread:
>No kids, don't protect your self from broken, flying glass and potential debris falling from the roof
You understand that was psychological conditioning, right?
It was never intended to protect people. It was to create a false feeling of safety, so retard like you wont panic
Why didnt spider man just swing down and carry the kid to safety instead of giving a bus full of people tramatic brain injuries?
False. It was so every child felt personally threatened by Russia so they would be obedient to authority.
2 different faces of the same coin
Interesting fact: If the Cuban Missile Crisis kicked off, if the Soviets got lucky maybe Anchorage would be nuked and the Soviets would have been genocided in a totally one-sided turkey shoot. If the missile sites in Cuba were observed being fueled which took like a whole day the US would have just schwacked Cuba's SS-4 Sandals (couldn't reach NY or DC) with a salvo of Hound Dog cruise missiles and took out the SS-7 Saddlers (capable of reaching Las Vegas at best).
They had like 10 ICBMs capable of hitting the US from the USSR, and maybe 15 IRBMs on Cuba that would have been spotted being fueled by U-2s and RF-8 recon planes way in advance so they wouldn't have been a factor and over 50% of them would have been duds.
Don't even get me started on the 1950s. By the mid 50s the US could have just waltzed in and nuked the Soviet Union without any way of the Soviets hitting the CONUS. Of course they could hit Europe and fuck it up with nuclear bombers, none of which could reach the US but the only reason for not nuking the Soviets was because it would destroy Europe and would be bad for the economy.
The US was completely safe from nuclear attack until the Walker spy ring and the late 60s.
You're fucking retarded. Hiding under your desk will:
1) Protect from flying shards of glass.
2) Prevent direct exposure to the flash and avoid potentially lethal burns
3) Protect from falling debris from above
If you are outside of the bomb's fireball range, the procedure is actually good fucking advice. We know this because the kids in Japan who looked out their classroom window to watch the lone American airplane flying overhead had their faces turned into something that looks like what you get when you put soap in a microwave, were torn apart by flying debris, and set on fucking fire all at the same time.
People who shittalk duck and cover advice seem to think that a nuke's blast radius consists of only the fireball, when in fact there is a massive radius of extreme thermal radiation and shockwaves which, believe it or not, a goddamn desk can actually help protect against when inside a building.