New video -
Tucker Carlson and Andrew Yang actually have a lot of common ground on the upcoming automation crisis. They both realize it's coming, but come to opposite solutions. Tucker Carlson was on the Ben Shapiro show the other month and said he would be okay with BANNING automated driving trucks so the truckers could keep their jobs. I disagree with Tucker Carlson's solution, but I'm glad he at least can see the problem. Unlike the vast majority of politicians/pundits/commentators.
fuck I like Yang!
Keep in mind this is VERY optimistic as far as when truckers will be replaced.
The segment is meant to make aware of the upcoming situation and it also relies on some fear-mongering for ratings.
The tech will not be "there" for at least 10 yrs. My best guess is closer to 20 before massive layoffs occur.
>Shouldn't people who cite unemployment statistics be penalized for saying something so stupid?
>t. Tucker Carlson
I said in 2008, 2012, 2016, and now with the "LE BASED BLACK UNEMPLOYMENT" shills, I'm still saying this.
wtf i hate trump now
China for the Chinese and America for the (real) Americans
Now let them debate about Universal Basic Income, Yang's position on gun control and illegal immigration. Tuck would cuck him up.
i mean this in the least ironic way
Yang is literally flawless. I doubt it but I hope Jow Forums gets behind him unironically. Trump is a complete betrayal.