The line of latitude and the line of longitude which cover the most land intersect in two locations: in the Pacific ocean and through the Great Pyramid. It sits at the geographical center of Earth's landmass.
It faces true north more accurately than any other human structure at a mind-boggling 3/60th of a degree of accuracy.
Its height is equal to the average elevation of Earth, and is roughly one billionth the average distance to the sun.
It's perimeter and height are a 1:43200 scale model of Earth, 43200 being a significant number to Earth. For example, the number of seconds in a half day.
There are not actually four sides, but eight which are concaved.. These indentations describe a circle with a radius equal to Earth's. The curvature of Earth = the curvature of each side of the structure.
Due to the design of the indented sides, it's possible to measure from one corner to an adjacent corner in three ways. These three measurements are equal to our sidereal, tropical and solar years to 3 decimal places.
It's height and angle (51°51') is derived from pi. Take a square with the perimeter of the Great Pyramid. Overlay a circle with a circumference equal to the square's perimeter (this requires knowledge of pi). Flip the radius of that circle upwards. This is its height. Because of this, the Great Pyramid's geometry is absolutely riddled with the golden ratio.
Take the base of the structure. Subtracting its inscribed circle from its superscribed circle gives you the speed of light to many decimal places. In addition to this, it sits on the line of latitude equal to the speed of light.
The relative sizes of the Earth and moon are also derived from pi. Imagine two circles representing their relative size, stack them, now overlay a triangle with a 51°51' slope. The base and apex of the triangle will sit directly on the diameters of both circles. If either were bigger or smaller, this would not be true.
This just scratches the surface of scientific and mathematical information enshrined in this structure, all of which is designed to give credence to the deeper message contained within.
"In that day there will be an altar to the Lord in the midst of the land of Egypt, and a pillar to the Lord at its border. And it will be for a sign and for a witness to the Lord of hosts in the land of Egypt; for they will cry to the Lord because of the oppressors, and He will send them a Savior and a Mighty One, and He will deliver them." - Isaiah 19:19, 19:20
This passage describes an altar and pillar (more accurately translated as monument) in the both the middle and on the border of Egypt simultaneously. It seems nonsensical at first, but not when you understand how Egypt used to be governed. Ancient Egypt was divided into two areas, upper and lower, which were ruled by separate pharaohs and divided the Nile delta from the rest of Egypt. The Great Pyramid sits on this ancient border. In fact, "Giza" literally means border. Therefore we have a monument located both in the midst and at the border.
Jaxson Baker
And if there was any doubt that this passage is describing the Great Pyramid, consider the following.
In the Hebrew alphabet, every character has a corresponding numeral value. The sum total of these two verses in Hebrew = 5449, which is the exact height of the Great Pyramid in inches.
The interior is complete unique among all pyramids and is riddle with Biblical parallels and symbolism. The basic outline resembles a messianic plot. It contains a timeline which has predicted many of the world's great events including the birth of Jesus and both world wars. The angle of the grand gallery is 26°18'9''. Viewing the Pyramid from a map, lay this angle over the north and south face and they run directly through Bethlehem on the north and Mt. Sinai on the south. 26 is also the number of missing feet from the top, which, according to historical accounts, was never there in the first place. Christ was referred to by himself and others as the stone which the builders rejected. The King's Chamber is equal in volume to the Holy of Holies described in the Bible, the room in which the Ark of the Covenant resided. The granite coffer in the King's chamber is equal in volume to the Ark of the Covenant.
This post will be rejected by many, but hopefully some of you are spiritually curious and will be inspired to look into this at greater depth for yourself. Study in Pyramidology by E. Raymond Capt is an excellent place to begin.
This is the greatest things ever created on this planet, and it is being hidden from us by the mainstream. The politics of modern academia will not allow for the truth to be discussed freely by archeologists, and instead this perpetual, utterly insulting lie that it was a simple tomb for an arrogant king continues to pollute our classrooms and media, and it should piss you off. This magnificent structure was designed to be a sign to the world and a witness to the creator of the universe and it is talking to you. Will you listen?
the fact that they existed before the habiru showed up who claimed they built them is what impresses me the most. Just how far back does our history go and when will we charge into the Vatican vault to learn the truth
Jackson Sanders
Isn't there a huge series of canals under the pyramids too or is that misinfo?
Jonathan Russell
are you 12?
Nathaniel Russell
Not sure.
Bentley Cook
From all the info you shared, for what reason do you believe the pyramids were built? As well as how they were built.
Nicholas Ward
>the Lord >we wuz pharaohs, goy! Why do kikes have to steal others' history? Is it because they never had any lasting achievements/civilizations other than the ones they parasitized?