Based daily life in china thread?

based daily life in china thread?

Attached: chinese WWE.webm (1280x720, 1.75M)

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Holy fuck, what a psycho. Immediate death sentence.

He overreacted but that little shit provoked him.

The kicks were unnecessary, but otherwise based. China is full of spoiled one child policy brats who think they can do anything they want.

Kids don't know better man. Can you really hold it against them?

based and redpilled

Maybe the parents should supervise their demonspawn if they don't want them to get their asses kicked for being little shits.

Will this little cunt do it again?
Will he kick an unknown,adult man again?
Something tells me that he won't

Funny thing is the kids parents probably beat his ass once they got home too.

Attached: 1544504300512.jpg (450x450, 38K)

Basee chink teaching little shitheads to have manners. If people started to do this to niglets the crime rate would reduce drastically over the next 20 years.

Attached: images (2).jpg (225x225, 6K)

Attached: chinese tap water.webm (460x612, 1.95M)

What the fuck are those little critters he drank?

this guy is a pussy

chinese tap water creatures

Attached: average day in china keep going.webm (320x640, 1.82M)

I love antman threads. Post moar. They are the dumbest people on earth

>big guy, tattoos, looks hard, chinese, doing crazy shit

Asian dudes don't just get big and get tattoos. I'm willing to bet this is gang related or military goon and hard as a coffin nail

Im genuinely suprised they even noticed her.

probably loaches

>we sadly know the bugmen on the West Coast

happens in almost all major cities I imagine:

here you go bro

Attached: chinese man kicks hillary clinton in balls.webm (1280x720, 1.09M)

I'm in the mood for a feel.
Someone post the child in a pram webm

Attached: 1316918308236.jpg (645x773, 59K)

that skinheads a bit of a pussy aint he

The best part of this is that there's literally zero fucks given by anyone in behind.

You faggot kids in your 20s and your shock and gore videos that you don't even know what it's about.

how about a good feel, friend?

Attached: the only playable character in china.webm (220x400, 1.66M)

Bug people, desu.

Not really feeling it, but the filename is true

Attached: 1527426992226.png (800x800, 23K)

Holy fucking boss.

Dude the kid wasnt even being that bad. I guess when theres a billion of you you have no respect for life.

The entire planet will be this violent when true over population comes

The worst one is where the school bus runs over the child, then just keeps on going. The kid lays in the street all day, no one gave a fuck.

Attached: HEY BABY YOU DISRESPECT ME.webm (482x434, 2.76M)

What a hero god damn
this one is better with sound

finish him

Attached: Capture.jpg (773x579, 56K)

The only reason to post child gore is to make a point that child porn should be legal.
I'm smart, you guys just post it for shock value because you're dumb.

Late term abortions are great is still the way to go.

This is China

>CIDF in full force tonight

Never noticed that snake on a leash before

Truly bug "people".

nice technique. Betcha the kid won't try that shit again.

Attached: 1548812064068.jpg (464x618, 32K)

> giving 0 fuck

chinks have no soul

Attached: chinese intellectuals.webm (448x336, 2.86M)

I had Strong Zero recently. It's also a lemonade alcoholic drink in a can.

When did they let you out thad?

Can't stop giggling at the filename

China rekt threads are peak Jow Forums in 2019.

china is pure michael bay kino

Attached: huh wonder what that bump was probably nothing.webm (640x368, 1.77M)

Attached: workshop operator crushed.webm (1280x720, 2.85M)

based chink



>does all that
>kid gets brained anyway

Feels bad man.


both kids are fine

honestly I dont know

Attached: where skeletons are made.webm (480x480, 2.87M)

I swear this one is a suicide. The guy doesn't even try to dodge it.

People wonder what an ancap civ would be like, it's here already. China is pure ancap.

I feel bad for the kids but then remember there are like 500 million of them.

Bummer he kills the kid trying to save him. RIP

man that is fucking horrible, did that little kid die?

wtf am i seeing here, help a nigga out

the skeleton factory

probably man

Attached: chop chop chinese super chef.webm (480x480, 2.19M)

This is still my favorite case of what happens when you decide to be a human in China

Attached: chinkistan.webm (226x360, 1.96M)

Yes, thankfully. Burst all of his little insect internal organs.

is she ok?

Guy gets sucked into the machinery. Keeps spinning around at a high velocity and pulls off his clothes. After a minute or so his skin finally comes off like his clothes, leaving just his skeleton and other pits that are tightly held together spinning on the machine (that's the white thing spinning).

holy fuck i thought it was like a piece of rebar or something

imagine chinks asian masculinity being deluded enough they believe chink goverment that they have avg IQ 105, same as japanese or koreans or city state where intelligence is concentrated like Hong kong (106). Obviously chinks have bellow 100.

>Kids don't know better man
When i was a kid i knew better, not because of some superior morality to not do violence but because i was fucking small and knew that it was a bad idea to fuck some older and bigger then me.

You have to be retarded to not get that as soon as you are old enough to walk

Every time I watch this vid, I fucking horselaugh uncontrollably.

Fuck, that's the best one I've seen in terms of chink gore. Not even the most brutal, just the most interesting, I've never seen someones skin come off like a suit.

This needs some music

Attached: alley kid bus.webm (406x330, 2.07M)

alot of these chinese webms are old
are they pulled of liveleak still?

n e w

Attached: chinese dick biting.webm (272x480, 2.86M)

now that's what i call blackpilled

what the fuck is happening here??

Old af

just sad to watch
what is she even doing there

There's an old Chinese tradition that says how many people turn up at your funeral says such and such about your character so the government had to ban children from hiring strippers for their parents funerals.

My guess is some chink shit like that.

some chinese dude is biting a lady boy's dick

Attached: chinese batman origins.webm (400x230, 1.92M)

tranny thinks they are decent attention seekers
old hard fuck that gives no fucks says ''here bb lemmy give you the succ'', the proceeds to give her the chomp

>China is ancap
>Its literally centrally planned communist

What did tweedle dum mean by this?

why are chinks such literal insect people? what's the evolutionary advantage here?

"she's" a hired stripper, dumbass

Jesus i can't even

Attached: 1493873693849.png (400x400, 133K)

they're fascist actually, state directed privately owned industry

Whats the story on this one?

this is why the west will lose
we won't just kick in the skull of a random child for nothing

amazing these were all recorded with webm cameras. What were the odds?

>what the fuck is happening here??
Explain, please.

But why tho?

You'd literally be detained and probably prosecuted for suggesting that. Its not an exaggeration either. They're commies who have spent half a century solidifying themselves as the real China over formerly the real (formerly nationalist) Republic of China aka Taiwan.

Probably hogtied and tortured too. Common place in Chinese prisons.

>webm cameras

Are you fucking retarded? It's CCTV.

its fucked up man

Literally they are the definition of fascism though. It's completely dictionary accurate.

lol he runs like naruto

>Chinese Communist Television records in WebM

you're retarded

I'm convinced the majority of China has sub nigger tier IQs. Niggers have FAR more spacial awareness than these disgusting chinks.