How likely is it that nuclear war actually happens between Pakistan and India...

How likely is it that nuclear war actually happens between Pakistan and India. Or is this thing just something that will blow over in a couple days

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Its a big nothingburger

That's what I figured nothing every real exciting happens

It didn't keep on escalating immediately afterward so it's probably safe now.

Unlikely but we can always hope they end a few hundred billion brown inferiors. I sigh over the fact it'll only be a nothingburger, though. Why can't they just die?

I love cows.

We would all die if nuclear war happened that's why I was hoping it wasnt all talk

Herbivore pussies.

Omnivore masterrace right here.

well shit now they have to time travel and kill every one of themselves in the past two. That's alright though, typo you're at least right in spirit.

Why. Just literally let them bomb each other. That's all. 1, they die, 2, yay. Even if they for some reason threw some at the West from some reason, they don't have enough nukes to kill everyone else, if they plan on flinging most of them at each other.

Really. Just let them end it. It'll be good.