How to spot a jew? Nose, philtrum that isn't very visible

How to spot a jew? Nose, philtrum that isn't very visible

Attached: 47ee1e61-a3ca-41a5-9977-d23a35c5c7e5.jpg (1100x714, 100K)

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They're always moist. Not sweaty...just moist. Damp. You know what I mean?

This kike was kiking in Sweden before I knew about kikes.

Asian or tired eyes or they look like they are goint to pop out in any moment
Big lower lip
Dick forehead
Rat or pointy ears
Nose obvioulsy but many people confuse it with arab or mediterranean noses so unless you have experience with jews i wouldn't recommend using the nose as a reference

And most of them have curly hair

Same with Italians retard

Attached: 1539126098420.png (640x640, 765K)

Is this a jew or not a jew?

Attached: possible jew or half jew.jpg (960x1280, 179K)

just throw down some loose change.


That's a swedish male

I know heaps of Jews that don't fit these profiles

got a good laugh out of the goblin hahah

Looks like it could be a Morano, Spanish/Latin American Jew. Ran the slave trade and many left for South/Central America after they got kicked out during the inquisition

Attached: spotting a Jew.jpg (920x729, 86K)

this is average white pol user

Goblin-like appearance

Attached: 1520333042317.jpg (454x898, 46K)


Wealth and IQ

Was he flat?


I dont think this is a good one, I know a lot of Jews who dont have big noses and I know non Jews who do. There has to be a more surefire way, too much room for error.


Know your enemy.

I went to the New York film institute....suckah!

You just have to know the phenotypes. Jews descend from a small group of people. They're inbred fuckers. They only come in so many designs.

Large noses are a European trait. Not a distinctly Jewish one. Jews however have a specific type of nose. It looks less chiseled and roman and more beak-like. Think Adrian Brody

Not likely to be a jew, he has a well-defined philtrum. At most, he's 1/2-1/4, but entirely possible he has no jew blood.

>curly hair


>literally everyone is jewish

Honestly jews just look like Italians and Greeks to me

I too measure Jews in piles, mainly ash

You look like the mountain police.

goblin chinlet