>Be me
>Poor fag, 6'4 country boy, low tier chad
>Confident, outspoken political, right leaning, distrust of the jew
>Marry rich hot 6'1 English Amazon
>Her father is high ranking Mason, we have good relationship
>His sons have no interest in joining, I have shown some
>Moving to UK and will have a lot of interaction with Masons
>Interested in making business contacts and have some interest in the occult
>Not religions/Christian but have no intention of getting wrapped up in evil shit
> Should I join the Masons Jow Forums?
Should I join?
Other urls found in this thread:
Will this be included in the package?
>no intention of getting wrapped up in evil shit
>wants to join the worlds largest secret society, which is filled to the brim with satanic jews
While I say no, the choice is ultimately yours.
Good vids, I was less concerned previously than I have been recently.
Just join and see what happens. Its not like all members are in the inner circle of the masonic conspiracies.
Only if you give us updates every month.
If you have to ask here, then no.
It's fucking impossible to succeed in life without contacts.
Should I ask my catholic mates who hate them?
How about the bogans who have never heard of them?
Other than the father in law and his circles I'm not too chummy with masons day to day.
Asking an international basket weaving forum seems as good a place as any for advice relating to the subject at hand.
A man with a mutilated penis wound?