The Protocols of the Elders of Zion

are there any Elders of Zion specialists here?
what is the final stage

Attached: TheProtocolsCvrsm.jpg (196x320, 16K)

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Total control. Total submission. Eternal damnation of all races except the Jewish race.

To achieve this, they must demasculine males. Destroy the family unit. Destory any sense of ideology , loyalty, and belonging. The only thing that these Jews will give you is materialism that gives you that false sense of happiness for the short term.

Free Hugs

one government for the entire world situated in israhell
no rights for anyone but those who larp as jews
babies and children will be traded as currency for living arrangements and food
global communism on steroids

is that your interpretation or is it literally?

Pornography is their weapon as well user. It feminizes men and makes them passive. Passive people are easily controlled. Its what makes NPCs. All the Jews want is submission. They want people to depend on them for their livlihood. A raceless population loyal to nobody but their masters. Forever made to serve their Jewish overlords. It's a kikes wet dream

The arrival of the mochiach

Attached: 1551079992983.jpg (598x600, 145K)

Iiterally. They are waiting for their promised Messiah to enslave the world. There was a video on YouTube of a a good Jew exposing Zionist trash by questioning rabbis on how many goy slaves they would have. They said 900.

Oy vey! It's fiction, goy!

Bet he's epic