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Pakis in YouTube comments were saying that the terrorist camps are empty in winters and our bombs only destroyed their trees. Which essentially means that there ARE terrorists in those camps in normal weather. Fucking retards can't even hide the fact that they are sponsoring these inbred cunts who bomb people. To top it all of, ftheir retarded PM keeps crying and denying whenever India blames them for the terrorist attacks.
Xavier Phillips
Autistic cunt that's called banting
Evan Hall
The main article is about your foreign minister's official statement idiot. YouTube comment was just an example about how Pakistan is full of terrorist organisations but ALWAYS denies whenever we blame them.
Adrian Diaz
just nuke they
Josiah Wood
>A poo just flew over my loo Isn't that normal in India
imagine not being put off by a person's actions, grifts and opinions but only looking at their base appearance
Michael Butler
It's a pajeet. The only things on his mind are bobs and vagene. Banting is humor, it's beyond his understanding. He genuinely thinks the IAF shelling Kashmir will make women on the Internet show bobs and vagene.
Carter Ortiz
8992 continues going bang bang bang... pop pop pop..
Kevin Mitchell
imagine their actions and ideas making you asspained to the point of insinuating that they look like a donkey when they're this physically attractive which is exclusively what i'm talking about
there's more chance of an australian finally taking a shower than nukes being fired now
Hudson Adams
Yeah now remove all the makeup and filters. Also remove yourself from the thread because nuclear war is more important than your eceleb whore's pride you pathetic white knight.
I just wanted all the poos to die. Especially all the fucking transplants running gas stations and smoke shops/convenience stores and being hella creepy to the local women. All of you smell like shit, and look like it too. I think the world deserves one good thing, the eradication of the Indian race.
Jaxson Hill
>how dare they compare my waifu to an ass I must defend calm down permavirgin
more likely india is using it's ageing weapons and armament.
DESU pakis should hand over terrorists to india. they will more likey love you for this till eternity and will talk aabout kashmeer with yoou
Leo Hill
Roll for nuclear toilet cleaning.
Ayden Scott
>muh world war poo huhhuhhuh I swear to god Jow Forums is mentally retarded. Things like this happen every thirty years, the're called BORDER SKIRMISHES, and happen when two countries don't get along well. This will all be over in two weeks with India humiliating Pakistan or vise-versa.
>shit what i said doesn't make sense in this context >switch topic away from what we're talking about >switch back to call them a v-virgin though You tried
>ok here you go imagine being mad because someone can separate physical attractiveness from their hurt feewings :^( poos getting nuked is not nearly as important as which e-celeb i would personally smooch given the opportunity and you know it
This is what I'm hoping for, more than nuclear conflict itself. I want to see pakis and pajeets throwing bombs into each others' shops and shooting at each others cabs in London, Toronto, and NYC. I want race riots on the streets of London meanwhile Sadiq Khan is giving teary eyed pressers calling for peace. Let the multi kulti burn.
Gavin Watson
Sebastian Johnson
The lyrics hurt close to the heart man. Wish I could revive my rabbit. Don't understand how Christians can say animals have no soul
who is that guy? Did he get gastric bypass surgery?
Chase Bennett
>204906199 if you defend a couple more times and give a lot of superchats I'm sure she'll suck you off bro
Michael Butler
What kind of shower?
Adrian Flores
when’s the last time border skirmishes included jet shoot downs oh the conflict in 99 oh so 20 years ago oh okay
Sebastian Jenkins
A Pakistani indipop singer who moved to India. He was very popular 20 years ago. Fatness was a plus point that made people love him. At some point 10 years ago doctors told him he has 6 months to live. So he did everything he possibly could to lose weight. He went from first picture to second picture, which was like 200 kg loss. I forgot about his existence but he resurfaced after supporting India on twitter for the airstrikes. Pakistanis are angry at him
Tbf, these border skirmishes happen every 2 years or so and then cool down, but ever since 2016, India has been lowkey bombing us. They isolated us in SAARC and made all other South Asian Nations think we are assholes. After Pulwama and the Plane Shootdown, they've started bombing the shit out of us with all kinds of heavy machinery they have never ever used before. The Last Aerial Dogfight between Pakis and Poos before this one took place in 1971 War. The Last Time Pakistan boycotted the OIC was just before the 1971 War began. Coincidence? I think not. War is coming. Also look at who is India's Prime Minister, Narendra Modi. This man ran away from his Parents at a very young age and joined a Hindu Nationalist Organisation. He like Trump wants to make India Great Again and as such sees Pakistan as a nuisance which blocks India's Ascension. We are the only thing that stops Akund Bharat from coming into fruition.
Michael Richardson
poo’s could stop lying about easily disprovable bullshit and i might like them again
Fake until proven real. News can be easily bought and sold here The context is last week India blocked tomato supply to Pakistan which made them angry enough to say "we will respond to your tomatoes with atom bomb"
Mason Johnson
Muh vote bank BS... country is not missing Mirage 2000s or SU-30s....why weren't they used instead of trash MI-21s...
I hope you and your fucking population of sub human street shitters get annihilated in nuclear cleansing fire. That goes for those garbage Paki's as well.