The Left Moves The Goalposts AGAIN

Leftists, for the last 2 fucking years:

>Mueller finds nothing

>"it was Drumpf's plan all along to trick people into thinking Mueller's report actually mattered!"


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Other urls found in this thread:

>2 years
I feel like its been longer than 2 years. Is this a time dialation? Am I trans now?

A little less than 2 actually.
It started in May 2017 IIRC.

The Left being, of course, one random guy on twitter

It feels like its been 3 years. At the end of 2016. Maybe I'm just confussing this, but didnt russia get brought up in 2016?

2015. Russia was brought up in 2015 when Trump first announced. The poopoopeepee story was disclosed to spookyniggers early 2016. It's taken about three years for this magnificent effiortpost to bear fruit.
Liberal conspiracy theorists will never understand the true story.

>Trump's false narrative that it's Mueller's job to prove "collusion"
Wait, so whose job is it then, Trump's? Why the fuck would he want to accuse and prosecute himself for something he never did?

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>this isn't going to be the go-to COPE for millions of low IQ leftists when Mueller's report is a double nothingburger with phantom fries

Okay, kid.

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It's pure revisionist history. The (((MSM))) and their golems have been borderline worshiping Mueller for 2 years, but now that he failed them, they're going to pretend like they never even cared and move on to the next pointless witch hunt, and then we'll do it all over again when that one doesn't turn up anything either.

It's all so tiresome. It really fucking is.

Holy fuck, "Collusion" was Trump's idea!!

3777TH dIMenSiONAL fOrtNIte

The media hypes rumors and fake news, knowing they had nothing, for 2 years. Then when they have to reveal they had nothing all along they blame their viewers? They get more disgusting everyday.

>implying communists will accept truth and stop lying
That's funny

Right? Like, this is a new level of absurdity that I didn't even realize was possible.

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I can't wait till nothing happens and I get to re-post all of their "ITS MUELLER TIME" memes ironically back at them

You're doing the lord's work, user.

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My sides

0 x burger

Leftists are mentally ill. They will say and believe literally any horse shit or gymnastics that validates their retarded believes, actions and failure in life.

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How do these faggots exist? How do they lack the self awareness of a normal human being?


Sounds like they are going to replace Russia fake news rumours with fake Epstein investigation rumours

It's almost as if letting Marxist professors pushing moral relativism and postmodernism over objective morality and truth for the last couple of generations was a bad idea...

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The funniest part about it is that all along they've acted like this Russian collusion was so easy to prove that even a five year old could figure it out. Once you point out that we're two years in with no Russian collusion in sight
>well it's not so simple you see...

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op's a fucking homo

Like, every time I tell a normie friend or acquaintance that I don't really buy the Russian collusion story, they chimp out and act like I just said I disagree that water is wet or that the sky is blue. And yet here we are, 2 years in and NOTHING.
Fucking clown world.

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Kikenstein fagtwins on suicide watch

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no u

>Boomer Boomer
>"Yes Mueller"
>"Eating bull?"
>"No Mueller"
>"Telling lies?"
>"No Mueller."
>"Open your Mouth"
>"Ha ha ha"
The only people who believed in the Russia conspiracy shit to begin with are developmentally stunted boomers who can't use their brain.
I know right? The media will scrutinize conservative information to a microscopic level, but they will give spontaneous long term airtime to any blatantly fake rumor made by liberals. See Jussie Smollet and Nathan Phillips.

>If you're looking for blood, the murder trial will almost certainly disappoint you, but that's not the prosecutor's fault, it's your fault for buying into the accused's false narrative that it's the prosecution's job to prove "guilt" beyond a reasonable doubt, a near impossible bar for any prosecutor to clear.

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Russia was first brought up in summer of 2016 after WikiLeaks released their DNC email stash. It was brought up by the DNC seemingly out of nowhere. How did they KNOW that Russia was behind the email hacking? It was never explained. Regardless, the investigation didn't begin until 2017 after Trump's inauguration, and Mueller wasn't the lead prosecutor until later in the year when James Comey was fired.

>find some random twitter post
>hahahahah THE LEFT

trump will end up in jail eventually, along with his rodent family.

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I can't believe he wrote that ridiculous line. These people are so pathetic.

Fucking clown world.

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>a writer for a major MSM publication is "some random" person

Cope harder, brainlet. You've got ~6 years left.

>random twitter post
Spread the sentiment to your friends.

No what's really funny is that all the Russia shit ever was was a cover for very serious crimes committed against America by the Obama Administration in 2016. Mueller was the only thing they could point to - the possibility that Trump was a Russian spy - to justify SPYING ON THE OPPOSITION CANDIDATE. They fucking SPIED on Trump and now the media expects you to forget about it. And Mueller was basically a tool in a seditious plot to overthrow the elected government of the United States. 2016 will be rembered as the turning point in American history at which civil conflict became inevitable.

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The burgers were a lie.

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She thinks Barr is going to let Rosenstien execute Potus. The left really has some retards with checkmarks. They're the ones who should be tried for treason.


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>that sign
>that grammar
>"we deserve $15 an hour!"


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Rosenstein will do everything in his power to protect Mueller's investigation because to put it mildly if Mueller strikes out his shit is fucked.

>MSM trying to brace its dopey constituents for a colossal letdown
>"Ha ha, nice try! Bring on the dramatic conclusion to this long running epic!
>"Handcuffs are on standby!"

Biblical-tier salt wave incoming.

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Russian Collusion is a phantom created by magapedes to support their own narratve, the special council investigation actually pertains to interference in the 2016 election. No where did Trump oppose a complete investigation into the hacking of the DNC etc and the business deals surrounding ppl like Manafort. Investigating the est. was a LARP

What I want to know is, why the FUCK does Rosenstein still have a job?

They're already calling it Mueller's investigation into obstruction of justice, when it was originally an investigation into possible Russian interference in the 2016 election.

That's like the police breaking into your house on a no-knock warrant because you're a suspected terrorist, finding nothing incriminating, and then arresting you when you complain about it.

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Well after all is your fault

So is Trump an idiot or a Genius? These leftists really can't decide.

>DAG Rosenstein recommends firing Comey
>Trump takes his advice and fires Comey
>"haha, gotcha! OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE!"

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As soon as they "got" Manafort for something entirely legal I knew this investigation was fucked. Same with Cohen on tax problems.

Louise mensch is a diagnosed retarded

Look at all the charges. Not one single charge for collusion with Russia or anything similar. These are all process crimes or unrelated charges. This whole event was simply to attack those close to Trump, and it is banana republic tier soft coup. I don't know how people, even on the left, aren't fucking rioting about this.

eh I wouldnt say the level of money laundering he was doing was "entirely legal".

It started in mid-2016, when the corrupt FBI started investigating the opposition of the then current POTUS for political reasons

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Calling it now the Mueller report will show no conclusive evidence of collusion and so he will not recommend prosecution. The left will melt down and REEEEEEEE claiming that Mueller is in league with Russia and paid off by Putin himself. Hopefully with some violence and shit so we can kick off the civil war.

How is Hillary not locked up already given what we know she did?

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goes back to clinton & kosovo etc

Don't get me wrong, I'm not defending anything these people are doing that is illegal. However, the scope of the investigation doesn't cover what he was charged for. It's the same if the police got a warrant to search your house for CP and they found a joint so they arrested you despite not finding what the original warrant said.

This entire "investigation" is just a front for speciously legal harassment of a non establishment candidate winning the presidency. The only reason he hasn't be JFK'd is because he hasn't gone after the Federal Reserve yet.

Are they starting their own pizzagate conspiracy theories now? They didn’t think this through...

what flag is that?

dutch east indies

Muslim america.

She leads her own left wing Qlike cult called #teampatriot or some nonsense

Alright so when the probe ends will he finally set up a special prosecutor for Hillary or is that too far-fetched and/or a non-sequitur?

Get off the whisky Seamus, your memory is going to shit.

Only the Mueller part began in 2017. The plot itself started in 2015 with the Washington Free Beacon (John McCain.)

Wow so I guess Trump didn't do anything then huh

now that's what I call delusional
>blompf jail indict!!!

The fact that he evaded justice is just more evidence that he is a fascist dictator who should be impeached anyway.

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I get a kick out of moments like these.

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Who is this person? You think he represents large group? How retarded are you? Craziest shit.

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Why would anyone attack this kindly old lady. Have you never dreamed of learning under Hillary Clinton?

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They will bring up Nixon and muh Watergate whenever they're faced with the reality that muh Russia is a big load of bullshit. Drumpf will be done for sure ummm... Next year, you'll see, you Russian bot!

>Nearly two solid goddamn years of non-stop propaganda from the media corporations and Democrats being used to drive a massively damaging narrative that Trump is a "Russian agent" and his supporters are "Russian bots" at a cost of $25 million US tax payer dollars
Honestly, if the Mueller report fizzles after what Mueller, his office, the FBI (17 intelligence agencies), and the corporate media has done there needs to be bloodshed. People need to die for this. Those on the Left and in the Establishment need to lose their lives over this non-sense.

Mueller better have one Hell of a report of many people will be going to Hell.

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my god how can people be so delusional

Don’t worry, AOC is making her enemies of the party list. If the Democrats gain control everyone who supported or voted foe Trump will be punished.

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You win the Internet for today.

>Learning under the world’s biggest loser.

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>Russian Collusion is a phantom created by magapedes
Nigger you just went full retard

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>It's taken about three years for this magnificent effiortpost to bear fruit.
This moment will be look back on by future historians with disbelief. Entire lectures will be given on how the peepee fanfic was sent and believed by rogue actors in the US government who then delivered it to intelligence agencies who then leaked to the media through backdoor channels. The entire affair will be studied and students will build timelines, flowcharts and memorize names in order to pass assignments. Law students will write thesis on this and still will not quite grasp just what Jow Forums did that day.


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It was two years of bullshit to make several swamp members "investigating" untouchable in terms of being fired under Trump.
Job security.
It was also obvious Clinton sycophant revenge to give Trump his imaginary version of Benghazi.
If that cunt Hillary reappears it's because she's delusional enough to think it "worked" and she'll slip in during his reelection.

THE PEOPLE WHO VOTE WITH REPUBLICANS WILL BE THE FIRST TO DIE ON THE DAY OF THE ROPE - Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, at the top of Tenochitlan, 2019

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>kikes are now unironically advocating for the 5D underwater chess meme
This fucking timeline, man.

The report will be a big fat nothing, just like Cohen's media hyped testimony. Its all about getting either side frothing with rage then disappointing them. The report is taking forever because he has Jack and shit and is procrastinating.

Nigger faggot

Probably so and absolutely pure cancer that need to be removed.

Notice how "collusion" is in quotes? That's because it's not a real crime.

>The Left Moves The Goalposts AGAIN
The goal posts have been on flat car at the end of a west bound freight train running 70 miles per hour since May 9, 2017.

They'll just create some more bullshit. Its going to get amped up more now that naming the Jew is becoming mainstream. Gotta keep people fighting over nothingburgers.


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She's untouchable, dude. God himself couldn't indict her at this point.

Goal posts just flew over my house!

His real job is to offer up anything that can be used to silence trump circle, smear trump to make impeachment possible, and bury clinton campaign, fbi, doj, state department, cia, and foreign intelligence involvement in the biggest scandal ever in american history.