America is the freest country on earth

America is the freest country on earth.
Does any other country have more freedom than us?

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were free? Do you believe this BS?

>degeneracy is my freedom
Papa Russia, pls nuke these muttshits off the face of the Earth already.

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Yeah so free...

Muh liberty muh freedoms is what got you into the mess you are in.

Freedom of what?!
You're not even allowed to boycott Israel!!
What do you except from a country where you can get fired from your job because you painted your face black 20 yrs ago at home.

oh shit, haven't saw this one yet:D

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Freedom my ass. We cant even say what we want in public without having our entire lives destroyed and losing our jobs.

We're like slaves like most countries

pick one


>Can't walk on the street holding an open beer or drink alcohol in public spaces

>free to be a horse faced tranny
Our Achilles heel is we take everything including freedom too far

America was a product of the Age of Enlightenment, 'founded' by a bunch of FreeMasons.
Now these guys didn't really give two shits about the little man's freedoms-
What they really wanted, and this has been said by Thomas Paine-
Their idea of Freedom was Freedom from God, so that they could worship their pantheon of Kabbalistic gods.

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You fellas are alright but I think our environment is better ;)

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>hides his country ashamed

>Science is the true theology. [Thomas Paine quoted in Emerson, The Mind on Fire p. 153]
Sounds like an OG fedora tipper to me

Degeneracy isn't freedom, America is one of the most sick nations on earth. I plan on leaving here soon.


any country where i can fuck them

Yes, but the left is trying to destroy our freedom.

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If my son thinks he's a girl in the US and I refuse to allow him to undergo hormone replacement, he can be seized from me by the gov.

In China, I would have control over my family.

Which is superior?

Sure, if you are a kike then I bet you experience all the freedom.

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Pretty much all other countries except North Korea and Saudi Arabia.

>shooting guns
>wearing ss-flags in public
the real freedom - pretty much every other first world enjoys already - is social security, access to education, healthcare, unemployment insurance



We're slaves to the almighty dollar. Also we can't be racist to blacks, Hispanics, native Americans

wtf I hate capitalism now

can't unsee, faggot

It won't be for long. Kikes made sure of that these last 40 years.


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This photo is pure menstruation discharge and full of estrogen.

The question is, why are they outside of the house, and why aren't they already pregnant?


I think you have internalised the entire communist manifesto, stuffed up your ass since you entered state school, and are now repeating it here.
Freedom is primarily the freedom to speak your mind, and to defend yourself for speaking your mind, both of which you can't do, and Americans can.
> But I can work and pay 60% tax - yes, I have no freedom to question the government but I get free healthcare and unemployment insurance.
Literally gibs me dat.


well you are pretty much free to do whatever you want in somalia so no.

do you have probably the worlds best constitution? - yes!

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Because Thomas Paine was a lefty piece of shit and a turbofaggot. Glad he fucked off to France where he could be a cocksucker somewhere far away.

>In China, I would have control over my family.
Holy shit nigger how did your parents produce anything so stupid as yourself?

But hey at least you can hunt food if you have a license, fish if you have a license, but sucking dick is free

Wrong. Most other western nations have more freedom.


Hope Glorious Motherland nukes the fuck out of Jewmerimuttia off the beautiful earth it has desecrated with it's perfidious existence

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You forgot that if you don't cross at a light you get arrested for gaywalking or something.

Is just part of the prophecy user go slap your grandfather

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>freeeeeest cuntry
where making one wrong comment can cost you your job, career, social standing and more. burgers are no more free than medieval peasants were.

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>Living on the graces of state gibs purely because you're a useful idiot who'll keep the capitalist wheels rolling, is real freedom
So confused, my young kraut slave

>Falling for the free speech meme
>You can think and say everything you want goy, unless it's against this one middle eastern state half the congrass has dual citizenship of
Oooooohhhh cannnnn you seeeeeee

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lard of the fee everyone

Boycotting the US is totally legal though.


Only if you're a dumb nigger and don't understand that freedom =/= free shit. You're going back Paco.

Marxist detected.
Cant be more brainwashed than a German, desu.

>land of the free
>can get arrested for a riding a bicycle on the wrong side of the street
Yeah this country is shit

A lot of things are stupidly illegal in the USA such as prostitution, but on balance, it's still the freest in the world.

What other country won't jail you for utterances? What other country defends the common citizen's right to have a gun?

what did I just walk into ? what's going on here , first sex change operation ?

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Freedom is not gibsmedat you lazy fucking faggot. Kill yourself.

am i the only one it strikes as odd that the BDS (boycott divest sanction) movement wasnt framed as white nationalist?

gr8 b8 m8

>A lot of things are stupidly illegal in the USA such as prostitution
Except it isn't. It's legal in most of Nevada.

Prostitution is not federally illegal, it's up to every local jurisdiction to decide if they want prostitution or not in their communities. Guess what? Most of them fucking don't.

How many people are doing jail time for hollow hoax denial?
Germany is in a far worse position that America.
> B-b-but muhhh 'works makes you free', we get to work and pay taxes to 2 million muslim migrants, and be dispossessed of our culture by a literal ex-stazi jewish Chancellor.
Oh lucky you, all of your cuck fantasies handed to you by momma merkel.

Where is the second girl on the rights arm? Is she an amputee?

Cancer patient arguing with you how he has less.


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>wearing cowboy boots with shorts
women are truly retarded

Wtf is that thing on the far left

Enjoy your third world shithole and third world education.

That user is right. You're a faggot and a slave, both to the state and to aids drenched cum, and you should kill yourself.

>Third world

You cannot be arrested for free speech you fucktard. That's the point of free speech. Just because a company can fire you does not mean you don't have free speech.

It most certainly is third world as is most of Europe.

If free speech wasn't protected by the constitution and Nevada protected it/other jurisdictions decided as they pleased on it, I still wouldn't call it an extension of freedom. The main takeaway from my point is - the US is the freest (granted) but plenty of things should be federally protected. In the case of prostitution, it should be based in the right to mobilize your money between two mutually consenting parties. I don't have to use just federal bases for constituting my evaluation of freedom if pretty much all jurisdictions locally ban something that's a matter of individual freedom.

>mfw it's not even that great

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Imagine the smell...

>American education
Higher HDI than Spain and Italy

I wasn't talking about the UK. I'm not deluded about how bad it is here, but you are with regard to your country. We get healthcare and unemployment gibs, etc here. I wouldn't trade it for the rights America has.
In your view, we have it better than America because muh state-gibs, when we are fucking this >< close to living in dictatorships if we dissent against the Kalergi Plan.

Karl Marx was a fucking brainlet. Not sure how anyone could take his bullshit seriously. Marxism is dumbed down nonsense.

That pic must be 20 years old at least. None of the girls have tattoos.

Thanks for screencapping that

Breddy gud!

the simple answer is NO

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Euorpean education is the shittiest on the planet. These dumb fucks go around saying "durrr I had calculus in 1st grade" but they don't know shit. Just because you have taken a high level math course at a young age doesn't mean you learned anything. They get a free pass, but they learned nothing. Looks good on paper, but in reality, they didn't learn shit.

You do know there's a difference between freedom and lawlessness?

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Nigger the Constitution is the Supreme Law of the Land, anything written in it trumps whatever states or municipalities decide. Prostitution is not specifically mentioned in the Constitution and therefore, per the Constitution itself, it is left up to the States and the People to legislate on their own.

Are you honest to God suggesting that being able to fuck a prostitute in your immediate vicinity should be a Constitutional right? Because if so I have good news for you: you can make that happen by simply amending the Constitution. Until then however the Constitution has said that this issue is up to the States and the People to determine for themselves. And I'm sorry you're such a broke, lazy faggot but if you actually want to pay to nut in some aids ridden beef curtains there are options for you: it's called a plane ticket, and lucky for you plane tickets to Nevada are cheap as fuck.

To say prostitution is illegal in the US is literally, factually, verifiably, a lie.

>he thinks we're free
are you dumb, nothing is free here, you'll starve

by leaving you're making it a greater country. Thank you for your services!

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Some countries have pay toilets. You cannot even take a shit without paying.

I guarantee the majority of your ancestry is some post colonial mick/wop mix top kek

>we wuz Anglo and Dutch pioneers

Faggots are degenerate.

God damn it leaf.

uh, hey we're still here ya know? I mean the mexican american war was like, 4 generations ago.

based and reactionarypilled

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>Nigger the Constitution is the Supreme Law of the Land
That which isn't mentioned in it is left up to local jurisdictions. That which is left up to local jurisdictions can still reflect overall levels of freedom within a country.
>anything written in it trumps whatever states or municipalities decide
Which is in line with what I wrote above, yes.
>Prostitution is not specifically mentioned in the Constitution and therefore, per the Constitution itself, it is left up to the States and the People to legislate on their own.
Yes, we've been over this.
>Are you honest to God suggesting that being able to fuck a prostitute in your immediate vicinity should be a Constitutional right?
I'm suggesting that mutually consenting parties who want to undergo a business transaction should have the right to do so, whether it be sharing a bedroom, sharing drugs, etc.
>Because if so I have good news for you: you can make that happen by simply amending the Constitution
Telling me something has not been amended and is still up to local jurisdictions doesn't negate my point that it's currently a reflection of a lack of freedom.
>Until then however the Constitution has said that this issue is up to the States and the People to determine for themselves
You love to repeat yourself.
>And I'm sorry you're such a broke, lazy faggot but if you actually want to pay to nut in some aids ridden beef curtains there are options for you
Your argument is broke. I don't ever want to see a prostitute, I don't ever want to consume drugs, I don't even want to ever consume alcohol - I just find it absurd a country prized on freedoms (which I still originally admitted is the freest) gets it wrong on some basic levels.
>To say prostitution is illegal in the US is literally, factually, verifiably, a lie.
You keep repeating yourself. Tell me which one of my specific points is wrong and how.

Americans(and Euros) will be free when they’ll be finally allowed to openly criticize Joos