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Other urls found in this thread:



I thought he sold that building over a year ago? Stop repeating false shit if you're trying to make a case.

Yeshua got our backs G'.

Deep down...Its all been a "revenge plot", im sure of it...

End game will be interesting...
Especially with nukes & all...

Dat "lake of fire" tho

He sold it to the occult

CNN previously reported in February that Special Counsel Robert Mueller's investigators were looking into Kushner's efforts to shore up financing for 666 Fifth Avenue during the presidential transition, according to people familiar with the special counsel investigation.


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Kushner family couldn't make the payments on their trophy for young messiah Jared so they've done a couple of different deals (e.g. with Vornado) to help them retain it.

Last deal I read was a 99-year lease but Kushner still retained some murky form of ownership - but the details were vague.

Kushner is a danger to all humanity.

They already started locking people up for anti semitism.

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You have been warned Goyim.
>He said the long history of persecutions of Jews must come to an end.
“Those seeking their destruction, we will seek their destruction,” Mr. Trump said at a campaign rally in Illinois.

Oy gevalt!

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Here's a terrifying thought.
What if Trump is locking up all these low level pedophiles only because the operation got too big, too messy, and too bold?
What if he's cleaning juuuust enough to make his fanbase think he's not a kidfucker himself while maintaining status quo for all the ones at the top?

He's going to arrest us.

good idea


bump important thread


bump this is what Q has been distracting Jow Forums from this whole time.

Fake and gay.
Mushier is twerp, trying to pretend he’s powerful.
He just looks kind of menacing and that’s why you’re afraid of him.
Also your story is fake and gay

Imagine believing Kushners brand of occult has any power over anyone who isn't well beyond saving.

If they want to lock up all the Muslims and Jews since that's exactly what antisemites are then by all means go ahead.

They're locking up white people

His name is Gunnar Hassard if you want to look into this more.

Kushner is the "very specific reason" Q never mentioned Israel more than a single time. They're saving Israel for last. Critics of Israel have about as much chance of being put in FEMA camps as Jews do. Which is to say the premise is ridiculous.

Jews should hate Zionists. Zionists are to Jews as Satanists are to Christians. Zionists admittedly use anti-semitists against Jews, to legitimize the "Jewish plight" which Zionists then use to justify occupations and bombings.

Nobody fucking likes these people. Trump married his children into their families to earn their trust. The plan was laid generations ago, because it would take at least that long to purge this malevolent influence.

You doomers are caught too much in your heads. I think you're addicted to being hopeless. It gives you some sick high and feeling of superiority because you get to tell everyone they're wrong and fucked. It's narcissistic really.

Through term "Anti-Semite" is the biggest manipulation of the English language for the benefit of maintaining racism that exists in our world, today.

God I hope they do declare martial law. Then I can start burning synagogues and killing Jews.

Also lol @ how I always have A capital Q in my ID.

Kushner is being attacked by Israeli shills and cia niggers now because he wants open borders for Israel.

All of these threads are lies and slander to try to attack him on that issue.

Fake news. Kushner is draining Israel’s swamp and Bibi loyalists are butthurt.

Bibi slept in Kushners bed you retard.

Interesting take. It IS leftist sites calling him a Zionist after all. Still I don't trust the guy.

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Wrong. He wants Greater Israel.

>t. heretic

Jews are to Christians as Satanists are to Christians because they're one and the same thing. The entire religious identity of Jews is a negative identity, it is solely based on the rejection of Christ as the Messiah.

Christ literally fulfills every aspect of the Jewish Messiah according to their prophecies. Their current religious identity is literally based on the celebration of deicide, that their God came and they killed him.

You cannot trust a single Jew. So fuck no, I absolutely do not trust Qushner's plan.

they're best buds. They literally have sleepovers.


Nope. This is purely a jewsa-Israeli op slandering him after he jewwed the jews.

It's telling me I need a subscription to read it so the question becomes why do you have a subscription to The Daily Jew? Show real flag.

Lmao @ christcucks
Your silly book is subverted to hell and back. You just trust that it's magically pure after 2,000 years because it says so. It's so laughably asinine. I'll wait for Christ to come back and set the record straight before I listen to manipulative fake old news and subverted usefuls like you.

Also how could a plan generations in the making be made by a guy in his 30's? You got duped retard.

atheists are so gay lmao

What's this I hear about you nazi punks doubting our President's love for this great country? I didn't spend my whole life waving the flag to have some disrespectful kid spit on the only democratic country in the Middle East that holds Jude-Christian values! Do you have any IDEA how many brave men (and women) have fought and died for your freedom? Do me a favor: read your Bible, read the Constitution, read REAL History, and talk to me when you've repented for your sins.

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Based. Wtf I love Jews jewing jewy Jews jewing other Jews.

Swing and a miss retard, rofl. Didn't say I was an atheist either. Christcuck IQ everyone.

>He wants Greater Israel
Even more vile than that.

Kushner is a Lubavitcher - apocalyptic, genocidal Jewish supremacists who believe that once the Jews bring about the apocalypse their god will give THE ENTIRE EARTH to the Jews.

The Jews will then rule as the Pharaohs they have always imagined themselves to be, while the surviving goyim will be forced to serve them and worship them.

Yeah, nah, I think we'll genocide them instead.

This means any White Christian if you weren't aware.

>t. total fucking retard

Why try to understand Jews if you're not going to understand their history or their religious texts?

Judaism had ceased to be a living faith at the time of the ministry of Christ. The entire religious structure of Jews today is based off of their murder of Christ. This is something that actually happened in history lol. Even if you're a total brainlet pagan if you never try to understand the religious motivations of groups you're never going to understand why they're doing what they're doing. I'm not proselytizing you I'm teaching you history.

Young man, I don't know what your major malfunction is, but I am sick to death of people like you calling me names simply because I happen to be man enough to have my own opinions. I've read all about your little games in Bullies by Ben Shapiro. Trust me, they won't work.

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Didn't say I haven't read it, I'm saying I've read it and know enough about it based on the various movements throughout its lifespan to know it's subverted bullshit.
Assuming and projecting is what retards do. Try again.

They'll try user but the same thing that happened thousands of years ago will happen again.
Jesus returns (probably already here) and remove Zionists and burn all sinners.
The rapture will most likely be a nuclear war triggered by BB stealing the election, getting rid of the dome of the rock, claiming greater Israel, and triggering world war 3.

Hey old retard, you called me a heretic for having my old opinion. Wew lad you're a total fucking moron to take the highground now.

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>The rapture will most likely be a nuclear war
Nukes aren't real. It's Jewish fear porn.

Yep. Soros is behind this.

They aren't Jews; they're the synagogue of satan mentioned in the bible.

These people are pure evil. Their energy and life force is derived from sucking the energy and life force out of non-members of their cult.

They are so evil that the bible had to call them out in the end times for all their sins.

All these antiKushner threads makes me wonder...

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>Kushner is a danger to humanity
He really is. He wants to be the next Kissinger on steroids with a horde of financial resources.

Nothing he does is good. And he doesn't even look human

Funny how Soros the Nazi is funding Kushner and friends to remove white Christians from America.


Kushner is not the Antichrist no matter how hard he tries to meme it.

You fucking Qfaggots are all suffering from fucking dementia

Holy fucking shit we’re all so fucking fucked, how could I not see it sooner

Soros has been working with Trump and Kushner for a long time, user.

You know what the problem with your generation? You kids grew up with everything handed to you and now you have no respect for those of us who actually work for a living so you can have a good cry in your little safe space or whatever.

Probably not anti-christ but definitely considered a Zionist messiah or prophet.
Zionists consider the Messiah to be a human king or leader, not somebody born into it. They have to PROVE they are messiah, and currently the theory is Kushner's attempt to bring a "peace deal" to the middle east will solidify his messiah status among zionists

I think Kushner is doing it behind Trumps back. Trump doesn't know about Soros wanting to remove Christians from the USA.

Trump knows everything about Kushner...
you don't think Trump would notice articles like this?

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>Soros the globalist open borders anti white jew is a nazi

Nobody's buying your memeflag defense of your new messiah, Shlomo.

Show flag first.

He means all borders and making Great Israel.

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Soros is literally is a Jewish Nazi that wants to kill White Christians.

I bet Trump responded with: "OK, you can come to my house and fuck my daughter."

>m-mmeme flag
Says the guy using a fake plutocracy larping as a nation as his flag. At least mine has some history fighting globo homo, you Americans ARE globo homo.

Also you ignored second link where he directly says "we need more open borders for free movement of goods and capital"

Synagogue of satan
They are literally mentioned in the bible. They are so evil that they had to be called out by name

>jewish nazi
Whatchya doin fbi agent ramirez?

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Trump is a zionist puppet and he isn't your friend. The feel good shit is all a carefully crafted lie. Israel is the swamp.

Gr8 b8 m8, r8 8/8

he's right, JIDF.
Everybody knows if someone refuses to remove their memeflag it's 100% an Israeli flag behind it.

>I think Kushner is doing it behind Trumps back.
>...a big fan of Israel!

This, this administration is beyond insidious if you’re paying attention. Libtard and redditors have no idea.


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So you think Trump knows about the Kushner/Soros plan to remove white Christians from the United States?

Here kike.
I don't care if your worthless agency knows where I am at.

soros isnt in league with the right wing zionists you fucking retard hes a lefty abomination who calls out jewish tribalism

I think he tries too hard to actually be the Antichrist, but he is dangerous due to his desire to be the Antichrist.

He would certainly help finance the AC, help provide propaganda, and provide political support.

Basically, Kushner would call the AC a dear, beloved friend; almost like family.

Because Kushner is being pivoted by All of international Chabad, Trump, MBS and Netanyahu to create the peace deal out of the book of Daniel. Kushner isn’t some sole mastermind.

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Soros is connected to Kushner and funded him for 250 million.

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It’s almost like people are waking up to the satanic propaganda forced down their throats by both sides since 2016.

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Painfully underrated post.

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I'm okay with this. Muslims should be erased from the face of the earth.

So Soros lent Trump money?

Fuck bro this is getting scary.

Hey guy, if you're going to hate Soros you should learn his history.

Soros 101:

Soros *LITERALLY* worked for the nazis rounding up valuables from Jews, and he said it was the happiest time of his life.

Literally Jewish blood working for nazis stealing Jewish possessions, and it was the happiest time of his life.

Ok, but you claimed earlier that Soros is trying to get rid of white people. Why would a jew turned SS do that?

Thought that was bad?
Trump got bailed out by the Rothschilds in the 80s for billions.
He essentially sold his soul at that point.

I've said for over a year that those 50,000 sealed indictments are more likely to be for redpilled conspiracy theorists than deepstate criminals.

Complete projection. No one ever had it easier than baby boomers. No one ever had a better economy to grow up with and fucking squander like you did. No one ever destroyed their ancestry and squandered the wealth of their ancestors at the same time in one single generation. Boomers are a fucking plague and now they’re a bunch of dumb fucking christfag jewloving dementia suffering fucktards

You wouldn’t last a fucking year in our shoes, you’re the most pedantic, petulant worthless pieces of shit to ever exist in the history of mankind